Later on that day Ned and Alexis are lying on the floor wrapped tightly in one another’s embrace. Ned pushes the blanket from her shoulder and runs his fingers down her arm.

“I believe there was a question on the table earlier.”

Alexis sighs at his touch. “And just what question would that be?”

“The question of how you’d feel about having a permanent roommate.”

“You really want to move in?”

He kissed her forehead. “More then you can imagine.”

“Can we take things a little slow?”

Ned looked under the blanket. “I think we’re way past that stage.”

“Don’t be cute Ned.” She smirked as she pushed the blanket back down. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

He hugged her. “Tell me what you meant.”

“I just meant taking things slow as in slowly permanently moving you in.”

“You’re losing me.” He whispered as he blew in her ear causing her to flinch.

“I don’t think you should give up your room at the hotel.” She quickly spit out.

Ned moved his lips lower on her ear and down her neck. “I own the hotel I can always get another room needed be.”

Alexis pushed him away and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

“Alexis I don’t understand what the problem is.” He said slightly frustrated. “It’s not like we hardly know one another, I mean we’ve been dating for years. I honestly don’t think we can take this relationship any slower.”

Alexis reached over and grabbed Ned’s shirt and began putting it on. “I just think it would be better if you kept most your things at the Port Charles hotel.”

Ned gave her a strange look.

“What!” She yelled as she got up off the floor and walked across the room.

“Alexis almost everything I own is already here. I have more clothes here then I do there, my guitar is here my laptop is here....... Heck Alexis most of the time I’m here.”

“I know that, it’s just I like things the way the are.”

Ned got off the floor and walked over to her. He placed his hands on her face and looked her deep in the eyes. “Are you telling me you don’t want me to move in here now........” He took a deep breathe  “Or never?”

“I love you Ned Ashton.”

“That wasn’t the question Miss Davis.” Ned replied as the doorbell rang.

“I have to get that.” Alexis shot back as she squirmed out of Ned’s grasp and made her way over to the door.

Ned placed his hands over his face in frustration as Alexis opened the door.

“Alexis thank God you’re home.” Emily yelled as she walked into the room. “I know you said you wouldn’t help Zander because of Ned and all but you have to.”

“Emily, Scott is an excellent attorney and he’ll do what ever he can for Zander.” Alexis stated as reassuring as possible.

“You really need to get over this obsession you have for this Kid, Emily” Ned yelled.

Alexis quickly made her way over to Ned. “Ned please calm down, stress really isn’t good for you right now.”

Alexis helped Ned over to the couch and made him sit down.

“Alexis listen to me please. Zander needs your help.” Emily said pleading with her. “Scot couldn’t even get Zander released on bail.”

“The kid doesn’t deserve bail.” Ned yelled

Alexis looked at Ned and then up at Emily. “Emily I’m sorry but I just can’t help him.”

“But you yourself said you don’t believe Zander killed Ted.”

“I don’t.”
“Then please Alexis you have to help him.”

“AWWW” Ned somewhat yelled

“Ned what is it?” Alexis asked very concerned.

“Nothing I’m fine.” Ned shot back as he got off the couch. “I’m going upstairs to put on something other then my sweats.”

“I’ll be right up.” Alexis hollered up the stairs.

“Don’t bother I’ll be right back.”

Emily grabbed a hold of Alexis’s arm. “Alexis please........”

“Emily I’m sorry but like I’ve said before I can’t help him.”

“Can’t or won’t?” Emily yelled as she stormed out the door.

“Emily wait!” Alexis yelled

“Don’t bother let her go.” Ned said as he came down the stairs. “Besides we have more important things to talk about.”

Alexis rolled her eyes as Ned grabbed her hand and lead her over to the couch.



Zander just laid there on his cot staring into space not really sure if it was day or night and not really caring. All he could think about was Emily Quatermaine and what he would do over again if he could. He hated himself so much, but not for what you’d think. It wasn’t because he kidnapped Emily, held her at gunpoint, stole Nikolas Cassidine cars or even that he sold date rape drugs. It was because he allowed himself to, dare he even think it, fall in love.

Zander jumped off his cot suddenly when he heard a strange noise.

“I have an important message for you.” A guard stated.

“I never did anything to you.” Zander yelled. “So why don’t you leave me alone.”

“Word has it that you’ll be getting out of here soon.” The guard replied ignoring Zander’ outburst.

“That’s impossible my bail was denied.”

“And once you do, the fun really begins.” The guard stated laughingly as he walked away. “At least for some of us.”

Zander was shaking as he slowly sat on the edge of his cot.
