Chapter 23

Ned And Alexis are in the limo on there way to the airport. Ned kisses Alexis softly at first but the kiss turns more into one of desire. Before long Alexis pushes Ned onto the floor, placing her body on top of his. She moves slightly not breaking the kiss and begins to remove his tie. Feeling her desire within him he begins to unbutton her shirt. Soon desire turns into passion and need as they begin to explore each other bodies with not only there kisses but with their hands. Ned unwilling pushes Alexis off of him and looks into her eyes.

Alexis: (with a sadness in her eyes) What?

Ned: Not here Alexis, let's wait. I want tonight to be perfect. I want tonight to be special......... a night neither one of us will ever forget.

Alexis:(kissing his chest & trying to remove his shirt) every time we make love Ned it's special.

Ned: (succumbing to the feel of her breath against his skin) I want you Alexis I really do........... it's just I think we should wait .

Alexis: (her kisses becoming more heated and her hands become more active) I don't want to wait. (she lifts her head and presses her lips against his)

Ned can't help but kiss her back, he wants her more now then ever. It's been six weeks since he's made love to her, since he's been this close to her. He grabs the side of her face with both his hands and pulls her into an even deep kiss. As he pushes off her blouse and undoes her bra the limo stops and the driver announce they're at the airport. Ned and Alexis breathe heavily and then just hold each other a few minutes before getting dressed.

Scene II

~~ELQ Jet

Alexis is sitting reading a magazine while Ned is up front confirming their destination.

Alexis: (getting up and kissing him lightly) well it's about time you came back I was starting to worry about you.

Ned:(placing his arm around her waist) I'd never go far..........and I'd also come back.

Alexis: I'm counting on that!

Ned; (Grabbing both of her hands and pulling her to the back of the plane) Come with me.

Alexis: Anywhere.

Ned opens the curtain and reviles the back room, Alexis' eyes light up.There are candles everywhere that are giving off a very sweet scent, while the most romantic music plays quietly in the background. There's a bed in the middle of the room covered with rose petals, and a small package lying on the pillow along with a dozen long stem red roses. Next to the bed is a bottle of chilled Champaign and two glasses. Ned hands Alexis a bag and tells her to go into the bathroom and change. When she comes out she is wearing a very reviling black lace teddy. Ned breathless as he walks over to her and picks her up, slightly off her feet and kisses her. He places her slowly on the bed and falls oh so lightly on top of her. She feels more comfortable now then she has ever felt in her life as he runs his fingers through her hair.

Alexis: (whispering in his ear) make love to me.

Ned: (kissing her neck and shoulders) is there anything else you want?

Alexis:(moaning from his touch) all I need is you!

Ned: (looking up and smiling at her) you've got me!

She slips his shirt off over his head and removes his pants, as he removes her teddy and kisses down her body. Before long the two of them are lost in each other's embrace as they make love for the first time as husband & wife.

Scene III

Ned and Alexis are sleeping soundly after making love for hours when Alexis suddenly jumps up and screams,

Alexis: My baby!

Ned: Alexis it's okay Christopher is home with the V and Simon. They're taking good care of him I promise.

Alexis: (in a cold sweet) Ned we should have never left him. He's to young to be without us, what if something goes wrong.

Ned: Alexis calm down everything's fine. (he picks up his cell phone and begins to dial)

Alexis: Who are you calling?

Ned: hey it's me my wife (smiling at her) wants to talk to you. (he hands her the phone she looks confused) It's V.

Alexis: (grabbing the phone) V how's Christopher?

V: Alexis he's fine, as a matter of fact he's right here next to me sound a sleep.

Alexis: (breathing easier) Thank you so much V and remember if anything happens you need to call me. If he so much as wakes up and seems a bit off I want you to call me right away. If something just doesn't feel right I want you to call me right away. (Ned chuckles slightly) He has a tendency to get fussy late at night so you need to.......

Ned:(taking the phone from her) Good night V and thanks. (he hangs up)

Alexis; (a little annoyed) I wasn't down talking to her.

Ned: Alexis you've gone over this with her a million times already. If you didn't think she was capable of taking care of the baby you would have never left him with her.

Alexis: I know you're right it's just I can't stop thinking about him.

Ned: (seductively) Well I guess then it's my job to distract you! (he leans in and kisses her as they fall back onto the bed any make love)


Chapter 24

Next Morning Stefan' study on Spoon Island.

Stefan: (answering the phone) Stefan Cassidine.........what? when?......are you sure. (he nods his head) Thank you I'll see you soon. (he hangs up the phone and yells for Mrs. Lansbury) I need to leave town immediately on family business, pack me some clothes and make it quick.

Mrs Lansbury: Yes sir.

Stefan: Oh and Mrs Lansbury if anyone ask you have no idea of where I've gone.

Mrs. Lansbury: Yes sir.

Stefan first picks up the phone and makes to have his jet fueled and ready for take off in twenty minutes before calling Leo and making sure all of his accounts are in order.

Nickolas: (walking in) Going somewhere?

Stefan; Yes I have so overseas business to take care of I won't be gone long. Is there something you needed?

Nickolas: I'm here on behalf of Alexis. She wanted me to tell you.

Stefan; Tell me what?

Nickolas: That she and Ned Ashton got married last night.

Stefan: Nickolas I don't have time for this I must be going.

Nickolas: You're not even a little upset that you weren't invited to the wedding?

Stefan: No, not really. Now if you'll excuses me I must be going.

Scene II

Ned and Alexis are in a limo on the way to their hotel.

Alexis: Ned Ashton.........

Ned; (kissing her neck) That would be me.

Alexis: (grab his face with her hand and forcing him to look at her) We have been flying what would appear to be all night and I still have no idea where we are.

Ned; (taking his hand and grabbing her hand off of his face) Your in the back of a limo with your husband.

Alexis: Ned Ash.........(he kisses her)

Driver; We're here sir.

Ned; thank you please make sure our bags are taken care of. (he notices Alexis staring off into space) Hey something wrong?

Alexis: (half smiling) Not really.

Ned; Alexis I know you better then you'd like to believe now what's wrong?

Alexis: (tears forming in her eyes) I miss my baby.

Ned; (helping her out of the car) Alexis are you going to worry about him for the next two weeks, he's fine?

Alexis: I'm sorry.....(he places his arms around her) I know this is suppose to be our honeymoon, but I can't stop worrying about him. what if he's crying, what if he's hungry, what if he.......

Ned; Alexis no matter what he needs V will be there to take care of it. You need to try and relax.

Alexis: I know. (noticing the sights finally) Wow it's beautiful here. Where are we?

Ned: Welcome to Bali, the first in many small towns we will be visiting in the next two weeks. (she smiles at him and gives him a big hug) Although personally I wouldn't be to upset if we did get to see much of the sights this time around. (kissing her on the top of her head) Trust me darling your the only sight I need.

Alexis: (excited) So when do we leave for Bora Bora?

Ned; As soon as I find it on the map. (they laugh)

Alexis: Thank you Ned this is just perfect.

Alexis: Oh trust me I plan on making your every dream come true. You want perfect let's go inside.

Scene III

Ned dismisses the bell-hop and opens the door to the honeymoon suite. There's a heart shaped bed on a platform in the middle of the room. Off to the right side is a very inviting Jacuzzi, Alexis walks over and sits down before noticing the fire burning on the other side of the room. There's also an elegant table with all the makings of a very romantic dinner.

Alexis: (getting up and running over to Ned and wrapping her arms around her) This is perfect. thank you.

Ned; (picking her up and spinning her around) I'm so glad you like it. I took the order of making sure dinner was here waiting for us, would you like something to eat?

Alexis: I'd love that, but first I want to change my clothes.

Ned; Hurry back.

After a few minutes Alexis walks back into the room wearing an elegant long white nightgown. Ned pulls out her chair and hands her a glass of wine.

Alexis: Thank you.

Ned: I don't know how you do it?

Alexis: Do what?

Ned: look more beautiful and breath taken every time I see you.

Alexis: I'm glad you like it, I bought it just for tonight.

Ned: (picking up his glass) To my wife the most lovely, intelligent, breath taken, sexiest woman I know

Alexis; (blushing and picking up her glass) To my husband the only man in the world who can make me turn this red.

Ned: (laughing) I'll drink to that. (they cling their glasses together) Oh before I forget you never did open my present.

Alexis: Your present?

Ned; Yes the one I left on the pillow. (she looks confused) back on the jet. (he pulls it out and hands it to her)

Alexis: (smiling) She opens it and is speechless.

Ned; Well I couldn't figure out what to but you I mean I've already given you the world. The stars and the moon seemed like the most logically choice.

Alexis: I love it but where on earth did you find a link bracelet with the stars and moon hanging from it?

Ned; I didn't....... I had it made. I told the jeweler that I want a 24 karat tri-color gold bracelet with the stars and moon hanging from it.

Alexis: You must have ordered this months ago.

Ned: yep along with this.(he pulls out another box)

Alexis: What is it?

Ned:(placing it on the table in front of them) that you'll have to wait and see......... after dinner. Now what do you say we eat. I'm starved.

Alexis: Can you help me with my bracelet first?

Ned: (getting up and walking over to her) I'd love to. ( he puts it on her)

Alexis: Thank you so much. I love you.

Ned: (flashin his dimples) Yea I know that's why I married you. (they laugh)