Chapter 12

Friday Morning

Alexis is sitting in the park near the duck pond. Her shoes are off and her feet are barely touching the water.

“Alexis sweetheart what are you doing sitting out here at this hour of the morning.” Lady Jane asked.

Alexis jumped slightly at the sound of her voice. “I didn’t hear you coming.”

“I’m just out for my morning run.” Lady Jane said as she ran in place. “I’d ask you to join me but unfortunately you’re not dress for it.”

“Thanks anyway.” Alexis replied as she stared off into the distance.

“Alexis is everything alright?”

“Everything’s fine.” Alexis replied with a cracked voice.

Lady Jane took off her shoes and sat down next to her. “My dear have you been crying?”

Alexis looked at her for the first time since she showed up. “Lady Jane can I asked you something?”

Lady Jane placed her arm around her. “You can ask me anything.”

“Why is love so hard?” she asked as water formed in her eyes.

Lady Jane shook her head. “Did you and Ned get into a fight?”

“No.” Alexis replied looking away.

“Are you upset about something he’s done?”


“Then sweetheart what has you so upset?”

Alexis closed her eyes for a moment before looking back out at the pond. “I can’t tell you.”

“Alexis I love you like my own daughter you can tell me anything.”

“I don’t want you to think badly of me.” Alexis said as a teardrop fell from her cheek.

“Alexis I won’t judge you.”

“Can someone possible be in love with two different people for two completely yet the same reasons?” Alexis blurted out.

Lady Jane smiled. “My dear it’s what makes us human.”

“What?” Alexis asked confused.

“The love we have for others is the love that we carry inside of us. We love people because they remind of us of ourselves and the ones we love.”

Alexis just looked at her with a blank expression.

“In other words Alexis we have to love ourselves in order to love anyone else. Love isn’t just an emotion it’s a feeling, a feeling which we carry inside our hearts.”

“But how do you know the difference between real love and something you may think you want.” Alexis asked.

“By believing in yourself and the man you truly love.”

“But what if a part of you loves one person while another part of you loves another?”

“Then you let nature take over.” Lady Jane said. “You need to be true to all parties concerned before you can ever figure out what it is you want--- and what is just convenient.

“How can love be convenient?” Alexis asked.

“The same way it can be safe.” Lady Jane said with a smile. “If you’re afraid of the unknown then your afraid of life."

“I don’t know what to do?” Alexis said as more tears fell from her eyes. “I love Ned with all my heart but……"

“But what my dear?”

“I love Jax as well.” Alexis quietly said. “A couple of days ago your son asked me to marry him and I told him I couldn’t.”

“Well good for you.” Lady Jane yelled.

“What?” Alexis asked shocked. “I thought that’s what you wanted Jax and I to be a family.”

“But if part of you is still in love with another person then you clearly aren’t ready for marriage.”

Alexis began to play with her engagement ring. “I thought about telling Ned the truth about my feelings for Jax but I don’t want to hurt him like that.”

“Oh sweetheart in the game of love you must always look out for number one.” Lady Jane said pointing to Alexis. “Don’t push away Ned’s feelings but don’t disregard your own in the process.”

Alexis gave Lady Jane a big hug as the tears began to subside. “Thank you so much you’ve made me feel so much better. I still don’t know what I’m going to do but I feel better.”

“I’m glad dear and know matter what you do remember one thing.”

“What’s that.”

“You’ll always be family.”


~Dr. Newman’ examining room~

“Jax I can’t believe that in a matter of seconds we are going to find out weather or not I am actually pregnant.” Chloe said completely excited as she grabbed Jax’ arm.

“I can’t wait to find out the result myself.” Jax replied rather grim.

Chloe was so into herself that she didn’t even realize Jax wasn’t as happy as he should have been. “So do you want a girl or a boy?”

“Either.” Jax replied, while thinking neither to himself.

“Dr. Newman” Chloe yelled as the doctor walked into the room. “So tell us the good news.”

“Well it’s sure is good news.” Dr Newman replied.

“So I’m pregnant.” Chloe screamed as she pulled Jax into a big kiss, before turning back to the doctor. “Jax and I are going to have a baby.”

“Yes you are.” Dr Newman replied. “Congratulations.”

Jax just stood there in total disbelief. Why now, he thought to himself as Chloe wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

“So when?” Jax asked.

“Let’s find out.” Dr Newman replied as she began to examine her.

“If you don’t mind I think I’m going to wait in the front office.”

Chloe was about to object when the doctor spoke up. “No problem a lot of men find this part to be a little to much to take.”

Jax walked out into the waiting room and sat down. He put his hands over his face and sighed heavily before picking up his cell phone and dialing a number.

“Alexis Davis.” She answered

“Hi.” Was all Jax said.

“She is isn’t she?” Alexis asked nearly in tears.

“Yea.” Jax answered as the tears began to also escape his eyes.

Alexis closed her eyes and held her breath as silence came across the line.

“Alexis are you still there?” Jax finally asked.

“Yea, I’m still hear.”

Jax could tell she was crying and it was just killing him that he couldn’t be there, that he couldn’t just place his arms around her and reassure her that everything would be okay.

“Where are you?” Jax asked.

“At the pond watching the ducks.”

"Stay there I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“But what about Chloe you can’t just leave her.”

“You just stay there I’ll take care of Chloe. Please don’t leave."

“I won’t.” She replied before hanging up.

*~*~*~*~*~*~ Chapter 13~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Dr. Newman’s examining room.

“So Doctor how far along would you say I am?” Chloe asked.

“Looks like about 6 weeks.”

“6 weeks are you sure?” Chloe asked.

“I could be off but according to the information you gave me and your exam today I’d have to go with 6 weeks.”

“Okay” Chloe replied rather upset.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No I was just hoping that I was further along then that, that’s all.”

“Pregnancy is a wonderful thing you shouldn’t rush it along.”

“You’re right.” Chloe said jumping off the table. “And I’m going to take full advantage of it.”

“Now that’s the sprit.” Dr Newman said as they left the room.

“So how did everything go?” Jax asked as he hung up his phone.

“Great.” Chloe replied

“Everything is going according to plan, don’t worry Mr. Jack’s you’re fiancée here is in prefect health.” Dr Newman said as she walked away.

“So who were you on the phone with?” Chloe asked.

“Oh it’s just business.”

“Okay so what do you say we go home.”

“Actually I have to go take care of that matter now.” Jax says handing her his keys. “So why don’t you take my car and I’ll meet up with you later?”

Chloe pouted a little. “I was hoping we could go home and celebrate the good news.”

“I’m sorry, if it wasn’t important.”

“I know.” Chloe replied rather upset. “Well the least I can do is drop you off.”

“Actually I called a cab.” Jax said as he heard a horn blow. “Here it is now. I’ve got to go."

“Okay.” Chloe said as Jax ran out the door.


~The Park.~

About twenty minutes later Jax arrived at the park. He looked over by the pond but Alexis wasn’t anywhere in sight. He looked around awhile and finally spotted her pushing a little girl on the swing.

“Hey there beautiful, come here often?” Jax asked as he leaned against the pole of the swing set.

“What took you so long?” She replied with a smile.

“Who’s your friend?”

“My name is Rebecca.” The little girl answered.

“Well hello there Rebecca my name is Jax.”

The little girl laughed as Alexis continued to push her.

“And how old are you Rebecca?” Jax asked as he walked behind Alexis.


Jax gave Alexis a confused look. “Wow six already.”

“I found her alone and crying in the corner. So we talked a minute and she allowed me to push her on the swing until her mommy came back.” Alexis replied.

“And just where is her mommy?” Jax asked.

“That’s a good question.” Alexis mouthed.

“I’m hungry.” Rebecca yelled.

“Well.” Alexis said. “Do you like hotdogs?”


“Okay then.” Alexis replied as she helped the little girl off the swing. “Let’s get you a hotdog.”

“Alexis sweetheart.” Jax said as he grabbed her arm. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to go anywhere? What if her mother comes back looking for her and she’s not here?”

“Jax if her mother was going to come back she would have done so by now.” Alexis replied.

“Fine then I think we should call the police.”

“I know you’re right.” Alexis said as she kissed his cheek. “Why don’t you call Mac while I get her a hotdog? We’ll be right back.”


“Damn it!” Chloe yelled as she walked into the Penthouse. “Six weeks how could I only be six weeks pregnant?” She threw her purse on the couch and paced back and forth. “What am I going to do now? What am I going to tell Jax? He’s going to know this baby is no way his if I tell him I’m only six weeks pregnant.” She picked up her appointment book and quickly started rambling through it. “Okay I left for Milan then.” She said as she pointed to a date. “I came back home then.” She said as she pointed to another date. “Jax and I haven’t had sex for at least two weeks before I left because of my illness.” She said going back through her book. “So if I tell him I’m 10 weeks pregnant that should cover it.” She said as she closed the book. “Not everyone’s pregnancy is the same so this should work.”


Jax and Alexis were sitting on a bench waiting for Mac to arrive while they watched Rebecca play in the sandbox with the other kids.

“How are you?” Jax asked.

“Worried.” Alexis replied. “How can anyone just leave their child like this?”

“I don’t know.” Jax said as he put his arms around her. “But I was actually referring to Chloe being pregnant.”

“Chloe!” Alexis yelled “I completely forgot about her ever since I found Rebecca just sitting there all by herself crying. That’s all my minds been on.”

“That’s understandable.” Jax replied.

“You should go.” Alexis said as she pushed him away. “Chloe needs you, you should be home with her.”

“No!” Jax yelled. “Chloe doesn’t need me, you do.”

“Jax please now that Chloe’ pregnant for sure, we can’t do this anymore."

“Alexis the only way I’m leaving you to go back to her, is to tell her it’s over.”

“Jax how can you leave her now?” Alexis yelled. “She’s pregnant.”

Jax takes Alexis’s face in his hands. “Alexis the first time we made love I had every intention of telling Chloe we were through.” He runs his fingers through her hair. “I’m not leaving her because of the baby but I refuse to stay with her because of the baby as well.”

“But Jax everyone is going to think you walked out on her because she got pregnant.”

He pulls her close and kisses her. “I don’t give a damn about what everyone thinks. I love you Alexis and I want to be with you!”

Alexis stood up and was about to say something when Commissioner Mac Scorpio interrupted them.

“So where’s this little girl you two found?” Mac asked.

“Actually Alexis found her.” Jax replied.

“She’s over there, playing in the sandbox.” Alexis said. “She’s the little one in the pink overalls and matching hat.”

“Well she seems like a well dressed kid.” Mac replied.

“Meaning?” Jax asked.

“Meaning that it doesn’t look like someone just left her because they couldn’t afford to take care of her.” Mac answered.

“Mac I’ve questioned everyone in the park and nobody remembers seeing anyone other then Alexis here with her.” Detective Taggert said as he approached them.

“Alexis, Alexis come look what I made.” Rebecca said running over and pulling on her arm.

“I’d love to sweetie but my friend Mac here would like to talk to you first okay?”


“So your first name is Rebecca, do you know what your last name is?” Mac asked as he got down on his knees.

“I don’t have a last name.” Rebecca said.

“That’s okay.” Mac replied. “Do you know what your mommy’s first name is?”

Rebecca just shook her head no as Mac continued to try and figure out who she belonged to.

“Can you come see what I made now?” Rebecca asked Alexis.

“You bet I can.” Alexis said as she took her hand.

“So now what Mac?” Jax asked.

“Well I’ll take her downtown get her fingerprints and put it in the computer. Hopefully we’ll come up with something.”

“Then what?”

“Then we’ll place her with a foster parent until we find her parents.”

“Mac is there anyway Alexis can keep her, until they find out who she belongs to.”

“They do look rather close.” Mac said. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks.” Jax said as he walked over towards Alexis. “I’ll go get them”