~ The Rave ~

“Lucky did you find out anything?” Liz asked as she made her way through the crowd.

“Elizabeth we’ve only been here for like twenty minutes. What could I have possible found out?”

“Hey look that guy over there is waving at you.”

“What guy?” Lucky asked.

“The real scary one who looks like he should be locked away in mental ward.”

Lucky gave her a strange look. “Well now that you’ve managed to describe just about everyone in this place, do you think you can be a little more specific? “

“Okay how about the tall guy in the corner who is now walking towards us with his hand in the air.” Liz joked

“Works for me.” Lucky shot back as the kid walked up.

~The other side of the room ~

“Zander promise me you won’t leave me for to long of a time.”

“Emily don’t worry everything is going to be fine, just act cool and blend in I’ll be right back.”

Emily grabbed his arm as he walked away. “Just sell them quick like and let’s get out of here. This place is giving me the willies.”

Zander took her hand off his arm and handed her an opened bottle of water. “Here calm down, stay here and drink this it will make you feel better.” Emily just looked at the bottle and then at him. “Yea I guess that wouldn’t be such a good idea.” He replied as he placed the bottle back down on the table. “Well then just stay here and chill.”


“Hey I heard you were asking questions about Zander.”

“Yea, do you know him?” Lucky asked

“What’s in it for me if I do?”

Lucky pulled a twenty-dollar bill from his back pocket. “This for starters.”

“The kid took the money and stuffs it in his shirt pocket. “Okay so what do you want to know about him?”

“Do you know where I can find any of his friends, or if he‘s planning on meeting up with anyone in the next couple of days?”

“Rumors have it that his trying to make his way into Canada unnoticed with some girl he knocked up.”

“He didn’t knock her up he kidnapped her at gunpoint!” Liz yelled.

“Hey do you want to know what I know or what?”

Lucky looked at Liz and gave her this I’ll handle it from here look. “Yea sorry man go on.”

“Anyway from what I’ve heard this two guys are planning to hopefully meet him beneath a footbridge that takes you into Canada if they don’t hear from him soon.”

“Do you know where this bridge is?”

“Sorry man can’t help you there.”

“So as far as you know Zander hasn’t actually spoken to his friends.”

“I don’t think he has.”

Lucky pulls another twenty from his pants. “Hey thanks man.” He hands him the bill. “If you heard anything else we’re staying at the motel just down the street.


“Hey good looking what do you say we hit the floor?”

Emily looks around the room for Zander but can’t find him. “No thanks I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate me dancing with another guy.

The guy backed her up against the wall giving her no way out. “Who said anything about dancing?”

Emily looked up at him and knew she was in way over her head. “I don’t think he’d appreciated that either.” She decided to joke back.

“Well then I’d say that’s his problem.” He stated firmly as he pulled her towards him and kissed her.

Emily tried her hardest to pull away but the harder she fought him the more into it he seem to become.

Finally he backed off. “So you like it ruff, do ya?” He said as he grabbed her ass and threw her body back into the wall with his own.

She took a deep breath and looked like she was going to throw up as he brought his mouth once again closer to hers.

“Get off of her!” Zander yelled as he grabbed the guy’s shoulder and pushed him back. “Nobody touches my girl and gets away with it!”

Emily ran over and wrapped her arms around Zander. “Hey it’s okay let’s just go. We don’t need this.”

Zander and the guy tried to stare each other down as Emily pulled Zander through the crowd.

“Will you forget about him?”

“Are you okay?”

Emily took her hand and forcefully tried to wipe the taste of him off her lips. “Yea I’ll be fine, but thanks for the rescue.”

“He had no right to force himself on you!” Zander yelled still annoyed.

“Forget him, the last thing we need right now is the cops showing up.”

“Yea I know you’re right.”

“So did you get rid of the stuff?”

“Most of it.”

“Enough to get out of here?”

Zander looked at Emily and could see how upset about what just happened she really was. “Yea we’ve got enough to last us a few more days if needed be.”

“Great then can we go?” She asked as she looked over her shoulder and noticed Liz and Lucky walking towards them. “Oh no!”

“Oh No what?” He asked just as she kissed him.

“Come on let’s get out of here and see if we can find this so-called bridge.” Lucky said as they walked past them.

“Anywhere’s gotta be better then here.” Elizabeth replied.

Zander was shocked that Emily was kissing him, but was more shocked about how good it felt. He placed his hands around her back and pulled her closer to him. She unexpectedly was also enjoying the kiss more then she thought she would.

After a few minutes breathlessly he broke the kiss. “Why did you kiss me?”

Emily tried to catch her breath along with her heart. “I saw someone who I knew and I didn’t want him to see me so I kissed you.”

“Oh.” Was all Zander could manage to say.

“Listen we should get out of here before they come back.”

“Who were they?”

Emily took his hand. “Come on I’ll tell you when we get back to the room.”




“Ned you really need to calm down. We’re going to find her.”

“Alexis Emily is being held hostage and I’m more worried about Sorrel's men catching up with them then I am Zander hurting her.”

“Zander needs Emily and as long as he needs her he isn’t going to hurt her.”

“What about when he doesn’t need her anymore?”

Alexis placed the palm of her hand on his cheek. “For what the kids who knew him say about him I don’t think he’ll hurt her.”

He took her hand off his face and held it tight. “I can’t believe I didn’t realize that something wasn’t right with her.”

“Sweetheart she’s a teen who had a fight with her boyfriend and they broke up.....Why would you think anything other then a broken heart was bothering her.”

“Alexis I love that little girl like she was my own. I promised myself I wasn’t going to let the family destroy her like they did ever-other member of the family.......”

“And she knew that she could come to you if she needed help.” She stated cutting him off. “You’ve made that perfectly clear.”

“Did I.....Did I really make that perfectly clear to her Alexis?” He asked completely unsure. “Because if I did why didn’t she come to me and ask me for help?”

“Why didn’t Nikolas come to me? Why didn’t Juan tell Taggert when he found out? Why did five responsible well raise kids think they could get away with framing someone for murder among other things?” Alexis lovingly asked. “Ned you can’t start second guess or blaming yourself. What happened to Emily happened because she made too many bad choices.”

Ned looked deep into her eyes. “Alexis I love her so much and I’m so scared that we aren’t going to find her before he does something to her, if he hasn’t already.”

“Ned I know what you’re thinking and you can’t even go there. You need to stay focused and remember Emily is a smart girl with a good head on her shoulders, she can handle her own.”

Ned pulled her close. “I just prey you’re right.”


“Great here we are in some stupid town just outside of Canada sitting in a hotel room waiting for a private investigator that I pay way too much money to......”

“Ned he’ll be here.”

“When Alexis......when will he be here?” Ned yelled as he picked up the phone and began dialing a number.

Alexis walked over and took the phone from him. “He’s never going to find her if you keep bothering him.”

“He said he’d meet us here at 10 pm and it’s already 10:37.”

He’ll be here.” Alexis screamed as someone knocked on the door. “See I told you so.” She added as she stuck out her tongue at him and he went to answer the door.

“It’s about time you got here!” Ned yelled

“Well I would have been here sooner if you would have told me where you were going.”

“Nikolas what are you doing here?” Alexis asked.

Nikolas started to say something but Ned cut him off. “What’s the difference why he’s here, if it wasn’t for him none of us would be here!”

Alexis walked past Ned and pulled Nikolas across the room. “Don’t mind him he’s in a bad mood.”

“He’s also right.” Nik replied. “This is all my fault.”

“No, that right goes to super boy Lucky Spencer. He’s nothing if he isn’t like his father.” Ned yelled

Nikolas and Alexis just looked at each other as Ned stormed out the door.


“So are you going to tell me who that was you were trying to avoid?” Zander asked Emily as she flipped through the channels on the TV.

“Hello.” Zander yelled. “Are you even listening to me?”

Emily sat up and threw the remote across the floor. “Can you believe this crap. The only good thing this motel has going for it is cable and you would think with over seventy somewhat channels something would be on.”

“Um excuse me but can we forget about the TV and talk about what happened tonight.”

Emily got up off the floor. “Fine with me there’s nothing on anyway.”

“Great then maybe you can tell me who it was you didn’t want to run into!”

“My best friend and his girl friend.”

“Please tell me not the geek who thinks he’s all that?” Zander asked.

“And just which geek would that be?” Emily sarcastically asked. “I don’t associate with geeks.”

“No you just date um.” Zander shot back.

“Juan is not a geek....he may not be trustworthy ....among other things, but he’s not a geek!”

“Whatever!” Zander mockingly said as he picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

Emily pouted her way over to him and grabbed the remote. “I though you wanted to talk.”

Zander looked up at her and smiled slightly. “I did but now I don’t.”

“Well fine be that way......I’m going to take a walk.”

“Wait.” Zander yelled as he got off the floor. “You can’t just go outside and pretend it’s a normal night besides it’s pitch black out there.”

“Awww are you worried about poor little me being scared of the boggy man.” Emily said through laughter.

“No I’m scared of you getting blown away by one of Sorrel's men.” Zander seriously shot back.

“Oh.” Emily replied becoming as serious as him.

“Listen it’s late so why don’t we get some sleep.”

“There’s no way I’m sleeping on that disgusting bed!” Emily yelled.

“Fine then you can sleep down here on the floor with me.” Zander replied as he pulled a blanket out of the closet.

“And just what makes you think that blanket is any cleaner then the one on the bed?”

Zander laughed. “Emily I was only kidding I’m sure they cleaned the sheets before they rented us the room.”

Emily looked at the bed. “I’m still not sleeping on it.”

Zander took the pillows off the bed and laid them on the floor. Emily gave him a strange look.

“What you’re not going to use a pillow either?” Zander asked.

“No thanks.” Emily said as she laid down on the floor and Zander laid next to her. “All I need is some of that blanket you have cause it’s freezing in here.”

Zander got up and walked over to the window. “I’ll turn up the heat.”

“I hope it kicks in quickly.”

Zander ran over and got under the blanket with her. “I hate to tell you this but the heat doesn’t work.”

“What!” Emily yelled. “I’m so cold.”

“Why don’t you come over here and lay closer to me I’ll keep you warm.”

“Works for me.” Emily replied as she cuddled up next to him and rested her head on his chest.

Zander took his hand and vigorously ran it up and down her arm. “Are you any warmer?”

“Yea thanks.” Emily quietly replied. “But I’d be a lot warmer if I were home in my own bed with the heat turned up real high.”

“I’m sorry Emily I know how much you miss your family.”

“It will be over soon and I’ll get to go home.” Emily said as she looked up at him. “The important thing now is getting you safely across the boarder.” She laid her head back down.

“Thanks Emily.”

“For what?”

“Just for caring about me.”

Neither spoke a word form there on out as they laid there on the floor wrapped in each others arms. They both felt this surge of inner peace run through them as he began playing with her hair. She smiled slightly at his touch before closing her eyes and thinking about the kiss they shared earlier that night. It didn’t take much longer for Zander to close his eyes and share the same thoughts.


“Sorry I didn’t see you.”

“That’s okay it was my fault I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”



“What are you doing here?”

The question should be what are you doing here!” Ned yelled “I thought by now you would have learned your lesson and left matters to the police.”

“Kinda like your doing.” Lucky shot back.

“Emily is part of my family and I’m not going to just sit back and do nothing.”

“Well neither am I.”

“Lucky, Lucky one of Sorrel’s men are inside the store just around the corner.” Liz yelled as she ran up to them. “Ned!’

“Where are you guys staying?” Ned asked

“In the motel just down the street.” Liz replied.

“Alright we need to go out of here before Sorrel’s men recognize Lucky. Alexis and Nikolas are at a hotel not far from here let’s go there.”

“You brought Nikolas and Alexis with you?” Lucky asked.

“NO! Your brother showed up unexpectedly just like you two.”

“Going somewhere?” One of Sorrel’ men asked as he held a gun at them.

“Hey we don’t want any trouble.” Ned replied with his hands up in the air. “I don’t have much money but your more then welcome to it.” He added as he went to reach in his pocket.

“Keep your hands where I can see them.” The man yelled back.

Liz screamed as another man come out of the trees behind her and grabbed her across the waist holding a gun two inches from her face.

“Let her go.” Lucky yelled.

Ned grabbed a hold of him before he could do anything stupid. “Like I told your friend here what ever you want you can have it just don’t hurt the girl.”

“Where’s Emily Quatermaine and Zander Smith?” The first man asked.

“I don’t know what your taking about.” Ned shot back. “We’re the only ones here.”

“Yea right and I’m not holding a gun on this pretty little girl.” The second man replied as he ran the butt of the gun across Elizabeth’ face.

Lucky ran towards the guy. “If you hurt her.”

“You’ll what?” The man yelled as he now pointed the gun at Lucky.

Elizabeth took this as her opportunity to get away. She took her right elbow and jammed it into his stomach while taking her foot and slamming it as hard as she could down on his. She quickly feel to the ground and rolled towards the bushes. Simultaneously Lucky and Ned grabbed the guns from Sorrel’s men and the four of them fought as shots rung out.

Chapter 4

~ Ned and Alexis’ hotel room ~

Alexis is pacing back and fourth across the floor with an extremely scared look on her face.  She walks over to her purse and pulls out her cell phone. Just as she’s about to try Ned’s cell phone again when Nikolas walks in.

“I take it you didn’t find him.” Alexis states clearly disappointed.

“I looked everywhere for him Alexis but I still couldn’t find him.” Nikolas replied.

Alexis dialed his number. “Why the hell isn’t he answering his phone.” She yelled as she threw it onto the couch.

“Alexis I’m sure his fine.......he’s just really worried about Emily and he needed to get some air.”

Alexis walked over to Nikolas and gave him a hug. She was just about to say something when someone banged on the door.

“Maybe that’s him now.” Nikolas quickly stated as he ran over to the door.

“You have to help us Lucky’ been shot.” Liz yelled as the three of them entered the room.

“I’m okay it’s just a flesh wound.” Lucky replied.

Alexis pulled out a chair and made him sit. “He’s losing a lot of blood he needs a doctor.”

“What happened how’d he get shot?” Nikolas asked as Ned walked into the other room.

“It was one of Sorrel’s men.” Lucky informed them.

“How’d they find you and did you guys see Emily or Zander.” Nikolas asked as Alexis tried to bandage Lucky’ shoulder.

“No we got some clues as to where they should be but we haven’t seen them yet.” Liz stated.

Alexis looked up at Nikolas. “I didn’t realize how close Sorrel’s men were to finding them.”

Liz looked around the room. “Hey where’d Ned go?”

Alexis quickly stood up as Lucky pulled his shirt back over his shoulder.

“He must be in the other room.” Alexis stated. “Nikolas why don’t you call room service and order up some food and see if they have any aspirin for Lucky while I go check on Ned.”

“Good idea.” Nikolas replied as Alexis walked into the other room.


~ Zander and Emily’ Hotel room ~

Emily and Zander are sound asleep on the floor when there door flings open and the cops rush in.

“Zander Smith you are under arrest for......” The one officer begins to say as he quickly grabs Zander and cuffs him.

Another officer quickly grabs Emily and pulls her outside.

“Don’t hurt him he didn’t kill anyone.” Emily yelled.

“Are you okay Miss Quatermaine, did he hurt you in anyway.” The officer asks her as she struggles to get free.

“I’m fine just let me go.” Emily began yelling as the officer continued questioning her.

A couple minutes’ later two officers escorted Zander from the room and shoved him in the back of a police car.

“I’ll get you out of this I promise.” Emily yelled as she tried to get closer to him but the officer not allowing her to. “I’m so sorry this is all my fault you didn’t kill anyone Zander and I’ll make sure they know it.”

“Come on we need to get you to a hospital to be checked out and call you’re parents.” The officer stated as she practically pushed Emily into a different police car.


~ Ned and Alexis Hotel Room ~

Ned was standing in front of the window looking out as Alexis walked behind him and placed her hands around his waist.

“Sweetheart we’re going to find her.” Alexis lovingly stated as she kissed the back of his neck.

“I killed a man.” Ned quitely stated.

“What?” Alexis asked not sure what he said.

Ned turned around to face her. He placed his hands on both sides of her face and brought her eyes to his. “I killed a man tonight.”

Alexis didn’t have a clue as to what he was talking about, but she could tell that it was eating him alive.

“I’ve never even shot a gun before and tonight I shot and killed a man.” Ned stated

Alexis took his hand and lead him over to the bed. “Come here sit with me and tell me what happened.”

“I was just out walking and I ran into Liz and Lucky...then two men jumped us and they were going to kill Elizabeth.” Alexis studied Ned’s face carefully as he continued to talk. “I didn’t know what to do.....So I grabbed the one man we fought the gun went off and I killed him.”

Alexis placed her hand on his face. “It was self defense Ned the man had a gun and he would have killed all of you if you didn’t do something.”

Ned stood up and looked away from her as the tears started falling from his eyes. “It doesn’t matter Alexis I still killed someone.”

At this point Alexis went into lawyer mode. “Ned where’s the body?”

Ned continued to stare out the window. “We left him there.....The other guy run off and we left him there.”

Alexis walked over to him and placed her hand on his back. “Maybe he isn’t dead...why don’t we go back there and make sure.”

Ned turned around and looked at her. “He’s dead Alexis trust me!”

“Okay fine then lets go down to the police station and file a report.”

Ned shook his head as Alexis held out her hand.

“It will be okay I promise you.” She stated as he took her hand.

“I love you Alexis.” Ned stated as he held her tight.


~ The Local Police Station ~

Ned and Alexis walk over to the front desk.

“I’d like to report a crime.” Alexis stated.

“Certainly one moment.” The officer replied. “Have a seat over there and I’ll be right with you.”

“No you don’t understand someone has been murder.” Ned yelled.

“More like self-defense.” Alexis clearly stated.

“Murder, self-defense it really doesn’t make a difference the person is still dead and you still need to take a seat and I’ll be right with you.” The officer stated before walking away.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Ned yelled before looking at Alexis. “Is this someone’s idea of a sick joke or what? A man is dead and we have to sit and wait to fill out a report!”

“Come on sweetheart lets go sit down.” Alexis said as she pulled him with her.


~One Hour Later~

“Why are we still sitting here?” Ned yelled as he stood up.

Alexis jumped up quickly and grabbed a hold of him. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and then placed her head against his face. “Sweetheart you’re burning up.” She replied as she pulled her head back and felt his forehead.

“I’m fine Alexis.” He stated agitated.

“No you’re not!” She replied very adamantly. “Come on I’m taking you to the hospital, we’ll file the report later.”

Ned turned around to look at her. “Alexis a man is dead because of me I don’t think we should just leave.”

Alexis was so worried about Ned that she didn’t even realize she wasn’t thinking straight. “You’re right.” She took his hand and pulled him down into a near by chair. “Sit here and don’t move I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m just going to find a detective so we can clear this whole mess up and get you to a hospital.” She stated lovingly as she kissed his forehead before walking off.

“Ned, has there been any news about Emily?” Nikolas yelled as he ran into the police station.

“What?” Ned asked as he looked up at him.

Nikolas took a seat next to Ned and handed him his handkerchief. “Hey you feel all right; you look like you’re about to pass out?”

“I’m just slowly losing my mind and nobody seems to care!” Ned yelled loud enough that he got the whole departments attention.

“Ned I don’t think yelling at them is going to help us with Emily at all.”

“Well why the hell not Nikolas!” Ned yelled as he stood up. “Nothing else seems to be one in this department seems to care that a young girl has been taken hostage at gun point by a drug dealing cop killer....or that I shot and killed a man tonight who was trying to kill three innocent people......”

“You killed someone?” Nikolas asked cutting him off.

“It was self-defense.” Alexis clearly stated loud enough for everyone to hear as she quickly made her way over to Ned. She put her arms around him and tried to calm him down. “Come on Ned we’re going to the hospital.”

“What about Emily what about the man I shot.....What about.......”

“I’ve taken care of everything we’ll talk about it on the way to the hospital.” Alexis replied as she walked towards the door. “Nikolas would you mind driving us?”

“Sure thing.” He replied as he helped Alexis escort Ned from the station.


~The Local Hospital ~

“You can’t keep me here!” Emily yelled, as a doctor looked her over.

“Listen I know you’re scared and you have ever right to be.” The doctor stated “the officer is trying to get a hold of your parents and as soon as she does she’ll let you talk to them.”

“I just want to get out of here.” Emily replied. “I can call my parents on my own.”

“As soon as you’ve seen Dr Armanda and he says you can go, you’re more then welcome to leave.”

“Who the hell is Dr Armanda and why do I need to see another doctor I’m not sick?”

“Dr Armanda is .......well let’s just call him a social worker shall we?”

“A SHRINK, you want me to see a shrink.” Emily yelled as she hoped off the table.

“We got a hold of your Mother.” A nurse said as he walked into the room.

Emily quickly grabbed the phone from him. “Hello Mom!”

“Oh Emily it’s so great to hear your voice.” Monica stated while trying to catch her breath. “Are you okay, he didn’t hurt you did he or try......”

“No mom I’m fine I just want to get out of here and come home.”

“Your father and I are on our way as we speak. So just hang in there. We love you Emily.”

“I love you too mom and tell dad and everyone else that I love them too and can’t wait to see them.” Emily stated with tears in her eyes.

“You just hang in there okay.”

“I will mom I love you, bye.” Emily said once again before hanging up the phone.

“Someone please Help us.” Nikolas yelled as he helped an unconscious Ned through the emergency room doors.

Emily recognized Nikolas voice right away and ran out of the room. She stops short and tried to catch her breath when she saw Ned being put onto a stretcher.

“How long has he been unconscious?” A doctor asked.

“He just passed out on the way here.” Alexis replied. “Maybe five minutes.”

“Let’s get him in room three.” The doctor yelled.

Nikolas looked over at Alexis and placed her arms around her as they wheeled Ned off. “He’s going to be okay Alexis. He’s a Quatermaine and they don’t know when to quit.”

Alexis was about to say something when she looked up and spotted Emily. “Emily.”

Emily quickly dropped her hands that were covering her face and ran over to her. Alexis let go of Nikolas and held her arms open wide as Emily jumped into them and held on tight.

“You have no idea how worried about you we’ve been.” Alexis stated

“Emily I’m so sorry.” Nikolas added

Emily let go of Alexis and gave Nikolas a big hug. “This wasn’t your fault Nikolas.”

Nikolas continued to hold her tight. “I should have told Alexis, Ned, the police someone from the beginning and none of this would of ever happened.”

Emily let go of him and smiled lightly before looking back at a very worried Alexis. “What happened to Ned?”

“I don’t know but I hope someone tells us something soon.” Alexis replied as Nikolas placed his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.