Two days later. V  has woken up and knows she lost the baby. She denied it at first but she has accepted it now. She was brought home from the hostpital earlier today.

It is about 1:00 pm. The Gatehouse. Ned is downstairs in the living room. There are boxes all around filled with costumes and props and such things. Alexis comes down the stairs in her pajamas.

“Whoa!” Alexis said. “It looks like a tornado hit.” Alexis commented laughing. She disappeared into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

“Well, not quite.” Ned said clasping his hands together.

“Care to elaborat on that?” Alexis asked coming back into the living room.

“Well, the Nurses Ball is in two weeks.” Ned hinted coyly.

Alexis, having just caught was he was hinting at looks shocked, her eyes huge with amusment.

“Oh no Ned. I am NOT doing an act in the Nurses Ball. You are welcome-“ Alexis was cut off.

“Oh come on Alexis! Please!!” Ned begged with a puppy dog face.

“Ned, I can’t sing, I can’t dance I can’t do anything!” Alexis said setting her coffee down on the table trying to back away from him as he was trying to corner her.

“I’ll teach you!” Ned said. “Here, how about tap-dancing?” he asked pulling out a pair of shoes of a box.

“No!!” Alexis said going over to sit in an armchair.

“Fine.” Ned said pouting.

“Ned, You are welcome to sing TO me. I am just incapable of learning or doing any kind of sing or dance routine of any kind or anything that resmbles performing.” She said.

“Right.” Ned said nodding sadness in his eyes.

Sighing Ned sat down gloomily on the couch.

Alexis couldn’t stand it any more.

“Okay, okay! I surrender.” Alexis said standing up.

“Really?” Ned asked his eyes lighting up.

“It’s better than watching my husband mope around the house for days-and don’t tell me that you won’t because I know you Ned. You’ll mope around until I give in.” She said smiling. “Just be careful. Remember you’re dealing with a pregnant woman here.” She told him wagging a finger at him in a warning motion.

“Okay, great! So what she’ll we do?” He asked excitedly pulling her up on her feet.

“How the hell should I know? You’re the expert.”  She said helplessly.

There was a knock at the door and Alexis went to answer it.

She opened the door to reveal Jax, Brenda, Jerry and Bobbie.

“Hey. What’s going on?” Brenda asked.

“I just surrendered my dignity.” Alexis told her.

Brenda and the others looked around the living room of all the boxes of costumes and props.

“Ned got you to do the Nurses Ball.” Brenda guessed.

“Yes!” Alexis cried. “Something I swore I would never do.”  She said.

“Ah. I know the feeling.” Brenda told her putting her arm around her shoulders and leading her to the couch so she could sit down.

“Come on, we’ll help you think of any easy, pain-free number to do.” Brenda told her confidendly.

Alexis Brenda and Jax sit on the couch. Jerry sits in one armchair and Ned sits in the one next to Alexis. Bobbie sits on the arm of the couch next to Alexis.

“What about ‘Going to the Chapel’?” Bobbie suggests.

Ned and Alexis look at her.

“Are you crazy?!” They both say at the same time.

“Okay, wrong tune.” Bobbie mutters under her breath.

“No wedding tunes.” Ned says and Alexis mouths thank you to her husband.

“Alright how about some kind of a 50’s or 60’s song?” Brenda suggested.

“I guess that would OK.” Alexis said nodding with her arms folded.

“ Um…’Personality’?” Jax said.

“Uh…No.” Alexis said.

“Something to do with a baby.” Brenda instructed.

“Uh…” Jax started to say but was interupted by V and Simon’s presence in the room, who had started down the stairs. They had both been staying with Ned and Alexis. Simon was supporting V by having his arm around V’s waist on her back. They had both obviously been crying.

“How are you two?” Ned asked sincerely.

“We’re holding in there.” Simon said.

“We thought we could use something to get our minds off it for a while.” V told them, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

“Alexis gave into Ned and they are going to do a number at the Nurses’ Ball.” Jax informed them.

“Alexis dancing?” V asked looking at Alexis doubtfully.

Alexis looked down trying to avoid her eyes.

“Well it’s not my fault! He knows my weak point.” Alexis joked.

“What’s that?” Brenda asked.

Alexis looked down again trying to avoid answering the question.

“He gave you those puppy dog eyes didn’t he?” Brenda inquired.

Alexis nodded a smile emerging.

Everyone laughed.

“Hey Alexis, I know what you can do!”  V cried.

“What?” Alexis asked her.

“What if you two do something with Brooke?” she suggested.

“Hey that’s a great idea. Honey?” Alexis asked her husband.

“I love it.” Ned told her.

“We still don’t have a song though.” Alexis said.

“How about ‘Good Vibrations’?” Bobbie suggested.

“Hey yeah. I love that song.” Alexis said.

“You’re not going to believe this.” Ned said laughing “But that’s Brooke’s favorite song.”

“Her favorite song is a Beach Boys Song?” Jerry questioned.

“Lois loves the Beach Boys. I’m sure she plays their songs all the time.” Ned told them.

Alexis looked down at the mention of Ned’s ex-wife.

Ned squeezed her hand to let her know it was okay.

Everyone’s thoughts were interupted by Brooke’s cries from upstairs.

“I’ll go see what’s wrong.” Alexis said carefully getting up with the help of Brenda.

Alexis headed up the stairs to Brooke’s room

Brooke’s room. She is crying from her bed.

Alexis comes rushing in and sits on the edge of the bed and picks Brooke up and hold her in her arms.

“Ssshhh, sshhh, What’s the matter Brooke?” Alexis asked comforting the little girl.

Brooke started to calm down at the sound of Alexis’ voice.

“Come on let’s go sit over here.” Alexis said and moved to the rocking chair in the corner.  “Now tell me what’s wrong.” Alexis said rocking back and forth. Brooke has her head buried in Alexis’ hair. Brooke has queited down and she only sobs every once and awhile.

“Lexi, I had a bad dream.” Brooke said through her tears.

“Oohh, it’s okay, it was just a dream. Besides, I have a favor to ask you.” Alexis whispered to Brooke.

“What?” Brooke said trying to wipe the tears across her face. Alexis takes a tissue from the table beside her and wipes her tears away and then turns her around so she is facing forward on Alexis’ lap but Alexis still had her arms around Brooke.

“I heard that your favorite song is ‘Good Vibrations’.” Alexis told her.

Brooke smiles and nods.

“How would you like to dance and sing to that song with your daddy and me at the Nurses Ball in a couple of weeks?” she asked Brooke.

“What’s the Nurses Ball?” Brooke asked curiosly.

“Well, it’s a kind of party and a dance that raises money for people who are sick.” She told Brooke.

Brooke thinks about this for a while and then nods.

“Okay, I’ll do it!” she says happily.

“Great. You want to go downstairs for a while?” she asks Brooke.

Brooke nods.

Alexis picks her up again and gets up and Brooke buries her face in her hair again and they go downstairs.