Chapter 15

PCPD.......Three Day Later

"Let's go Zander" The guard yelled as he ripped open the cell door and pulled Zander out.

"Where are you taking me?" Zander yelled.

"Upstairs for you're final court appearance." The guard laughed as he slammed the cell door shut.

"My court date isn't till next week." Zander yelled as he tried to get out of the guards clutches.

"You well it's been moved to this morning and my orders were to bring you upstairs."

"Where's my lawyer? How come nobody told me." Zander screamed as he continued to try and break free.

"Listen here kid." The guard yelled as he threw Zander against another cell. "It would be best for you if you just shut up and came with me."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Zander yelled

The guard took his hand and place it under Zanders chin and then fierce threw Zanders head back. "If you know what's good for you and that pretty little girl friend of yours you'll do what you're told."

"If you lay one hand on Emily......."

"You'll what?" The guard questioned cutting him off.

Zander and the guard just stood their eye to eye for a few seconds before the guard laughed in Zander's face.

"Get your stinking hands off my client!" Scott demanded as he made his way over to them. "Or I'll have charges brought up against you."

"The kid refused to walk." The guard replied as he let Zander go.

"So you what?" Scott asked with a smug expression. "Thought you'd slam his body against the bars several times so he'd see the error in his ways."

"Scott it wasn't like that." Zander insisted. "I fell and the guard was just helping me back up."

Scott looked back and forth between the guard and Zander with a you don't really expect me to by that look do you?

"Scott the guard says my hearing is this morning, what happened?"

"I don't know kid, I got a call about two hours ago from Dara who said you were being tried today."

"But how?"

"I haven't got a clue and I just spent the last hour arguing with Dara about it, but don't worry you're gonna get out of here." Scott said as reassuring as possible as the three of them made there way up to the court room.

~~~ Alexis's Penthouse ~~~

"Well good morning" Alexis stated cheerfully as she bent down and kissed Ned lightly on the cheek. "Anything interesting in today's paper?" She asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"You know I just love you in these silk PJ's." Ned stated as he put his paper down and rubbed her back.

Alexis just smiled at him. "And just why is it that you are fully dressed, at this godly hour."

Ned looked at his watch. "Alexis it's almost 10:30."

"And your point would be?" she stated as she sat down next to him.

"My point would be love of my life that I have an 11:00 appointment this morning so I have to leave soon."

"An appointment?" Alexis asked shocked. "Don't you think it's a little to soon for you to be doing anything, let alone going anywhere?"

"What I was up to pare last night?" Ned smirked back.

Alexis couldn't help but laugh. "Ok fine you win." They kissed. "This time"

With there lips still touching each others "Well as mush as I'd love to take you back upstairs and show you just how quickly I've healed." He gives her one last kiss and then stands up. "I really do have to get going."

"But you said your appointment wasn't until 11:00"

"It's not." Ned replied as he sat at her desk and put on his shoes. "But it's going to take me at least half hour to get there."

"And here I was hoping you'd make me some of your famous French toast for breakfast." Alexis said as she put her coffee cup on the table and laid her body fully on the couch.

"If you wanted French toast for breakfast you should have let me know last night."

Alexis looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "But I didn't want French toast last night."

Ned laughed, got up, and went and kneeled besides her."I'll make you a deal." He said as he kissed her cheek. "I'll make you French toast for dinner."

Alexis thought for a moment. "I didn't know the PC Grill made French toast that time of night."

"I own the PC Grill and they'll make what I want them to make." He kissed her lips one last time in an attempt to say goodbye.

Alexis flung her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deeper kiss. Ned kissed her back and then reluctantly pulled both out of her kiss and grasp.

"Sweetheart as much as I'd love to ravishes you right now I can't I really do have to go." Ned stated as he quickly bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Where are you going anyway?" Alexis asked as she looked over and noticed the page the paper was opened to. "And just way is it you were looking through the classifieds?" She added as she sat upright.

"Because there wasn't anything interesting in the business section." Ned sarcastically stated as he put on his coat.

Alexis picked up the paper and walked over to him. "You never read anything but the business section Mr. Ashton." She grabbed a hold of his collar and looked him dead in the eyes. "So spill, what are you up to?"

Ned placed both his hands on her face and pulled her into a kiss then threw her head back. "I'm not up to anything but if I don't get out of here I will be late for my appointment."

Alexis let go of his collar and they broke free of one another. "Ok fine if you aren't up to anything then take me with you to your appointment."

"What!" Ned said completely shocked. "You want to go with me?"


"But don't you have some legal briefs to look over, or some important client who desperately needs you just sitting by his phone waiting for it to ring."

"Don't be cute darling." Alexis stated with this oh so smug expression. "I want to go with you and if you have nothing to hide then I don't see any reason I can't go."

"Expect for the one most important one."

"Which is?"

"You're not dressed." Ned replied and Alexis went to comment but Ned continued to talk. "And if I wait for you to get dress I'll be late."

"It will only take me five minutes."

Ned laughed walked up to her kissed her lips then turned towards the door. "It takes you longer then that just to figure out what you're going to wear." He turned the doorknob and opened the door. "I'll call you later, love ya." He stated as he shut the door behind him.

"I know you're hiding something Ned Ashton and I'm going to figure out just what." Alexis screamed each word louder then the other.

Outside Alexis's door Ned just stood there laughing as he waited for the elevator doors to open.