*~*~*~*~*~*~ Chapter 10 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Alexis just sat there with her mouth wide open.

“Well?” Jax asked will you marry me?”

“Jax you can’t be serious we can’t get married.”

“Why not.”

Alexis got off the couch and sat down on the coffee table in front of him. “Jax I care about you really I do it’s just.”

“You don’t love me?” Jax asked putting his head down.

“Of course I love you.” Alexis instantly replied.

Jax looked up at her. “Then why won’t you marry me.”

Alexis took a deep breath. She knew the next few words out of her mouth were going to kill him deep inside but she had to tell him the truth. “Because as much as I love you.” She looked down not being able to bare the look in his eyes. “I also still love Ned.”

“Ned Ashton doesn’t know the first thing about true love he’s been married more times then you can a shake a stick at and I don’t believe any of his marriage’s even lasted more then a year.” He got off the couch and walking over to the fireplace.

“Jax.” Alexis said walking up behind him and placing her arms around his waist. “I didn’t say it to hurt you I said it because you deserve to know the truth.”

Jax’ turned around and looked at her. “Alexis I don’t know when it happened or how it happened but in the last few days I’ve come to the realization that I can’t live without you.

“Jax just because I won’t marry you doesn’t mean I’m going anywhere.” She replied as she lends up and kisses him gently.

“Except maybe back to Ashton’s bed.” He said walking away from her.

“Jax please don’t do this.”

“Do what Alexis? I asked you to marry me and you tell me you’re in love with another man, what am I suppose to do?”

“Give me time to understand what I feel and what it is I really want and need in my life.”

“You just want me to walk away?”

“NO! I mean I don’t know….I love you Jax but this is all happening way to fast.” She states as tears being to run down her cheek.

Jax walked up to her and put his arm tightly around her as she continued to cry on his chest. “Shhhhh it’s okay don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.”

Jax I do love you, you have to believe that.”

Jax held her even tighter. “I know you love me and I should have never asked you to marry me.”

Alexis picked her head up and looked into his eyes. “Don’t say that --- don’t even think that. I’m glad you want to marry me and if my head wasn’t all screwed up right now I’d be honored to marry you. I just need some time to be me before I become us.”

Jax looked down at the engagement ring on Alexis’ finger before looking back into her eyes. “If time is what you need then time is what I’m going to give you.” He squeezed his hand tight and held the ring up to his chest. “But I’m going to keep this ring close to my heart and I will ask you again.”

“Thank you.” She quietly said as he brought his lips closer to hers and gently pressed them together.


~~Quatermaine Estate. ~~

“Grandfather.” Ned yelled entering the house.

“What.” Edward bellowed as he came out of the living room. “Why aren’t you at the office.

“I happened to be getting ready to leave town and I need the marketing reports from the last quarter.”

“Where the hell are you going?”

“Don’t worry Grandfather I’m just taking care of some business out of town and will be back in a few days. Now what did you do with the reports I want to look them over on the plane.”

“There upstairs on my dresser. I’ll go get them.”

“I’m sure I can find them.” Ned replied walking up the stairs.

“Whatever!” Edward hollered as he walked back into the living room.


~~ The Cabin ~~

Jax and Alexis are sitting on the couch with their feet up on the coffee table. They’re drinking red wine and eating cheese and crackers while staring at a lovely fire. Alexis is lying with her head against Jax’ chest while he plays with her hair.

“This is so much nicer.” Alexis said.

“I wish we could stay here forever.”

“Me too.” She replied getting even more comfortable.

“Why can’t we?” Jax suddenly asked.

“What?” Alexis asked sitting up and looking at him.

“Well I know we can’t stay here forever but why can’t we stay here just for tonight?”

“Don’t you think Ned and Chloe will notice we’re gone?” Alexis asked as her cell phone rang.

“Will figure something out to tell them.”

Alexis gave him a strange look before answering her phone. “Alexis Davis.”

“Ned Ashton.” He replied while looking through his grandfather bedroom.

“Hey what’s up?” She asked looking at Jax and then getting up.

“I’m afraid I have some bad news.”


“I have to leave town right away and I won’t be back till the end of the week.” He said picking up the file.

Alexis looked back at Jax a minute before replying. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you more.” He said walking out of the room and hearing a noise down the hall. He walked over to a door and opened it. “What the hell?” He yelled as AJ and Chloe jumped.

Chloe quickly gathered the sheets around her. AJ shook his head in disgust and fell back onto the bed.

“Ned what is it? Alexis yelled over the receiver.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~ CHAPTER 11 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

“Ned what are you doing here?” Chloe asked.

“What am I doing here?” He asked.

“Ned is that Chloe you’re talking to.” Alexis asked still on the phone with him.

Ned just looked at the sight in front of him and quickly closed the door.

“Ned is everything all right?” Alexis asked panicking.

“Um yea everything’s fine.” Ned replied. “I just ran into Chloe and she startled me that’s all.

Jax noticed the look on Alexis’ face and wrapped his arms around her. “Are you sure everything’s fine?” She asked not 100 percent sure.

“You it’s fine, trust me.” Ned quickly shot back. “ I love you and I’ll call you as soon as I can.”

“Okay bye.” She replied hanging up the phone.

“What was that all about?” Jax asked.

“I’m not sure.”

“Well then let’s just forget about it and go back over to the couch and figure out a way to spend the entire night together. Jax said pulling her over to the couch.

Alexis pushed him down and sat on top of him. “Actually I don’t have a problem spending the night."

“And what do you plan on telling Ned?”

“Nothing he’s on his way out of town.”

“Really.” Jax replied as his eyes lit up. “Then all I have to do is call Chloe and tell her that I got stuck late in a business meeting and wouldn’t be making it home tonight after all.”

“Why don’t you call her later.” Alexis said seductively as she pulled him into a hot steamy kiss.


Chloe quickly got dressed and flew down the stairs of the estate trying to catch Ned. “Ned wait.” She hollered, as he was about to open the front doors. “I can explain everything.”

“Chloe you don’t owe me an explanation.”

“But I do.” She replied grabbed his arm. “Jax can’t find out about this. I have no idea why it happened but it’s not going to happen again.”

Ned looked at her and shook his head. “The baby.” He said shocked. “Is there a possibility that this baby is Junior’s?”

“NO!” Chloe yelled. “This is the first time AJ and I have ever been together.”

“Do you honestly expect me to believe that!” Ned yelled. “You announce to the world you’re pregnant with Jax’ child and that you’re getting married and you --- what ---jump into bed with the first drunk you meet?”

Chloe let go of Ned’ arm and started to cry. “Ned please you can’t tell Jax what you saw please.”

Ned didn’t say a word as he opened the door and began to walk out.

“Please Ned you can’t tell him.” Chloe pleaded one last time.

“Fine I won’t tell him, but for you’re sake I’d give up Junior.” He said closing the door behind him.


Later on that night Chloe was pacing back and forth across the penthouse floor. “Where the hell is he.” She said out loud. “It’s nearly two am he should have been home by now.”

About ten minutes later Chloe picked up the phone and dialed Jax’ cell phone number. “Damn it.” She yelled when there was no answer. “Ned said he wouldn’t tell him.” She said to herself as she threw her body down onto the couch. “Well there’s only one person who would know if Ned said anything.” She yelled out loud as she dialed another number.


Jax and Alexis were sound a sleep in the upstairs bedroom when Jax heard Alexis’ cell phone ring.

“I thought you turned that thing off.” Jax said waking Alexis up.

“I thought I did too.” She replied rolling out from underneath him.

“Well whoever it is they are persistent, that’s for sure.” Jax said kissing her neck.

“I suppose I should get it then.” She said getting up and wrapping the sheet around her.
“Yea.” She yelled into the phone as she sat on the edge of the bed.

“Hi Alexis it’s me Chloe.”

“Chloe?” Alexis yelled as Jax began biting her neck.

“I’m sorry to be calling you so late.”

Jax was driving Alexis crazy as he continued to kiss her neck. To make it even more impossible for Alexis to pay any mind to Chloe he brought his hands under the sheet lightly tickling ever inch of her naked body.

Stop it.” She yelled not realizing it.

“Stop what?” Chloe asked.

“Hum --oh uhh -- stop being silly you’re not bothering me.”

“Thanks.” Chloe said. “It’s just I haven’t heard from Jax and I was beginning to get worried.”

“What?” Alexis said annoyed as she got up and looked at Jax. “Jax didn’t call you and tell you that he wasn’t going to make it home tonight.”

Jax closed his eyes and put his hands over his face as he lied back down on the bed.

“No he didn’t.” Chloe said almost in tears causing Alexis to feel even worse then she already did.

“I talked to him earlier.” Alexis replied as she threw a pillow at Jax. “And he said something about the meeting taking longer then he thought and that he wasn’t going to be home tonight.”

“But why would he have called you?” Chloe asked.

Alexis’ mind seemed to go blank as she tried to figure out something to tell her.

“I can’t believe he didn’t call me?” Chloe cried.

Suddenly Alexis’ mind was working again. “He only called me to inform me that he had to cancel our breakfast meeting. He said he tried to call you but --” She held her hand up as to a lose what to say. Jax looked at her and laughed. She picked up another pillow and throw at him harder. Jax caught the pillow in his stomach and pretended to be hurt. Alexis tried her hardest not to laugh “He said something about you not answering or not being able to get through-- Sorry Chloe but I don‘t recall what he said.”.”

Chloe wiped her eyes. “Well I guess the important thing is that he’s alright.”

“Chloe I’m sure he’ll call you in the morning.”

Jax sat up somewhat and shook his head no. Alexis stuck out her tongue and then turned her back to him.

Chloe looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. “Thanks Alexis talking to you always makes me feel better.”

“Anytime.” Alexis replied hanging up the phone.

Jax grabbed a hold of Alexis waist and pulled her down. She scream as she fell on top of him. “I don’t recall canceling our breakfast plans for tomorrow.”

She rolled over so she could face him. “I don’t recall you ever calling Chloe last night and telling her you wouldn’t be home.”

“I had way to many other important things to take care of last night.” He said as he flung her over onto her back and jumped on top of her. “And I’m not done yet.”

“Jax you really should have called her.”

He dropped his head into her chest. “I promise you Alexis I didn’t not call her intentionally.”

“I just hate hurting her like this.”

He looked back up at her. “We could solve that problem.”

“You promise we wouldn’t tell anybody anything until ---”

He rolled off of her and onto his back. “I know I know--- I’m sorry.” He sat up. “It’s just this whole thing is frustrating. I love you Alexis and I don’t want to hide it.”

Alexis sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She started playing with the hairs on his chest until he took hold of them.