Chapter 26

Two weeks later~ Quatermaine Living room~

Edward, Alan and Monica are once again arguing about what they need to do about AJ and his drinking problem.

Edward: I say throw my useless Grandson to the streets and let him drink himself to death.

Alan: How can you be so cold when it comes to a member of your own family.

Edward: hey he did this to himself. Nobody told him to hire someone to burn down his brother’s warehouse.

Monica: I refuse to just sit around and watch another one of my sons destroy themselves.

Just then Ned and Alexis walk in

Ned: Well it’s nice to know something’s around here never change.

Edward: What are you doing here and why is she with you?

Ned: We are here because we have an announcement to make.

Alan: (sarcastically) well please don’t keep us in suspense.

Edward: (yelling) Oh no please don’t tell us she’s pregnant again. That’s all we need.

Alexis’ face goes blank and Ned pulls her close.

Monica: (yelling) Edward how could you say such a thing after everything Alexis has been through.

Edward: I’m sorry but I can’t help but be glad that a Cassidine baby was never born into this house.

Alexis: (crying) I’m sorry Ned but I just can’t do this. (She runs out and he runs after her)

Alan: You know father some days you can be so cruel.

Monica: (throwing her hands up and walking out) Some days?

Ned catches up to Alexis just outside the Gatehouse.

Ned: (putting his arms around her) Sweetheart I’m so sorry I should have never brought you up to the main house with me.

Alexis: It’s not your fault I’m so emotional these days.

Ned: My grandfather had no right to upset you like that! (He kisses her lightly)

Alexis: (crying) Are you glad we lost the baby?

Ned: What?

Alexis: Well it’s just that your grandfather was right the baby would have been part Cassidine.

Ned: (holding her face in his hands) and so is the woman I just married. Now my grandfather might not be able to except the fact that we got married last night but he doesn’t have to. I love you Alexis and the only thing I’m sorry about is the fact that we lost our baby.

Alexis: You must hate me.

Ned: how could I possible hate you?

Alexis: because it’s all my fault.

Ned: The only person who is at fault here is Helena and trust me she will pay for what she did!

Alexis: No, Ned please doesn’t go after her, just let it be. I can’t lose you, not now.

Ned: I’m not going anywhere. Come on your shivering lets go inside.

Alexis nods her head in agreement and begins to walk into the gatehouse.

Ned: Hey wait a minute you can’t just walk through that door. (He picks her up)

Alexis: Ned what are you doing?

Ned: Carrying my new wife over the trust hole.

Later on that night Ned and Alexis are lying in bed talking.

Alexis: Ned can I ask you something without you getting mad at me and jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Ned: Alexis you can ask me anything any time you want.

Alexis: Do you think that maybe we could start looking for some place different to live.

Ned: You don’t like living here?

Alexis: No I love the gatehouse…….it’s just I’d feel a lot better if we weren’t so close to your family.

Ned: Hey if moving out of here and into someplace else is going to make you happy then I’m all for it.

Alexis: Thank you.
Ned grabs her face and kisses her with so much love and passion as they make love.

Meanwhile on the other side of town Sonny Corinthos is paying off some man.

Sonny: Okay now you know what you’re supposed to do right?

Man: Yea, I call the police and tell them that I found this body floating in the river.

They both look down at the dead body at their feet.

Sonny: Now remember you don’t know me and I don’t know you.

Man: (counting his money) no problem.

Sonny: Good because if anything comes back to me you won’t be far behind the now decease Helena Cassidine.


Sudden Changes Chapter 27

Ned and Alexis are enjoying breakfast in bed when someone knocks on the front door.

Ned: (looking over at the clock) it’s a little early for visitors.

Alexis: (kissing his neck) Why don’t we ignore them and maybe they’ll go away.

There’s another loud bang on the door.

Ned: I’ll get rid of who ever it is. (Alexis looks at him sadly as he puts on his robe) I have a feeling its grandfather and he has a key.

Alexis: (falling back onto the bed) who else would it be?

Ned: Grandfather if you’ve come here to apologize for last night you’re a little late. (He yelled as he opened the door)

Taggert: Good Morning Mr. Ashton may I come in?

Ned: (letting him in) If you’re looking for Alexis she’s still in bed.

Taggert: Actually I was looking for you.

Ned: Me?

Taggert: Yes I’d like to know your whereabouts for the last 48 hours.

Ned: (shocked) May I ask why?

Taggert: Helena Cassidine’ body was found floating in the river late last night.

Ned: Helena is dead?
Taggert: Yes and we have an eyewitness who says they overheard you threaten to kill her last week.

Just then Alexis comes downstairs.

Alexis: Taggert what brings you here?

Ned: Helena’ dead and Taggert here thinks I did it.

Alexis: (shocked) what?

Taggert: I never said I thought he did it. I just want to know where he’s been in the last 48 hours.

Alexis: We went to Vegas and got married last night, and we were together the entire time.

Taggert: Did he make any unusual phone calls or seem a little more nervous then usually.

Ned: (yelling) we got married of course I was nervous.

Alexis: If you don’t have a warrant for his arrest then I think you should leave.

Taggert: (walking over to the door) No Miss Davis I mean Mrs. Ashton I don’t have a warrant for your husband’s arrest but I am informing him he is not to leave town.

Alexis: So noted. (She yelled slamming the door behind him)

Ned: Sweetheart I didn’t have anything to do with Helena’ death.

Alexis: I wasn’t aware she was dead.

Ned: I didn’t know either until Taggert just showed up.

Jax comes flying through the door.

Jax: have you guys seen the morning paper?
Ned: (taking it from him) Well I guess it’s official Helena’ dead.

Alexis: Wow Helena’s really gone?

Jax: I wonder who managed to finally get the better of her?

Alexis: Taggert thinks Ned had something to do with it.

Ned: Alexis I promised you I wouldn’t go after her and I didn’t.

Alexis: Don’t worry sweetheart I know you didn’t have anything to do with Helena’ death. How could you we weren’t even in town when it happened?

Jax: where did you two run off to anyway?

Ned: Would you believe we ran off and got hitched?

Jax: yea right (he said laughing) where did you really run off to?

Alexis: (holding up her ring) Like the man said we ran off and got hitched.

Jax: (amazed and completely shocked) you two really got married.

Ned: That we did.

Jax: (hugging them both) well congratulations, and it’s way past time.

~~~Sonny’ penthouse.

Sonny: (on the phone) what did you find out?

Johnny: (on the other end) they so far only have one suspect.

Sonny: Who?

Johnny: Ned Ashton.

Sonny: What!

Johnny: Apparently the police have a witness who says they heard Mr. Ashton threaten to kill Helena Cassidine.

Sonny: Find out who this witness is and bring them to me.

Johnny: yes sir, right away.


Chapter 28

Gatehouse living room

Ned: I’ve done it (he said walking through the front door)

Alexis: Done what?

Ned: I found us the perfect place to live.

Alexis: you have, have you?

Ned: Yes in deed I have. It’s right outside of town and nobody can bother us.

Alexis: Sounds like a good place to me.

Ned: So would you care to go and see it?

Alexis: Now?

Ned: Yes now, come on. (He said holding out his hand.)

Alexis: (she takes his hand and he pulls her up) well if you insist.

Ned: I most certainly do. (He said before pulling her into a deep kiss.)

Sonny’ Penthouse.

Sonny: (coming down the stairs) well did you find the person.

Johnny: Yes sir, this is him.

John: Who the hell are you and what do you want from me?

Sonny: My name isn’t important, what you said you overheard is.

John: (yelling) do you have any idea who I am? I happen to work for Edward Quatermaine and if he finds out you’ve abducted me he’ll be…..

Sonny: (cutting him off) He’d be even more so when he finds out you are the one responsible for trying to pin a murder wrap on his grandson Ned Ashton.

John: What does a person like you have in common with a person like Ashton.

Sonny: He happens to be close friends with my lawyer, and for some reason she loves him.

John: Alexis Davis works for you?

Sonny: Why did you lie to the police?

Johnny walked over to Sonny and handed him a file.

John: I have no idea what you are talking about?

Sonny: (reading the file) So Mr. Michael’s you’re the new counselor for ELQ and well what do we have here you were once dating Alexis Davis.

John: how dare you run a background check on me.

Sonny: I wonder what Ms. Davis will think when she finds out you’re the one trying to send her lover up the river for the murder of Helena Cassidine.

John: I only told the police what I overheard.

Sonny: (getting in his face) And now you’re going to tell them you were gravely mistaken.

John: (backing up) Why would I do a thing like that?

Sonny: Because if you don’t they might find one more bad fish floating at the bottom of the sea.

Quatermaine Mansion

Ned and Alexis walk into the living room just in time to hear yet another argument about parenting between Monica and Edward.

Edward: For Pets sake Monica do you want Emily to end up like AJ.

Monica: Emily is a smart girl Edward and she has a good head on her shoulders.

Edward: Well you use to say the same things about AJ and Jason and where are they now!

Ned: Excuse me.

Edward: What do you want?

Ned: Actually I came here to pick up my daughter but hopefully Emily has had enough good sense to run away with her.

Monica: They’re upstairs in Emily’s room. I’d be happy to go get them for you. (She leaves)

Edward: Don’t worry Ned they can’t hear us fighting for that matter I’m surprised they can hear anything with that stuff they call music so loud.

Alexis: (sarcastically) trying to drown you out, go figure.

Edward: Why is this woman always attached to you’re hip?

Ned: Because she’s my wife and I like her there.

Edward: You’re what?

Alexis: apparently Emily isn’t the only one with a hearing problem.

Ned: (laughing) You heard me old man Alexis and I are married.

Brooke: (walking in) Daddy you and Alexis got married?

Ned: (picking her up) We sure did.

Emily: (hugging Alexis) Congratulations, welcome to the family.

Edward: That woman will never be a part of our family.

Monica: Oh Edward put a sock in it. (Turning to Ned and Alexis) I hope you guys are very happy.

Alexis: thanks Monica.

Ned: Well as happy as we’ve made you feel grandfather, my wife daughter and I must be going.

Brooke: Where are we going daddy? Can Emily come?

Ned: I just put down a bid on a house and Alexis and I were going to go check it out.

Brooke: Will I have my own room still?

Alexis: of course you will and Emily you’re more then welcome to come with us if you’d like.

Emily: Great anything to get out of here, I’ll just go get my coat.

Edward: So you’re finally moving out of the gatehouse, well good. It saves me from evicting you now that you’ve lost all your senses and married a Cassidine.

Emily: I’m all ready to go.

Alexis: I’m past ready to go.

Brooke: Bye Grandpa.