Two days later

Alexis is having breakfast with a client in the PC Grille when John and Lady Jane walk in.

“Oh honey there’s Alexis let’s go say hello.”

“John she’s with a client besides our table is ready.” Lady Jane replied.

“I suppose you’re right it would be kind of rude to interrupt her while she’s working.

As they walk off to their table Alexis looks up at them and John smiles. Alexis returns a smile and Lady Jane looks away.

“So do you need my signature anywhere else?” The client asks but Alexis doesn’t hear him. “Excuse Ms. Davis do you need me to sign anymore papers because I have another meeting I need to get to?”

Alexis snaps out of it. “Um no I’m sorry that was all I need.”

“Well as always it was great seeing you.” The client says as he stands up.

“I’ll make sure I get everything filed this morning and have it delivered to you this afternoon.”

“Always a pleasure.” He stated before walking off.

“Is there anything else I can get for you Mrs. Jacks?” A waiter asked

“Yes I’d love another cup of coffee.”

“But she’ll have a protein shake.” Jax said as he sat down. “And I’ll have one as well.”

“I’d like a cup of coffee.” Alexis repeated to the waiter clearly annoyed with Jax.

“You’re pregnant and you know caffeine isn’t good for the baby.” Jax replied

“Why don’t you just cancel everything and bring me my check.” Alexis informed the waiter and then turned her attention back to Jax. “Where’s Rebecca?”

“Nikolas just picked her up a little while ago he’s taking both her and LuLu to the park.”

“And you’re here because?” Alexis asked

“Because you have a doctors appointment in 45 minutes and I planned on taking you.”

“You have barely said two words to me in the last two days but you plan on going with me to the doctors?” Alexis asked shockingly.

“It would have been a lot easier if you had told me you had an appointment so I wouldn’t have had to cancel my meetings for today.”

“ I didn’t think you’d want to go!”

Jax looked at her. “Regardless of who the father is, you are still my wife and my number one concern.”

“I wasn’t sure you still wanted me to be your wife as well.”

“Are you telling me you want a divorce?” Jax asked

“No I’m asking you if you want one!” Alexis yelled a little to loudly.

Across the room.

“I wonder what is going on between those two?” John asked “Maybe we should go over there and make sure everything’s all right.”

“John I don’t think that’s such a good idea whatever is going on with them they’ll work it out. They don’t need us to hold their hand.”

Back across the room.

Jax stood up. “We’re going to be late.”

“Should I take your non responsive remark as a yes?”

Jax looked her in the eyes. “No I don’t want a divorce.”

“Then what do you want because I refuse to live like this any longer?”

Jax sat back down. “I want you to trust me enough to tell me things regardless of how you think I’ll react.”

Alexis started twisting her wedding band around her finger. “Jax I don’t know how to make you understand that I am sorry and that I do trust you.”

“I do believe you’re sorry Alexis.”

“But you don’t believe I trust you?” She sadly asked.

“I don’t believe you trust in us and that’s not something I can help you with. That’s something you have to be willing to let go of inside yourself.”

“Jax that’s not fair I do trust our love.”

“No Alexis you don’t and if you’d stop and really think about it you’d see it as well.”

“Well if nothing else you’ve given me something to think about.”

Jax got up and threw some money on the table before taking Alexis’ hand. “Come on I don’t want you to be late for your appointment.”

Alexis took his hand and stood up. “Don’t you think you should go over and say good morning to your parents before you leave.”

“No, but I guess we should.” And with that hand and hand they walked over to their table.

“Well good morning you two I was wondering how long it was going to take before you made your way over to see us.” John stated as the approached their table.

“Dad you know darn well that I wouldn’t have left without saying good-bye.”

“So where are you kids off to?” Lady Jane asked

“Alexis has a doctor’s appointment.” Jax answered as he put his hand lovingly on her stomach. “And we’re off to see just what our bundle of joy looks like.”

“So then everything between the two of you is okay?” John asked.

“What would make you think otherwise dad?” Jax asked as he kissed the top of Alexis’ head.

John looked over at Lady Jane as Jax and Alexis left the restaurant. “I can tell by the sound of my son’s voice that everything isn’t as okay as it should be. Do you have any idea of what’s going on between those two?”

“I think you need to have a talk with you’re son and ask him.” Lady Jane simply replied.


~ The Doctors office ~

Alexis is lying on the table with her shirt up, the doctor is going over her chart and Jax is sitting next to her holding her hand.

The doctor picks up a bottle of gel and squeezes it onto Alexis stomach. “This is going to be a little cold.”

Alexis jumps slightly. “You can say that again.”

Jax smiles at Alexis as the doctor points to the screen. “Well there your little one is.” She replies as she rambles off the parts of the body she can make out.”

Jax’ eyes light up as he stares at the screen. “Can you tell weather it’s a boy or a girl?”

“It’s way too soon.” The doctor answered. “But if you really want to know the baby’s sex we can do another sonogram in about a month.”

“Will you be able to tell then?” Alexis asked

“I’ll have a better chance of finding out.” The doctor replied. “Everything looks good so I’ll print you out some pictures and well set up an appointment for two weeks.”

Jax pulled Alexis’s shirt down and helped her off the table.

“Doctor I was wondering if a blood test could be ran to determine the parentage of an unborn child while it’s still in the womb?”

“Is the parentage of your child in question?” The doctor asked.

“There is a slight possibility that I may not be the father.” Jax replied.

“Well yes we could run some test to find out if you’d like.”

“Will the test hurt the baby in anyway?” Alexis asked

“No, but your best bet would be to wait until after the child is born.”

Jax looked at Alexis. “Then will wait!”

“Actually as long as neither the baby nor I would be put into any danger I’d rather go ahead with the test.” Alexis said as she looked at the Doctor.

“Alexis you don’t have to do this, I’m fine with waiting.” Jax lovingly stated.

“But I’m not Jax.”

“Why don’t the two of you go home and talk this out. Then if you’d like to set up the test I’d be more then happy to make the arrangements.

“I think that’s a good idea.” Jax stated as he took the pictures from the doctor and they left.


~ Jack’s penthouse ~

On their way home Jax got an important called, so he dropped Alexis off at home and told her they’d talk about the test when he got back.

Alexis was coming down the stairs eating ice cream when someone knocked on the door. Alexis opened the door and Chloe pushed her way in.

“Where’s Jax?”

“Jax isn’t here Chloe and if you don’t mind I’d rather if you were here as well.”

Chloe looked at Alexis. “So just how far along are you?”

“Come again?” Alexis asked

“I heard that you and Ned were having a child.”

“Then you heard wrong.” Alexis replied as she slammed the door.

“You look slightly pregnant to me.” Chloe shot back.

“I am pregnant Chloe but the baby isn’t Ned’s.” Alexis yelled. “Not that it’s any concern of yours.”

“Whatever.” Chloe remarked. “I thought you’d have all of your stuff out of here by now.”

“Don’t worry Chloe we’re leaving.” Alexis stated

“The only person in this room that’s leaving is her!” Jax yelled as he walked through the door and placed a protective arm around Alexis.

“Jax I’m sorry I heard about the baby and Ned and all.” Said Chloe. “I can’t believe that Alexis would try and pass this bastard baby off as yours.”

Alexis was about to say something but Jax stopped her. He walked over to Chloe and grabbed her by the arm. “Its way pass time for you to be leaving.” He stated as he threw her out the door. “And do yourself a favor and don’t come back!”

“Jax I have no idea how she found out I was pregnant let alone what makes her think this baby isn’t yours.”

“Forget about her Alexis. She’s not worth it besides until someone tells me otherwise, this baby is mine.” Jax said as he placed his hand on her stomach.

Alexis took Jax’ hand and they walked over to the couch and sat down.

“Jax what if they baby is Ned’s?”

“We’ll deal with that when and if the time comes.”

“Don’t you think we should talk about the possibility before we know for sure?”

“I thought you were the one who was 99 percent sure the baby was mine?”

“I am Jax it’s just I need to know what you’ll do if the baby turns out not to be yours.”

“Are you asking me if I plan on leaving you and Rebecca?” Jax asked as he studied her face for an answer. “Well if that’s what you’re scared of the answer is no. I plan on loving this baby as much as I love both you and Rebecca.”

“You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.” Alexis said as tears descended her eyes.

Jax couldn’t stand to see the look in her eyes so he pulled her over to him and had her sit on his lap. He gave her an everything going to be okay hug.

Alexis placed her head on his shoulder. “Jax I know you don’t want it done but I really do want to have the test ran on the baby as soon as possible.”

“Alexis I told you we could wait.”

“But I can’t I don’t want people like your mother, Chloe or the Quatermaine’ thinking Ned is our baby’s father.”

“Like you said Alexis the test might come back that he is.”

“At least then we’ll know and we can deal with it.” Alexis argued. “Beside stress isn’t good for the baby and until I find out the truth...........”

“Okay you win.” Jax replied as he kissed the top of her head. “I’ll call your doctor and let her know.”

Alexis looked him in the eyes. “Everything is going to be okay isn’t it?”

Jax took her head in his hands and pulled it back down to his shoulder. He wasn’t sure just how to answer her. He took a deep breath and was about to say something when the front door opened and Rebecca came running in.

“Mommy, daddy! Nikolas is taking LuLu to the park again tomorrow can I go please.”

“So your big cousin didn’t have enough torture for one day.” Jax laughed as he looked over at a worn out Nikolas.

“You try keeping up with two little girls full of way to much energy in the park.” Nikolas shot back.

“I was just about to call downstairs and order something to eat would you like to stay and join us?” Alexis asked.

“No thanks Rebecca, LuLu and I already ate. Besides I really do need to get going.”

Alexis stood up. “Um Nikolas there is something I’d like to tell you before you leave.”

“Would it have anything to do with that new cousin of mine?” Nikolas asked as he looked down at her stomach. “That’s all Rebecca talked about today.”

“I’m sorry if I had known that you were taking her to the park today I would have told you myself.”

“Don’t worry about it Aunt Alexis I’m just happy you’re happy.” Nikolas gave her a hug. “I love you and congratulations.”

“I love you too.” Alexis replied.

“And congratulations to you too Jax.” Nikolas added before leaving.

“Is it okay if I go upstairs and change my clothes?” Rebecca asked.

“Why don’t you run upstairs and pick something out while I run you a bath.”

“Okay.” Rebecca yelled as she ran up the stairs.

“It still amazes me Jax.”

“What’s that?”

“How much that little girl has changed since we first found her.”

Jax placed his arm around her. “It’s amazing what love can do.”

                                    CHAPTER 37

Jax is sitting at the Port Charles Grill reading the paper.

“Well hello son.” John stated as he joined him. “Sorry I’m late but then again you know how your mother is.”

“That’s fine dad, but I don’t have much time I’m kinda running late myself. So why don’t you tell me why it is you asked to see me?”

“I wanted to know how married life was treating you and my lovely daughter in-law. Things have seemed a little tense between the two of you lately.”

“Dad don’t worry Alexis and I are doing just fine.”

“I know this is the part were you tell me it’s just been a little hectic between moving raising a six year-old her being pregnant and..........”

Jax couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay dad you got me everything isn’t going as well as I would like.”

“Would you like to talk about it?”

“I wouldn’t know where to begin.” Jax replied as he stood up. “Besides I’m late for an appointment.”

John stood up and grabbed his son’s hand. “Why don’t you cancel that appointment and talk to me?”


~ General Hospital ~

Alexis walks up to the front desk. “Excuse me but I have a one o’clock appointment.”

“Name?” The receptionist asks.

“Alexis Jacks.”

“Here you are why don’t you have a seat I’ll let call you.”

“Thank you.” Alexis replied as she turned around and ran right into Lady Jane. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you.”

“Alexis I know I’ve been pretty hard on you lately and I’d like to apologize.”

“There’s no need for an apology.” Alexis replied. “I know you were only looking out for your son.”

“Yes I was but I should have also been more sympathetic to you. It wasn’t like I didn’t know you and Ned were dating. After all you were engaged to the man.”

“Lady Jane I need you to know I never set out to hurt Jax and I prey this child is his.”

Lady Jane takes Alexis’ hand. “I know it is my dear.”

“Excuse me Mrs. Jacks the doctor can see you now.” A nurse stated

“Thank you.” She replied before looking back at Lady Jane. “Maybe we can get together later and talk about this some more.”

“I’d love that.” Lady Jane replied. “Maybe we’ll go out for a power walk.”

“And here I thought you weren’t mad at me anymore.” Alexis jokingly replied.


Back at the Port Charles Grille Jax is on the phone.

“Thanks Dave and I’ll get back to you and let you know what I find out.”  He replied as he hung up.

“So is that the last call you need to make or would you like to place a few more before we get down to what is really important.” John jokingly asked Jax.

“Sorry dad that was the last call I needed to make.”

“Good then tell me what it is that’s causing a ripple between you and you’re wife.”

Jax took a deep breath. “How do you convince the woman you love to trust in that love?”

“Years of negotiations my boy.”

“Gee dad that helped a lot.”

“It’s not my job to help you; it’s only my job to listen.”

“Okay you know Alexis and Ned had been dating for a while.”

“She‘s not having an affair with Ashton is she?”

“No dad it’s worse then an affair.”

“What could possibly be worse then an affair?” John asked puzzled.

“Alexis didn’t trust in our love enough to tell me that the child she’s carrying might be Ned’s.”

John looked completely shocked. “I take it you confronted her on it?”



“She basically told me she considered not telling me at all unless she had to.”

“I see.” John replied. “But she is the one who told you, right?”


“Then I think that in it’s self says a lot.”

“What how can you say that?” Jax yelled

“She loves you enough to not let you spend the next few months living in a lie.”

Jax didn’t say a word.

“So why not give her the benefit of the doubt.” John stated as he stood up. “Because if you don’t who will, and more importantly who loses in the end?”


A few hours later Alexis comes walking through the penthouse doors looking like something the cat drug in.

“Remind me the next time your mother tells me she’ll take it easy on me........that it’s all a lie.” She replied as she slowly made her way to the couch. “I thought you were going to be in meetings all day.” She added as Jax handed her a bottle of water. “Thanks.”

“I canceled most of them.”


“I had more important things on my mind.” He replied as he unlaced and pulled off her sneakers.

“Oh you don’t have any idea how glad I am to have those things off of me.”

Jax picked up her legs and sat down. He placed her legs across his legs and began massaging her feet as she laid back and closed her eyes.

“So what time are you leaving in the morning?” She asked

“I’m not.”

Alexis opened her eyes wide. “Did the deal fall through?”

“No I just got someone to go in my places.”

“Why, don’t you have a better chance of winning over the company if you go yourself?”

“Maybe.” He replied as he rubbed the side of her face. “But I’d rather spend the time with my wife.”

“I know you don’t really want to hear this but I had the baby’s blood tested today. So all they need now is a sample of both yours and Ned’s”

“I’ll drop by the lab first thing tomorrow morning.” Jax replied as he stood up.

Alexis got off the couch as well. “I’m going to go up and take a bath.”

Jax poured himself a drink. “I have some calls to make I’ll be up soon.”

Alexis started up the stairs and then stopped. “Jax is it always going to be like this?”

“Like what?”

“Just a few minutes ago you were telling me how much you wanted to be with me and as soon as I mentioned the baby you got all cold and distant.”

Jax took another sip of his drink as the phone rang. “Hello.......yes.......okay well then we’ll be here waiting.......see you then.” Jax hung up the phone. “That was the moving company they said they’d be here tomorrow at 9.”

“Fine I’ll make sure Rebecca has her stuff packed and ready to go.” She replied as she descended the stairs.


Alexis is sitting on the bed towel drying her hair as Jax stands in the doorway watching. She picks up her brush and starts stroking it through her hair. Jax slowly walks over to her and takes the brush from her as he sits on the bed.

“I love you’re hair.” He replies as he begins brushing it.

“I didn’t hear you coming?”

“I’m sorry about before.” Jax replied

“We’re moving into our new house tomorrow and I really don’t want to start our new life with this negative tension between us.”

“Neither do I.” He replied as he took in the smell of her hair.

“So what do we do about it?”

“I don’t know.”

“Jax for the sake of our marriage Rebecca and this baby can’t we try and work this out.”

“The truth is Alexis I don’t know how to and until we find out the results of the test I don’t know if we can.”

Alexis took the brush from Jax’ hand and placed it on the end table before getting up. “Well at least you’re being honest about it.”

“Where are you going?” He asked as she made her way over to the door.

“Down to the kitchen to see if I can find something to eat.”

“Would you like me to call room services?”

“No that’s okay I think there’s still some ice cream in the freezer and if not I’ll call myself.”

Alexis walked down the stairs and made her way into the kitchen. She opened the freezer and pulled out a half gallon of Rocky Road ice cream. She placed the ice cream on the table and went to get a spoon as she doubled over in pain. If felt like a knife going through her as she tried to catch her breath. 

“Oh please I know I wanted everything to work out but please don’t let me lose this baby.” She quietly stated as she made her way over to the kitchen table and sat down.

Jax walked into the kitchen.

“How about sharing some of that ice cream with your husband.” He stated as he kissed her lightly on the cheek. “We’ve got some movies out in the other room that we haven’t even seen yet if you’re game.”

Alexis smiled at him as he picked up the ice cream and took her hand.

“Sweetheart I don’t know how we’re going to get through this but why not start with one day at a time.”

“I love you Jasper Jacks.” She replied through tears.

Jax wiped her eyes dry with his thumb. “Hey you need to save that for the movie.”

“Jax no matter the out come --- things between us will be okay won’t that?”

“I think so.” He replied as they walked into the other room.