December 24th later that night.

A half wasted Ned stumbles into the grill and has a seat at the bar. “James another round” He slurs.

David the bartenders real name walks over to him. “Yes Mr. Ashton what would you like to drink?”

Ned is still  stumbling on his words and is also having a hard time keeping himself on the bar stool. “Anything strong and deadly.”

David just looks at him. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

“Don’t you work for me?”

“Yes sir”

“Then pour me a drink!” Ned yells as he stands slightly lossing his balance and hits the floor.

“Are you okay Mr. Ashton?” David asks as he looks over top of the bar.

“I would be if you got me something to drink.”


Meanwhile Alexis has left her penthouse and somehow found herself at the Port Charles grill. Maybe it’s because she loves Ned so much and it’s where they first meet on this very night back in 96. She lends her head against the door frame to the entrance of the grill and thinks back


Alexis: (to bartender) Oh, what would don my gay apparel?

Bartender: A cup of holiday eggnog?

Alexis: If I glue my arteries shut tonight, what will I do New Year's Eve? I'll have a double martini very, very dry. Just pour the gin and visualize vermouth.

Bartender: You got it.

Ned: Merry Christmas.

Alexis: (looks around wondering if he's talking to her. She decides that he is and responds) How can you tell?

Ned: Bah humbug.

Alexis: Poppycock.

Ned: Infernal rubbish.

Alexis: Falderal.

Ned: (raising his glass) I'll drink to that.

Alexis smiles and raises her glass.

Ned shoots a swizzle stick at a mini Christmas tree and knocks an ornament off. He raises his arms in victory!

Ned: Score!

Bartender: Good shot.

Ned: (laughing) What a hit!

Alexis: (to bartender) I want it to be perfectly clear for when you throw this man out that I am... (watches him shoot another swizzle stick) ...NOT egging him on.

The bartender answers the phone behind the bar.

Bartender: Port Charles Grille . . .

Bartender: Mr. Quatermaine.... (looks at Ned who shakes his head in the negative) ...No, your grandson still isn't here....same to you sir. (he hangs up)

Ned: God rest you, merry gentleman. Where is he?

Bartender: Party at the hospital.

Ned: (to Alexis) What good is owning a hotel if you can't hide out in it?

Alexis: Why else did God make hotels?

Ned: (raising his glass) Ned Ashton. Half a Quatermaine, half a man.

Alexis: (raising her glass) Alexis Davis, attorney at law. (trying not to slur and almost succeeding) Should we file a suit to get your other half back?

Ned: Wouldn't work.

Alexis: "Why I Hate the Holidays"... by Alexis Davis. Because it's like playing pin-the-tail-on-the donkey with bayonet's. All fun and laughter, and by the time it's over... (looks pointedly at Ned) everybody's bleeding.

Ned: Well if you're going to make intelligent conversation, I'm afraid I have to leave. (slurring slightly) Andy, buy Ms. Davis another drink.

Alexis: That outta put a stop to it.

Ned gets up, puts his jacket on, and walks over to Alexis.

Ned: (leaning against the bar) I'd try and pick you up, but I'm married, and I'm not in the mood, and I'm not very appealing right now.

Alexis: (empathetically, and intrigued) Thank goodness you explained.

He takes a picture of his daughter, Brooke Lynn, out of his wallet and shows it to Alexis.

She looks at it sympathetically, then hands it back to him.

Alexis: (understanding his situation, but somewhat longingly) Thanks for the drink.

Ned: Goodnight.

Ned leaves and Alexis rests her chin in her hand and sighs.


Alexis looked over at the bar when she heard Ned yell.

“Well don’t just stand there help me up!” He yelled to a customer.

The man helped Ned back on his barstool and then took his drink and walked over to a nearby empty table.

Ned took his drink and poured it back as he looked over and noticed Alexis standing there.

“Well if it isn’t the woman he tore my heart out.....The woman who turned my life upside down and told me........... I Ned Ashton then CEO of ELQ.” Looks around the room. “Now Ned Ashton pathetic keeper oh his own lonely abandon self  was worthy of something just to play the worst practical joke a person can play on another person”

Alexis just stood there motionless as Ned turned and looked at the bartender.

“Do you know James what this so called love of my life did to me?” he somewhat yelled but more or less slurred. “My loving soul mate” He said looking at her and shaking his head. “She told me in front of a room full of people” He looks back at David “and in front of my little girl none the less that she never loved me and couldn’t marry me.”

Ned took the bottle from David and poured some in his glass only to slug back the bottle. He walked over and handed the glass to Alexis. Who reluctantly took it from him. In all the years they’ve been together she has never seen him so distraught or so bitter. Even between the Jakarta mess and the Tony Jones trail she saw a sign of hope or at least admiration. But this time all she saw was a lost soul. A lost man in a desperate search to find what seemed to be someplace other them himself to lay the blame.

“Here’s to killing us!” He stated as he hit the bottle against her glass. “Here’s to ripping my heart out and using me as an emotional punching bag.” He placed his hand on her shoulder, more for support then anything. “We at least in the last four years if nothing else the sex was good.” He looked her straight in the eyes. “And I never once thought you were faking it!” 

She so hated what she was doing to him but in her mind it was the only way to kept him safe and more importantly alive.

Ned began to stumble off  but then stopped and turned around. He looked at her one last time and as coldly as he could mange simply asked “Tell me Miss Davis was it as good for you as it was for me?”

Alexis still stood there motionless as he turned and walked away. She loved him so much and his words went through her heart more painful then a knife repeatedly going through her ever could.
