Two months later. Lois suffered from brain injuries and died nearly six weeks ago. Brooke knows and has some what adjusted to her new home. Ned gets custody of Brooke because Gloria didn’t want to keep Brooke from her father. Alexis is showing a lot now. She’s about five or six months.
Zander and Emily were married about two weeks ago on the beach privatly with just their closest friends, including Ned and Alexis. 

Ned and Alexis arrived home to find Stefan waiting on the porch.

Alexis approched him.

“This is a great house!” Stefan told her.

Alexis looked at him perplexed.

“What?” he asked innocently.

“Don’t you what me. Stefan Cassadine doesn’t use phrases like this is a great house. What’s going on with you?” she asked.

Stefan smiled seductivly.

“You and Chloe are getting closer aren’t you?” she asked teasing him.

“Okay, we didn’t come here to discuss my personal life. Now what is the problem?” Stefan asked.

“There’s the Stefan I know and love!” Alexis exclaimed.

“Come on in.” Alexis said leading him inside.

Alexis and Stefan sat in the kitchen at the table.

Alexis looked at Stefan and questioned him.

“Okay, so if not to discuss your personal life, then what?” she asked.

“Okay I surrenered. I need your help with something with Chloe.” Stefan said.

“Sure, what?” she asked.

Stefan pulled out a velvet box to reveal three engagement rings.

“Which one would Chloe like?” he asked, a rare smile forming on his face.

“Oh my gosh Stefan! You’re going to ask Chloe to marry you! She’s going to be so happy!” Alexis said hugging him.

“Um…I think that one. Alexis said pointing to the middle ring which was made of dimand clusters and saphaires.

“yes, that’s the one I liked too. Where’s Ashton? I want his opinion too.” Stefan said.

“You want what?” Alexis asked in disbelief.

“I like the Saphaires too.” Ned said smiling behind her.

“Just think of how Edward will react. Another Quartermaine-Cassadine marriage.” He said smiling and they all laughed. Then Stefan left to go see Chloe.


Sunday morning, Alexis lay awake watching Ned sleep. Ned sensed he was being watched and his eyes fluttered open.

“Hi Beautiful.” He said smiling up at her.

“Hi.” She said with a faint smile.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Ned asked her concerned.

“Oh Nothing. I was just thinking.” Alexis said pausing. “About my Mother.” She said sadly.

Ned nodded and embraced her in a hug.

“Well I think I know to make you feel better.” Ned said mischviously.

“Oh.” She said. Then realizing what he meant, “Oh!” she exclaimed.

And they both pulled the covers up over their heads.


Emily stood by the phone and sighed. She needed to talk to someone and there was only one person she knew she could talk to about this particular subject. She picked up the phone and dialed Ned and Alexis’ phone number. It rang four times before anyone picked it up.

“Hello?” Emily heard Alexis’ soothing voice on the other end of the phone.

“Hi Alexis, it’s Emily.” Emily said in a panicked voice.

“Em, what’s wrong?” Alexis asked sitting up in bed, when she heard Emily’s panicked voice.
Ned looked over, concerned.

“Oh, nothing really. I just need to talk to you. Can I come over?” Emily asked.

“Uh, yeah sure.” Alexis said, then she paused and said, “It’s about your mom isn’t it?” she asked softly.

“Yes.” Emily managed to choke out. 

Then they hung up and Alexis  closed her eyes. If only she knew. She thought and she began to get dressed despite Ned’s desprate pleadings.

Meanwhile, Emily gave Zander a quick kiss good-bye and told him where she was headed before going down to try and start the car. When it wouldn’t start Emily sighed frustrated.

“Fine. I’ll take the bus.” She said to herself.

The bus stop wasn’t very far from here. I’ll just walk. Emily thought.


“I wonder where Emily is. She said she would only be an hour.” Alexis said to Ned.

“Don’t worry sweetie. I’m sure she just got stuck in traffic.” Ned said kissing her cheek.

The phone rang and Ned answered it.

“Hello?” he said into the reciever.

“Ned, it’s A.J.” A.J.’s voice filled Ned’s ear.

“Junior, what do you want?” he asked irritated.

“Ned, It’s Em.” He said quietly.

Right away, Ned could tell something was wrong.

“Oh god. What happened?” Ned asked fearful. Alexis heard his fear and rushed to his side.

“Em’s in the hostpital. She was in the train wreck.” He said.

“Oh no. We’ll be right there.” Ned said and hung up the phone.

“Come on, get your jacket.” He told Alexis.

“Ned! What happened?” Alexis asked panicked picking up her jacket.

“Emily was in the trainwreck. She’s at GH.” Ned said.

“Oh God no. no no no!” Alexis screamed, tears running down her face.

“Ned, it’s all my fault- if I hadn’t told her to come over, this never-“ Alexis said crying.

“Alexis, don’t do this again, like you did with Chloe. Emily’s accident wasn’t your fault. Now let’s go.” He said and they left for GH.


Ned and Alexis arrive at GH. They see Edward, A.J., Monica, Alan, Lila, Skye and Chloe with Stefan at the entrance to ICU.

“Monica!” Ned yelled across the room and he ran to embrace her, with Alexis at his heels.

Ned talked to all the Quartermaines about Emily while Alexis stood apart from them.

Stefan walked over to her.

“Alexis? Are you Alright?” Stefan asked.

Alexis turned around startled with tears in her eyes. She turned to face her brother.

“Oh Stefan, this is all my fault!” she said.

“What do you mean? This couldn’t posssibly be.” He told her.

“Yes it is. Emily was on her way over to our house and I told her she could!” Alexis cried.

“Alexis, Emily’s accident is not your fault. It’s just what it is. An accident!” Stefan told her firmly.

Stefan motioned for Chloe to come over and she responded.

“Alexis, Are you okay?” she asked.

“No, I’m not OK Chloe. I cause all the accidents around here. Your accident was my fault and now so is Emily’s. Maybe I should just leave.” She said tears streaming down her face.

“Alexis, my accident was not your fault. It’s not your fault that Helena decided to retaliate on the same night we switched places. And Em’s isn’t your either. How could it possibly be?” she asked.

“Emily was on her way to Ned and Alexis’ and Alexis told her to come.” Stefan informed her.

“Alexis, it’s not your fault. Now that’s final.” Chloe said and they joined the others, Alexis immediately clung to Ned’s side.

“Shhhh, it’s okay.” Ned whispered to her comforting her.

“Alexis are you Alright?” Monica asked and everyone else looked on.

“Alexis is convinced that Em’s accident is her fault since she was on her way to our place and Alexis told her to.” Ned told everyone.

“Oh, Alexis that’s not your fault. You didn’t know that Em’s car wouldn’t start. That’s not your fault.” Monica said and everyone else said encouring words to her too.

“Why don’t you go in and see her?” Alan suggested.

“Will you come with me?” she asked Ned.

Ned nodded and they walked into her room.

“Alexis?” Emily’s voice cracked out and Alexis practically broke down at the sound but Ned encouraged her to continue.

“Yes, sweetie, it’s me.” Alexis said rushing over to her.

“Hi. Hi Ned.” She added.

“Hey, how are you doing?” Ned said quietly.

“I’ve had better days.” She said smiling.

They all laughed.

“Where’s Zander?” Alexis asked surprised he wasn’t here.

“They can’t find him. Or Lucky, Liz, Nik or Gia.” She told them.

“I’ll track them down. Ok Em?” Ned offered.

“Thanks Ned.” She said

“Don’t be long.” Alexis said and Ned squeezed her hand before walking out.

“Em, I’m so sorry.” Alexis said as soon as Ned left.

“About what?” Emily asked from the strecher.

“If you hadn’t been coming-“ she started.

“Alexis don’t even. It’s not your fault. Period. The End.” Emily told Alexis.

Alexis nodded for Emily’s sake.

“Alexis can I ask you something?” she asked quietyly.

“Always.” Alexis said finding a chair so she could sit down.

“Do you think Paige would like Zander? See, that’s what I was going to see you about. I want her to be proud of me. I love Monica but sometimes I miss her SO much it hurts.” She said.

“Em, I think Paige would want you to marry whoever made you happy. So yes, I do think she would approve of Zander as long as you love him and he makes you happy.” Alexis said tears in her own eyes as the little memory she had of her mother came flooding back. And memories of Emily that no one else knew of came flooding back to her as well. She looked sadely at Emily and wished she could tell her what she knew.

“He does. I just hope Ned can find him.” Emily said.

“He will.” Alexis reassured her.