Chapter 15

Ned is at the Gatehouse working on a new song when Alexis walks down the stairs. She is wearing one of his shirts.

Ned: Wow nothing like a beautiful woman walking down the stairs to make a man's heart beat fast!

Alexis: (walking over to him and kissing him oh so passionately) Does that make your heart beat faster? (she teases as she turns to walk away)

Ned: Oh don't even think about going........ anywhere! (his hands start to explore her body, as her eyes light up from sheer enjoyment) Kiss me!

Alexis: Why should I (she says teasingly) What well I get out of it?

Ned:(looking up from kissing her neck) Me! (his hands start to wonder even more)

Alexis:(her lips now pressed slightly against his) Well now that sounds promising!

Ned:(he grabs her quickly as she lets out a scream he carries her over to the couch, and throws her down) Oh...... promises are what I do best.

Alexis: (pulling him on top of her.) Here I thought.......

Ned: (grabbing her face and pulling her into a deep passionate breath taking kiss) Okay second best. (she laughs) or is it third best?

Alexis: Oh I don't know that's a hard one, maybe we should go upstairs and figure it out together.

Ned: Now that sounds promising, but why do we need to go upstairs? (he sits up and starts to unbutton her shirt)

Alexis: (sitting up allowing Ned to remove her shirt) Now that's a good question.

Ned pulls his T-shirt over his head while Alexis begins unbuttoning his pants. There is a slight knock at the door, and Jax comes barging in.

Jax: Ashton we need to talk.(Jax quickly places his hands over his eyes and turns around) Sorry guys!

Ned: (grabbing his shirt covering Alexis half naked body, while Yelling at Jax) Didn't anyone ever teach you to knock.

Alexis: Well technically he did. (Ned just looks at her and shakes his head)

Jax: I'm really sorry. Is she dressed yet?

Ned: No! (pulling Alexis off the couch and helping her button her shirt) Sweetheart why don't you go upstairs and get dressed. (he kisses her on the forehand)

Alexis: (whispering in his ear ) I told you we should have gone up stairs. (she laughs and starts to leave.) I might not get dressed, so don't take to long!

Ned: (rubbing the side of Alexis's face before turning around to look at Jax) Now! You can turn around, but don't even think about looking at her legs.

Jax: (who can't help but look) Alexis I really am sorry, I swear I didn't see anything.

Alexis: (walking past Jax and up the stairs) That's okay Jax, but for future reference (she stops and turns to look at Ned) I prefer when Ned helps me..... unbutton..... my shirt. (she looks down, smiles and then continues up the stairs)

Ned: (beyond annoyed) Jax! I'm over here now stop looking at her!

Jax: (turning to look at Ned) You know mate you really need to chill out.

Ned: (yelling) And you need to learn how to knock! Now what the hell is so important!

Scene II

Ned & Jax are outside sitting on the porch, talking quietly.

Jax: Well I've been going over a few things and realized the only way to get rid of Helena is if we get some professional help.

Ned: (not knowing what to think) What exactly did you have in mind?

Jax: (not really sure how Ned's going to take it, decides to just spit it out) I asked Sonny Corinthos for help.

Ned: (yelling) You did what?

Jax: Ned quite, or Alexis will know we're up to something.

Ned: (calming down) Why out of all people did you ask Sonny for help? You know I can't stand him, neither can you for that matter.

Jax: You're right I can't stand Sonny, but he's our best bet. (Ned just sits there shaking his head) Ned he's got connection other people don't have.

Ned: I don't know Jax. I just can't shake this feeling that getting involved with Sonny is a mistake.

Jax: Listen Ned right now your main concern is for that woman upstairs and your unborn child.

Edward walks in overhearing Jax's last statement.

Edward: (yelling) So it's true that Cassidine is carrying your child.

Ned: (getting up) Quite down old man that Cassidine your talking about is the woman I love, and she's right inside I don't need you upsetting her.

Edward: (ignoring Ned) So when is she due? I've been told she's showing so it must be soon.

Ned: (raising his voice slightly) I said quite down!

Edward: I hope you have no intentions of marrying that..........that....... back stabber! Ned she is a Cassidine and she will destroy you if you let her. Remember Tony Jones!

Ned: (screaming at the top of his lungs) That's it Grandfather I've had enough I won't stand here and allow you to talk about her that way.

Alexis walks out the front door, she stands there listening. Ned doesn't notice her, and continues yelling at Edward.

Ned: I love her and that's all you need to know. Yes! She is pregnant and yes I do intend on marrying her.

Alexis: (still standing by the door looks shocked by Neds statement. But then suddenly remembers that night.) Oh my god Ned asked me to marry him and I never gave him an answer. (she says quietly to herself)

Edward: Well if Alexis means so much to you then why haven't you announced to the whole world she's pregnant with your child! (he notices Alexis) Are you ashamed of her Ned? Do you not want anyone to know that you will be raising a bastard Cassidine baby.

Ned: (who is now in total shock) I can't believe you just said that! I never knew you to be so cruel! But then again I guess that's where Tracy get's it from. (Ned notices Alexis stand against the front door with tears in her eyes) I want you to leave NOW Grandfather.

Ned walks away from him and walks over to Alexis. Edward follows him and so does Jax. Ned places his arms around Alexis and holds her tight. Alexis starts to put her head down on his shoulder, but then pulls away when she see's Edward walking towards them. Ned turns around.

Ned: I told you to leave.

Edward: I'm not leaving until I find out a couple of things.

Ned: Well I suggest you find them out somewhere else because your not wanted here.

Edward: (looking directly into Alexis's eyes) You did this on purpose didn't you? You figured the best way to keep Ned around would be to have his child! All you want is his damn money and power that comes from being a Quatermaine...........

Ned: That's enough......

Alexis: (looking at Ned) It's okay Honey I can defend myself. (looking back at Edward) I love your Grandson and he loves me. I didn't plan any of this. If I would have...... trust me........ I would picked a better time then this. My own family wants nothing to do with me and.......

Edward: See I told you Ned she only wants your money. Well young lady how much will it cost me to get rid of you once and for all? (Alexis is getting even more upset)

Jax: Well leave it to Edward to be......

Edward: You stay out this

Alexis:(yelling) I don't want your money.(bending down and putting her hands on her stomach) Ned! (she grabs his hand and places her head against his stomach before letting out a scream) Ned it hurts, oh god it hurts so bad! Please Make it stop. just make it stop!

Ned drops to his knees taking Alexis down with him.

Ned; Alexis......Sweetheart calm down is going to be okay.

Jax: Isn't it to early for her to go into labor?

Ned: Yes she's not due for another two months. (looking up at Edward and yelling) Jax get rid of him and get the car. We're taking her to the hospital.

Jax:( grabbing Edward's arm) Let's go old man. I think you've done enough damage for one day.

Ned: I swear old man you're going to pay for this.

Jax and Edward leave. Ned just sitting there closes his eyes while tears slowly run down his face. He holds on to Alexis for dear life, he feels helpless as she screams out in sheer pain!

Ned: (looking up and mouthing so Alexis can't hear him) God please don't let her lose this baby!


Chapter 16

General Hospital

Ned: (Carrying Alexis screaming) Help I need help over here (A nurse comes running up to them) She's pregnant, I think she's gone into labor.

Nurse: Okay sir calm down, when is she due?

Ned:(panicking) I don't know.......uh (Alexis screams) um.......she's due in about two months.

Alexis: (trying to catch her breath) The baby isn't due till the end of next month.

Nurse: Talking to an orderly let's get her into a room and call Dr.Roberts he's on call tonight! (looking at Alexis) It's going to be alright, you need to try and calm down.

Alexis: (grabbing Ned's hand) Don't leave promise (she screams out in pain) promise me you won't leave me. (Ned kisses her forehead) I'm so scared it hurts so bad!

Ned: (walking with them towards an open room) Don't worry I'll never leave you! I love you! (Alexis tries to smile through her tears)

Dr. Roberts: Hello Alexis how are you feeling?

Alexis: It hurts so bad.

Dr.Roberts: (looking at Alexis's chart, while the Nurse is adjusting the fetal monitor.) Okay we need to do a full exam and then we'll know more about what's going on. We're first going to see if your dilated then we're going to do a Sonogram. So Alexis have you decided if you want a boy or a girl?

Alexis: (screaming yet again in pain) Right now all I want.......... is it out!

Dr. Roberts: Well it seems your two centermeters dilate and your baby's heart is beating strong. I'm going to give you some medication to stop the contractions.

Ned: It won't hurt the baby will it?

Dr. Roberts: No trust me hundreds of women go into premature labor all the time. Now what does have me concerned is the fact that one, her blood pressure is a little to high.

Ned:isn't that common.....

Dr. Roberts: It's still higher then I'd like.

Alexis: (the medication is starting to kick in and she's calming down) What else is wrong Doctor?

Dr.Roberts: Well you did bleed a little which has me concerned. So what I'm going to do is keep you in the hospital for a while just as a precaution. (You can see the fear in Alexis's eyes) Don't worry everything should be fine, as long as you calm down and stay in bed. I'll be back to check on you later. (turning to talk to the Nurse) Let's get her moved to a private room.

Nurse: Yes Doctor. Right away. (they leave)

Ned: (looks at Alexis and smiles.) Everything is going to be fine.

Alexis; Ned I'm so sorry......

Ned: Sorry about what....(Alexis starts to say something) There is nothing for you to be sorry about.

Alexis: I should have know better.........I mean between your family and mine this baby doesn't have a chance.......

Ned: Hey the Doc said everything will be fine. The baby is going to be happy and health. Remember it's part Quatermaine and part Cassidine do you really think it's going to give up without a fight.

Alexis : But Ned..... (a nurse walks in).

Ned: We'll talk about this later right now let's just get you into your own room. (whispering in her ear) So I can have my way with you.(she just laughs as they wheel her upstairs)

Scene II

Alexis is getting settled into her room while Ned is down in the cafeteria getting something to eat. He sits in silence starring at his cup of coffee while thinking how useless he feels. Jax walks in and sits down.

Jax: Hey the Doctor says she's going to be fine.

Ned: Do you know what it's like to just sit back and not be able to do anything, while the woman you love is screaming at you to make the pain go away. (looking up at Jax) I'm sorry I know you do. It's just.........I feel like I let her down today.

Jax: Ned you didn't let her down. The only way you could have possible done that, is if you weren't here. You held her hand and even though you couldn't stop the pain you did help her calm her fears. Just think what she would have been like if you weren't right there by her side.

Ned: I don't even what to. (tears start forming in his eyes) Jax I love her so much. It just seems like something always goes wrong. Helena wants her dead and that night......oh god that night (you can see the tears in his eyes getting heavier as he speaks) when I thought I lost them both.............I didn't know how I was going to go on. And now she still might lose the baby, all because of my damn family.

Jax: Ned I know it's hard but you have to think positive. (Ned shakes his head) Fine if you can't do it for your self at least do it for Alexis.

Ned: (getting up) I have no intentions of letting Alexis know just how useless or scared I am. She should be settled in her room by now. I'm going to check on her, I'll talk with you later.

Scene III

Ned is on his way to Alexis's room when he runs into his Grandfather.

Edward: How is she?

Ned: Why do you even care?

Edward: Because she is after all caring my Great Grandchild.

Ned: You mean the bastard Cassidine baby.

Edward: Okay I deserve that. (there's a moment of silence and Ned starts to walk away) I overheard the nurse's speaking. I had no idea she was that far along. To just look at her you'd never even know she was pregnant.

Ned: How do you think we got as far as we did without telling anyone. We'll almost anyone.

Edward: So everyone knew but me.

Ned: No she never told Stefan either. See he's just another factor in her life that she doesn't need right now kinda like you!

Edward: Ned I would never hurt your child.

Ned: No............Just kill it, right! (he walks away as Edward just stands there and for the first time realizes how close Alexis came to losing her baby, all because of his actions.)

Scene IV

Alexis is asleep in her room when Helena walks in and stands over her bed.

Helena: (talking quietly) Dear Alexis I see your still hanging on. Well you must be part Cassidine. Your father never quit no matter what. If it wasn't for Luke Spencer he'd still be alive (walking closer to Alexis) and if it wasn't for me you'd still be alive.( she starts to pull something out of her pocket, when Ned walks over grabs her arm and pulls her outside)

Ned:What the hell where you doing in there? If you know what's good for you, you'll leave her alone. Now I am sick in tried of every time I turn around you are in her face.

Helena:My my Mr. Ashton you have such passion for a .........

Ned:I'd watch it Helena......

Helena: Oh it's you Mr. Ashton who needs to watch it.

Alexis: (screaming from inside the room) Ned.....

Ned: (looks back at the door before turning around to Helena) Get the hell out of here, Now! (He walks into the room & over to her bed) Alexis Honey I'm right here.

Alexis: (taking his hand) I thought I heard noises before, is everything alright?

Ned: (not wanting to upset her) Everything is fine. You probably just overheard me taking to our baby earlier that's all. (he smiles at her before pressing his lips against her's)

Alexis: Will you stay here with me a while? I don't want to be alone? (Ned sits up on the bed resting his back against the pillow while pulling her close ) I love you Ned!

Ned just kisses her on the forehead and smiles at her. Meanwhile Helena has been watching them threw the door. She smiles her evil smile and starts to walk away muttering under her breath.......

Helena: Oh my Dear Natasha I'll just have to save killing you for another day.





Chapter 16

3 days later Alexis was released from the hospital, she agreed to stay with Ned at the Gatehouse. Meanwhile Jax & Sonny were making plans to rid Helena unaware that Helena was making plans to rid the world of Ned Ashton.


Ned:(answering his cell phone) Ashton!

Jax:(on the other end) Has Alexis agreed to go away with you yet?

Ned: I haven't discussed it with her yet. She's been sleeping since I brought her home.

Jax: You need to talk to her as soon as possible, the two of you being out of town when everything goes down is vital to our plan.

Ned:(hearing Alexis come down stairs) Consider it done! (he hangs up)

Alexis: Who was that?

Ned: Just business. How are you feeling?

Alexis: Like I'm 50 pounds over weight!

Ned: (laughing) You haven't gained near that much. (taking her hands) Come here sit with me. (they walk over and sit on the couch) You know that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, and being pregnant just makes you that much more beautiful.

Alexis:Okay you have that look in your eyes and that tone in your voice, what do you want?

Ned: (grinning) I tell you you're beautiful and you think I have an alternative motive?

Alexis: Yes!

Ned: Okay counselor you win I do. I want you to escort me on a trip.


Ned: Well I booked a cabin just outside town. I figured we could build a fire and just spend so quite time together talking about our life together.

Alexis: Together?

Ned: Yes together. Like where we're going to live after the baby is born, and what....

Alexis: We?

Ned: (tickling her side) Yes will you keep quite and listen to me.

Alexis: (laughing) I'll keep quite if you stop tickling me.

Ned: Deal. Now where was I?.......Oh yes in front of the fire, talking about baby names, and (starring in her eyes) our wedding...

Alexis: I never agreed to marry you.

Ned: I thought you promised to be quite?

Alexis; I did I'm sorry, but I still never agreed.

Ned: It was an oversight I forgive you.

Alexis: Well for one thing you never properly asked and for another thing you never gave me a ring.

Ned: (standing her in front of her and taking her hands) Something we'll have to rectify when we get back, now get your coat we're going to your suite.


Ned: So you can pack.

Alexis: I never said I would go away with you.

Ned: (kissing her on the forehead) You never said you wouldn't either. Now get in the car.

Alexis: (as Ned' pushing her out the door) What about your clothes?

Ned: Who says I need any? (grinning) They're in the car.

Scene II

The Docks

Helena: Mr Ashton is becoming a bigger problem then I had expected, it's time we dismissed with him permanently.

Henchman: What would you like me to do?

Helena: I want him found and brought to me.

Henchman: Yes ma'am. (he starts to walk away)

Helena; I want him unharmed, now be gone.

Meanwhile Alexis is in the her room packing while Ned is on the phone with Sonny.

Ned: Is everything going as planned.

Sonny; Yes. I take it you and Alexis will be leaving soon?

Ned: As soon as she's done packing we're out of here. It is going to look like an accident, right.

Sonny: Don't worry I've done this before.

Ned; I know that's what scares me.

Alexis: (walking out of the room) What scares you?

Ned: I've gotta go Keep in touch. (hanging up) Just business sweetheart nothing to worry about. (walking over to her and taking her bags) Are you ready to go?

Alexis; Yes, but do you think we should call the doctor and make sure it's okay if we leave?

Ned: Alexis everything will be fine besides we aren't going that far and the doctor did tell you to avoid stress. So what better way then two days in my arms in front of a roaring fire.

Alexis: okay you win Just don't expect me to roast marshmallows with ya, I hate marshmallows.

Ned: Good for a minute there a thought you were going to tell me you want to make s'mores.

Alexis: Yuck they're gross besides I'd much rather eat chocolate covered strawberries.

Ned: Me too now let's go.



Chapter 17

Everyone seems to be in place. Jax is at his Penthouse having a business meeting with some out of town businessmen. Sonny is at the Grill having dinner with Jason. While Ned and Alexis are comfortable sitting in front of a fire in their cabin. Helena is on the docks talking to her henchman about not being able to find Mr. Ashton.

Helena: What do you mean you can't find him, that's what I pay you for.

Aires: I'm sorry, don't worry I'll find him.

Meanwhile Sorrel and two of his men come walking down the docks, and literally run into Helena and Aires.

Helena: Excuse me but I think a man of your statue would have better manors.

Sorrel: I'm sorry ma'am I didn't see you standing there.

Helena; apparently not.

Sorrel: Well a lot could be said about your manors as well.

Helena: Well I never.....

Sorrel: Maybe that's your problem, would you like to?

They begin arguing as a speed boat comes flying by and starts shooting at everyone. Aires throws Helena to the ground as Sorrels men start firing back.

Scene II

Alexis is leaning against Ned in front of the fire. They've been talking for hours.

Alexis: Thank you so much Ned Ashton. I really needed this it's so peaceful here.

Ned: I'm glad you like it here maybe after the baby is born we can bring him with us next time.

Alexis: Him?

Ned; Yes I've decided you having a boy. Sorry I meant we're having a boy.

Alexis: Oh you have, have you, well I for one think it's a girl. (just then Ned's cell phone rings)

Ned: (picking it up) Ashton

Jax: Ned it's me.

Ned; Everything alright?

Jax: It appears to be.

Ned: (upset) What do you mean appears to be.

Jax: Well everything went fine except when the police arrived Helena wasn't anywhere to be found.

Ned: (getting up and yelling) What? (Alexis looks at him and is begining to worry) Where the hell is she?

Jax: We don't know. Sonny has his men keeping an eye out for her.

Ned: I was under the impression that Sonny's men were already doing that. (Alexis hearing Sonny's name now knows something terrible has happened)

Jax: They were but they had to leave before the police arrived. Johnny said he's pretty sure Helena was hit.

Ned: (getting louder) Well that's not good enough. (he turns and realizes he must explain everything to Alexis) Listen get up here, we need to change our game plan. (he hangs up)

Alexis:(upset) What's going on?

Ned: Alexis you need to calm down....

Alexis: (yelling) Ned...

Ned: (walking over to her and placing his hands on her shoulders forcing her to sit back down) I don't even know where to start.....

Alexis: Ned your scaring me. Whose coming up here and why.

Ned: Jax and there isn't anything to be scared about.

Alexis: Then what's going on?

Ned: Alexis I just didn't want anything to happen to you. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you.

Alexis:(with a stern voice) Ned what did you do?

Scene II

Ned seeing no other choice begins to tell Alexis everything straight out.

Ned: I asked Jax who ask Sonny to help me get rid of Helena.

Alexis: (shocked) Get rid of......I don't like the sound of this.... Ned what happened?

Ned:(taking her face in his hands) I'm not sure but apparently things didn't work out as planned. We'll know more when Jax get's here.

Alexis: (extremely upset) I can't believe you did this Ned!

Ned: I'm sorry but it was the only way.

Alexis: (yelling) Is she dead?

Ned: I don't know Jax said she was hit.

Alexis: Hit?

Ned: Yes it was suppose to look like a gang war.

Alexis: (getting up and pacing) Great so who else got hit?

Ned: I don't know. I wasn't told the exact details just where and when.

Alexis: Accomplice after the fact. No your honor he didn't kill her he just.....came up with the plan......hired outside help........(yelling) and knew where and when.

Ned:(walking over to her) Alexis please don't be mad at me. I did it for you, for us, for our child. I don't want you living in fear of her anymore.

Alexis: I'm not mad at you because you tried to have her killed. How could I, when I've been guilty of the same crime......I'm upset because......

Ned: (shocked) WHAT?

Alexis:(yelling) I'm mad at you because you didn't tell me what you planned on doing.

Ned: Wait a second could we just back up here. (yelling) When did you try and kill Helena?

Scene III

Alexis faces goes blank as she realizes she now must confess her part in Katherine' first death.

Alexis: Remember when Katherine fell?

Ned: Yes. (they just look at each other and Ned can see it in her eyes) You didn't.

Alexis: (quietly) I did.

Ned: Why didn't you ever tell me.

Alexis: I couldn't.

Ned: Why not?

Alexis: Because things between us at the time were never right when it happened we weren't speaking to each other.

Ned: (sadness feels his eyes) Fine but after we got back together why didn't you tell me?

Alexis: I don't know....... fear partially.

Ned: Fear?

Alexis: Yes I was afraid if I told'd hate me and leave. (tears form in her eyes) Like you always do..

Ned doesn't know how to responded to her and they just stare at each other in silence.





Chapter 18

Ned and Alexis stare at each other in total silence for a good 15 mintues before Alexis finaly speaks out.

Alexis: (crying) I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just that everytime something goes wrong or I do something that you don't understand....

Ned: I leave. Your right, you can say it.

Alexis: Ned.....

Ned: No Alexis don't, I want to know how you feel. I want you to be able to tell me anything without being afraid of losing me. It's my own damn fault, and I know it. Don't cry Alexis....... come here. (she walks over to him and he hugs her)

Alexis: I know you expected better from me, but......

Ned: (pulling her away) Who me, think better of a Cassidine, not in your life!

Alexis: (putting her hands on her stomach) ouch!

Ned: Something the matter?

Alexis: No I'm fine, it's just the baby kick a little to hard.

Ned: (laughing) Don't worry before you know it this will all be over.

Alexis: Ouch me I can't wait.

Ned: (seeing that Alexis seems to be in pain) Why don't you go lye down and I'll fix you something to eat.

Alexis: Thanks. (she heads to the bedroom)

Ned: Of course I know this is only a way to get me to feel sorry for you and get out of this fight.

Alexis: (yelling from the other room) You better believe it.

Ned: (under his breathe) Good thing I love you. (sighing) Good thing she loves me.

Scene II

Ned walks into the bedroom to bring Alexis some hot tea and soup only to find her sound a sleep. He walks over to her covers her with the blanket and kisses her gently on the forehead.

Ned: (quitely) I'll do anything to protect you......anything at all. (just then Ned hears a knock on the door,and gets up to answer it)

Ned: (opening the door) Well it's about time!

Jax: Sorry it took so long but my car broke down about a mile back so I had to walk. (he walks over and stands in front of the fire)

Ned: It's cold out there, isn't it?

Jax; Very. Where's Alexis?

Ned: She's sleeping. I'm worried about her, she doesn't look to well.

Jax:: Did something happen?

Ned: No.......I just can't help but worry about her. (trying to shake off this bad feeling) So anyway what happened?

Jax: Like i said everything went as planned the only thing is Helena is no where to be found.

Ned: So basically we are worse off now then we were before.

Jax: I don't know Ned, Johnny was pretty sure she got hit.

Ned: Pretty sure isn't good enough, I need to know for sure. Have you heard from Sonny yet?

Jax: No but if you want I'll give him a call.

Ned: No I'll call him myself.

Scene III

Aires who was shoot in the arm tends to a very weak Helena. There is blood everywhere, Helena been hit twice. Once in the shoulder and once in the chest area.

Aires: Helena can you hear me?

Helena: (quitely) Yes. Where are we, What happened?

Aires:You've been shot. I brought you back to the yatch. I called your doctor he's on the way. As soon as he get's here we'll sail off.

Helena: (bearly breathing) Thank you.

Just then the Doctor walks in.

DR. How is she?

Aires: She's lost a lot of blood. She's been hit twice.

DR: It doesn't look good, I don't know if I can help her here.

Aires: Don't worry we are on our why to her hospital back in Greece.

DR.: I just hope she hangs on that long.

Scene III

Sonny, Jason, and johhny are back at the Penthouse, discusing the evening of events.

Sonny: What the hell went wrong? My men were suppose to make sure she died.

Johnny: I don't know.......They did shoot her I'm sure of it.

Jason: It doesn't matter now! What are we going to tell Ned? (the phone rings)

Sonny: (picking up the phone) Yea!

Ned: Sonny what the hell is going on?

Sonny: Nothing new.

Ned: What the hell is that suppose to mean?

Sonny: I don't know anymore then I did before. (seeing one of his men walk in) Wait a mintue.

Man: Helena's yatch just left the harbor. There were 3 passagners on board, her henchman, a doctor, and Helena. It doesn't look like she's goning to make it, she's lost alot of blood.

Sonny: Thanks. (to Ned) Helena left, she's still alive but barely.

Ned: Well with any luck she won't survive. (he hangs up)