“If I do recall...and trust me I do. The last thing I said to you was.....”

“Don’t do anything stupid.” Jax cut in taking her coat from her as the walked into the Penthouse.

Alexis rolled her eyes at him and walked over to the stairs and looked up. “Anybody home.” She yelled

“You’re home.” Rebecca yelled as she flew down the stairs and straight into Alexis’ arms.

“We were just playing Barbie's.”  Bobbie said as she followed her down.

Lucas just shook his head in disgust as he looked over at Jax.

“Thanks again for keeping an eye on her.” Alexis replied. “I don’t know what I’d do without your help.”

Bobbie picked up her jacket and handed Lucas’ to him. “Well you know considering the fact that things around here aren’t going to be changing you really should look into hiring a full time nanny.”

Jax walked over to Alexis and placed his arms around her so that both his hands landed on her stomach. “Actually I think that’s a great idea and things are going to be changing within the next half a year or so.” He stated as he rubbed his hands up and down.

Bobbie looked up at them and smiled. “You’re pregnant........Oh my god congratulations.”

“I’m not as pregnant as Jax here seems to think I am.” Alexis shot back.

“What can I say I can’t wait for this baby to be born?” He replied through his dimpliest grin.

“You’re having a baby now?” Rebecca shouted

Jax took Rebecca from Alexis and walked over to the couch with her. “Actually it will be sometime before the baby is born but yes Alexis and I are going to have a baby.”

“I don’t want you to have a baby.” She yelled as she ran up the stairs. “I hate babies!”

Neither Alexis, Jax nor Bobbie knew what to make of the outburst as they just stood and stared at one another.

Finally after a few minutes Bobbie spoke up. “Lucas and I really need to get going.” She walked over and gave Alexis a hug. “Don’t worry she’s just scared and doesn’t know what to make of it all.”

“Hopefully once we tell her about her Mother and that we’re going to adopting her she’ll be happier about having a baby around.”

“Actually I already filled the papers and official she’s ours.” Alexis replied.

“I thought you were going to wait until after we spoke to her.” Jax said a little shock and a little hurt.

“Call me if you need anything.” Bobbie said as Alexis showed her and Lucas to the door.

“I will and thanks again.” Alexis said as she shut the door and turned her attention back to Jax. “I thought you’d be happy that I decided not to wait?”

“I am it’s just you caught me a little off guard.”

Alexis looked at him and then up the stairs. “Maybe I should go talk to her.”

Jax walked over to her and placed his arm around her waist. “We’ll both go.”

“I was kinda hoping I could talk to her for a minute by myself.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if we talked to her about the adoption her mother and the new baby together as a family?”

“I don’t plan on telling her about the adoption or her mother I just want a few minutes with her.” She kissed his cheek. “Please.”

He kissed her lips lightly. “Okay but I’ll be right here if you need me.”

“I always need you and you know it.” She shot back as she climbed the stairs. “We won’t be long.”


“I hate babies I hate babies.” Rebecca said over and over again as she twisted the head right off of her new baby doll. “I hate them!” She said once more before throwing the doll at the wall.

“If you didn’t like the doll all you had to do was tell me.” Alexis said as she walked into the room and picked the doll off the floor.

“Why do you and Jax have to have a baby anyway?” Rebecca pouted.

Alexis walked over to her and sat on the edge of the baby. “Why don’t you tell me why you don’t like babies?”

“I just don’t!” She yelled as she crossed her arms in front of her body and looked away.

Alexis sighed. “I never liked babies much myself either when I was your age.”

“Then why are you having one?” She asked not turning around.

“You know I really don’t know......I mean all they do is cry.....and want to eat......”

“And cry some more.”

Alexis laughed slightly. “Ya they sure do cry a lot.......not to mention you have to change their diapers all time........and I know you’d hate to have to hold her or him and play the part of big sister.”

Rebecca’ eyes lit up and she spun around. “You’d let me hold the baby?”

“Why sure I would, and when the baby got big enough I let you help out with a lot of things.”


“Oh I don’t know maybe feeding the baby or changing the baby....maybe even taking a bath with the baby.”

“Really, you’d let me do all those things?”

Alexis took her hand and pulled her onto her lap. “Of course I would, that’s what big sisters do.”

Rebecca looked away from Alexis with a very sad face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Once the police find my mommy and make me go live with her and the bad man I won’t be a big sister anymore.” Rebecca said as she flung her arms around Alexis’ neck. “Please Alexis don’t let them send me back.”

Alexis stood up and headed down the stairs. “Don’t worry sweetie you never have to go back.”

Jax put down his paper and got up as he heard Alexis coming down the stairs. “Everything okay?” He asked as Alexis and Rebecca joined him on the couch.

“She doesn’t want to go back and live with her mommy and the bad man.”

“I see.” Jax replied as he took Rebecca from her and made her look at him. “You want to live here with me and Alexis don’t you?”

“Yes.” Rebecca barely stated.

“Good because here is where Alexis and I both want you.” Jax replied as he took Alexis’ hand. “As for the bad man well he can’t hurt you anymore.”

“He can’t?”

“No sweetie he can’t.” Alexis said as she wiped the child’s tears from her cheek.

“But my mommy can still take me away?”

Alexis looked at Jax and didn’t know what to say all she could think about was losing her mother at such a young age and how devastated she was when she was told her mommy was never coming back.

“Rebecca do you know where heaven is?” Jax asked.

Rebecca shook her head and pointed up.

“Well that’s where your mommy is.” Jax simply stated.

“Mommy says people who go to heaven don’t come back.”

“They don’t sweetie.” Alexis answered.

“If mommy isn’t coming back does that mean that mean lady is going to take me away again.”

“No it doesn’t.” Alexis quickly said.

“How would you like to have Alexis as your mommy and me as your daddy?”

“I can call you daddy?” Rebecca asked with a wide-open smile.

Jax shook his head yes. “And you can call Alexis mommy.”

“But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Alexis stated. “Either way nobody is ever going to take you away from us.”

“I want to call you mommy.” Rebecca said as she looked directly into Alexis’ eyes. “I love you.”

“And we love you.” Alexis replied as her own tears ran down her face.


~ Several hours later ~

“So do you want to tell me what happened between you and Chloe earlier today?” Alexis asked as she walked up behind Jax who was sitting at his desk.

Jax put the contracts he was working on down and spun his chair around so that he could face her. “She denied everything and basically told me Ned was nothing more then a liar who was still in love with you.”

Alexis put her arms around his neck and sat on his lap. “Well I could have told you that.” She replied as she rolled her eyes at him.

“I know I shouldn’t have kicked in the door.”

“Or picked a fight with AJ.” She shot back.

“That little weasel is lucky I don’t pop him one.”

“Maybe so......but was it worth getting arrested for. I mean by going over there and confronting her, did you really accomplish anything?”

“Well the PCPD now has an updated mug shot.” He joked back

She took her hand and grabbed a hold of his face. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I can think of so many things. “He quickly answered back as he lifted their bodies off the chair and slowly made his way to the floor.

“Jax we can’t Rebecca is just upstairs!” Alexis tried to argue as his mouth over took hers.

Jax finally and breathlessly broke the kiss and began unbuttoning her shirt.

Alexis grabbed his hands and made him stop. “Jax we really can’t do this here!”

Jax cocks his head and looks deep into her eyes giving her a your no fun look.

Alexis looks away and laughs. “Sorry but your puppy dog eyes just work this time.”

Jax pulls his hand out of hers and quickly places his hand up her shirt and begins massaging her body as he attacks her neck with tiny little bites!

“Jax don’t............stop.” She adds breathlessly.

“I knew you’d give in sooner or later.” Jax shot back as he pulled his shirt over his head and began unbuckling his pants.

“Why don’t we take this upstairs?” Alexis begged.

Jax once again covered her body with his. “Too far.” He simply whispered in her ear before attacking it.

Jax.......not here.” she laughed as she heard a knock at the door.

“Ignore it and they’ll go away.” Jax replied as his hands moved further down her body causing her to jump.

“Be right there!” She hollered.

Jax sat up straight and looked at her. “Now why did you go and do that?”

“Because we can’t do this here!” She replied as she wiggled her body out from under his and answered the door.

Jax shook his head and refuse to get up as he laid back fully against the carpet.

“Can I help you?” Alexis asked as she opened the door.

“Sorry to bother you Mrs. Jacks.” The man replied as he looked over at Jax.

“No problem we weren’t doing anything......important” Alexis shot back as she gave Jax a if we were upstairs I wouldn’t have answered the door look.

“I have a certified letter from the manager that needs your signature.” The man stated.

“A certified letter from the manager?” Alexis questioned as she signed for it.

Jax sat up and looked at her as the man left and she began opening the letter.

“I can’t believe this!” Alexis yelled.

“What’s the matter?”

Alexis threw the letter down at Jax. “We have thirty days to get out before we are thrown out.”

Jax picked up the letter and looked at her. “We’re being evicted?”


“I can’t believe that little weasel is having us evicted!” Jax angrily stated.

“Since when do you consider Edward Quatermaine a little weasel?” Alexis asked shocked by his comment.

“Not Edward!” Jax shot back

“You don’t think Ned is behind this, do you?” She asked a little annoyed at the accusation.

“No not Ned.....if Ned wanted to get back at us trust me he’d find a more amusing and painful way then to have us thrown out of the building.”

“Okay then I’m lost who and why are we being evicted?”

“AJ Quatermaine that’s who........and why because he has nothing better to do with that single brain cell he has left in his head.” Jax yelled as he tore the eviction notice in half.

“Jax you really need to calm down.” She stated as she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. “I’ll call the realtors in the morning and we’ll find someplace else to live.”

Jax placed his hands over hers. “The last thing you need to worry about right now is finding us a place to live.” He pulled her over to the couch and they sat down. “The only thing I want you to worry about is that baby of ours that you’re carrying.”

Alexis looked down and sighed as Jax placed his hand on her stomach. She knew right there and then that she had to tell him that the baby might not be his, but she didn’t know how.

“Alexis is something wrong?” Jax asked noticing her mood changed almost 80 degrees when he mentioned the baby.

She looked up at him and tried to fight back the tears as she bit her bottom lip. “I love you Jasper Jack and I love the way you worry about me but really I’m okay.”

Jax took his thumb and rubbed the side of her cheek. “Are you sure nothings bothering you?”

Alexis opened her mouth to tell him but she couldn’t seem to get the words out.

Jax looked at her confusingly. “ can tell me anything.”

“It’s just the baby and Rebecca and being evicted and.....”

“It’s like everything is hitting us all at once.” He said cutting her off.  “Don’t worry we’ll get through it.”

Jax and Alexis just sat there a few minutes as Alexis watched Jax move his hand across her stomach. She had never seen him so happy and hated the fact that one sentence out of her mouth could change all that. She closed her eyes and laid her head back and was about to just blurt it out, as there was a knock on the door.

“I wonder who that could be?” Jax said as he got up and kissed the top of her head.

“Maybe AJ called the realtor for us?” Alexis joked glad for the intrusion.

“Lady Jane”  Jax said as he opened the door.

“I hope I’m not bothering you two doing anything a happily married couple should be doing?” Lady Jane stated with a seductive grin.

“No believe it or not someone already beat you to it.” Jax replied as he looked over at Alexis and smiled.

“So Lady Jane what brings you by so late at night in your jogging outfit?” Alexis asked.

“I thought I’d go for a late night run and invite you to come along.” Lady Jane replied.

“Sorry but my wife can’t go jogging.” Jax stated firmly as he walked over to Alexis and placed his arm around her.

“And why not?” Lady Jane and Alexis both yelled.

“Simple.” Jax replied. “Lady Jane, Alexis and I are having a baby.”

“And your point would be?” Lady Jane asked firmly.

“ congratulations, it’s about time, when is the baby due?” Jax asked completely shock by his mothers less then enthused attitude.

“Don’t let her fool you Jax.” Alexis replied lovingly. “Your mother and I had lunch today....and well let’s just say by the end of the meal she kinda knew I was pregnant.”

“Hi Lady Jane.” A little voice said in the distance.

“Well hello there Rebecca.” Lady Jane stated as she picked the child up and looked over at Jax and Alexis. “Would you like to tell me why this child is up so late?”

Jax and Alexis just looked at each other and smiled.

“I couldn’t sleep.” Rebecca stated.

“What if Grandma here reads you a bedtime story?” Jax asked

“Would you Grandma please?” Rebecca pleaded.

“I’m way too young to be a Grandmother.” Lady Jane shot back.

“Sorry too late.” Jax joked back as he once again placed his hand on Alexis’ stomach causing her to tense.

“I’ll get that.” Alexis said as the phone rang. “Alexis Davis...........he’s right here.” She stated as she handed Jax the phone.

“Come on Rebecca let’s go see about that story.” Lady Jane said as they made their way up the stairs.

“I have to go, but I won’t be long.” Jax said as he kissed Alexis on the cheek.

“If I’m sleeping when you get back will you wake me?” Alexis asked rather solemnly.

“I won’t be long, I promise.” He replied as he kissed the top of her head.

“I know it’s just I’m really tried........ but at the same time we really need to talk.”

He placed his hands on her face and made her look at him. “You’re pregnant and need all the sleep you can NO I will not wake you when I get home if you’re sleeping.”

“Jax I really need to talk to you about something.”

“If you’re sleeping when I get home it will wait till morning.” He stated before kissing her lightly on the lips. “I love you, now get some rest, do not go jogging with my Mother and I won’t be long.”

Alexis sighed heavily as Jax closed the door behind him.


Alexis is sitting on the couch staring into space as she aimlessly plays with her wedding band.

“And just where did my son run off to so late at night?” Lady Jane asked as she came down the stairs.

“He had some business to take care of.” Alexis quietly stated.

Lady Jane took a seat on the couch next to her. “Want to talk about it?”

“I did.....but he left.”

“So why not talk to me?” Lady Jane asked in a motherly tone. “It may help...and it can’t hurt.”

“I have to tell Jax something and I don’t know how.”

“With as much love and honesty as possible.”

“I can’t even get the words out.” Alexis stated clearly annoyed with herself.

“Why don’t you tell me what it is?” Lady Jane asked with that motherly tone of hers.

“I have to tell your son something that I know will break his heart.” Alexis stated as she looked at her. “and if I don’t we’ll be living a lie.”

“Please tell me what it is?” Lady Jane pleaded

“Lady Jane I love your son with all my heart and I never meant to hurt him.” Alexis replied as her eyes began filling with water.

“I know you do.”

“I don’t want you to hate me anymore then him.”

“I could never hate you Dear; you’re a part of the Jacks family no matter what.”

“Even if the child I’m carrying isn’t Jax’?” Alexis quickly stated as she got off the couch and walked over to the window.

Lady Jane took a deep breath and tried desperately to understand.

“It’s not what you think.” Alexis quickly shot back

“Then what else could it possibly be?” Lady Jane questioned

“When Jax and I first got together.........Ned and I were still engaged.”

“So Ned maybe the father of your child?”


“I take it Jax hasn’t come to that conclusion?”

“I don’t think so.” Alexis said as she turned around to face her. “I’ve thought about not telling him unless I had to......I mean the possibility that this baby is Ned’ isn’t all that great........but still what if it is?”

“You seem pretty sure the baby is Jax’, why?”

“Ned and I always used birth control.......and Jax and I well we didn’t use it a couple of times........things just happened on the spur of the moment and we just......”

“Let yourselves get carried away in the moment?”

“Something like that.”

“Alexis your going to have to tell Jax, it’s not fair for you to keep something like this from him.”

“I know.” Alexis replied. “As much as I keep telling myself the odds are against Ned being the father...there’s still that possibility.” She turned and looked back out the window. “I just hate hurting him for no reason.”

“Have you spoken with Ned? Does he know you’re pregnant?”

“Yea he knows he also knows the baby could be his.”

“I’d tell him before someone else does.” Lady Jane quickly replied before opening the door and walking out.