“Well good morning.” Lady Jane said. “Are you feeling any better?”

“A little.” Alexis quietly replied.

“Well you look a lot better.”

Alexis looked over at her. “Did you stay here all night?”

“Where else would I be?”

“You shouldn’t have stayed.” Alexis said deeply touched. “You should be home with John.”

“John didn’t need me last night you did.”

“Thank you.” Alexis said as she smiled at her mother in-law.

“Would you like to talk about it?”

“Not really.”

Lady Jane got out of the chair and sat on the edge of her bed.  “I know you love my son Alexis and you’d never throw him out unless he did something to hurt your feelings.”

A single tear rolled down her face. “I don’t think he’s happy about the baby being his.”

“Nonsense.” Lady Jane stated. “I remember you telling me how happy he was that the child was his and not Mr. Ashton’.”

“He was happy, he was so happy.”

“So what happened to make you think he doesn’t want this child you’re carrying?” Lady Jane asked as she placed her hand on Alexis stomach.

“We got into a fight and well..........”

“All couples fight Alexis.”

“I know it’s just this time it was different. He walked out in the middle of it and before I knew it, it was after midnight and I didn’t think he was ever going to come home.”

“But he did my dear and that’s what truly matters.”

“Did he?” Alexis asked with saddened eyes. “Did he really come home or was he just a shell of a man walking around our bedroom.”

Lady Jane was about to say something when Dr. Newman walked in.

“Well good morning.” She said as she walked over and checked the baby monitor. “I see you didn’t have any contractions during the night.”

“Nope, not a one.”

“Well that’s very good.” Dr Newman said. “Plus your blood pressure down and you’re vital sings have improved as well.”

“Does this mean I can go home?” Alexis asked.

“I’d rather keep you here at least one more day.”

“I promise if I feel any pain or discomfort, then I’ll come straight back.”

“Dear why not do as the doctor says and stay one more day.” Lady Jane said. “It’s not like you can’t use the rest.”

Alexis was about to protest some more when Dr. Newman spoke up. “Why don’t we make sure you haven’t dilated anymore and then we’ll talk about when you can go home.”

Alexis shook her head.

“Would you like me to wait outside?” Lady Jane asked Alexis

“I’d rather you just say here and hold my hand.”

Lady Jane took her hand and held it tight.

“Well if you really want to go home.” Dr. Newman said as she removed her gloves. “It’s against my better judgment but I’ll release you after lunch.”

“I’d really like to go home.” Alexis said with a pleading look

“Okay so noted.” Dr Newman smiled back. “Now I’ll just wake your husband and give him the good news.”

“Jax’ is still here?” Alexis asked completely thrown for a loop.

Dr. Newman looked back at the door and then again at Alexis. “He’s sound asleep in the hall against the wall.”

“He’s been there all night!” Alexis stated more then asked.

“I take it so.” Dr. Newman replied. “I found it kinda strange myself.”

“I’ll wake him and sent him in.” Lady Jane said as she got up and left the room.

A few moments later Jax walked in and stood next to Dr. Newman.

“You’re wife here insists that she wants to go home and I told her I’d release her after lunch.” Dr. Newman said.

“That’s great.” Jax replied as he looked over at Alexis and smiled.

“But you have to promise me that she’ll get plenty of rest. Plus no lifting heavy objects, no stress, and NO work for the next few days.” She turns back and looks at Alexis. “And I expect you to call my office as soon as you get home and set up an appointment for first thing next week.”

“Anything to get at of here I promise.” Alexis shot back.

“Okay then I’ll let the front desk know you can leave after lunch as long as there are no changes in your condition.”

“Thanks Dr. Newman.” Jax said as she left.

“I’m just going to leave you two alone.” Lady Jane said before kissing them both and leaving.

Jax just stood across the room at looked at Alexis who was looking back at him.

“I thought I told you to go home.”

“And I believe I told you I wasn’t going anywhere.”

“So did you sleep well?” Alexis asked half kidding.

“Ya there’s just something about a cold floor and wall to make you feel refreshed in the morning.” Jax joked back.

“Are you planning on standing over there all day?” Alexis asked. “Or are you going to come over here and give me a kiss good morning.”

Jax walked closer to her. “I wasn’t sure you wanted one.”

“I’m sorry about throwing you out last night.”

“And I’m sorry about walking out on you yesterday.” He sat on the edge of her bed. “For coming home so late.” He picked up her hand. “For basically ignoring you and for mostly not being there when you needed me the most.”

Alexis looked down at her stomach. “Jax do you really want this baby?”

He took their intertwined hands and places them on her stomach. “Of course I want this’s a part of you of me it’s us. What would make you think otherwise?”

“Last night when you came home.”

“Alexis I’m so sorry about that and I know there’s no way I can make it up to you.”

“I don’t want you to make it up to me Jax.” She took a deep breath. “ I just need to know this is what you want.”

“I thought I showed you how much I wanted this baby the other night when you told me it was mine and not Ashton’s.” He said in a very seductive tone.

“Oh you did but that was then and this is now.”

“Well then I’ll just have to keep reminding you on a daily bases how happy I am that you’re carrying our child.”

“Sounds like fun.” She replied as she pulled him close and they kissed.

Jax broke the kiss and looked at her. “I love you my darling wife.”

“Anybody ever tell you, you talk too much.” She said as she pulled his lips back into hers.


Later on that day Alexis is sitting on the edge of the bed fully dressed and waiting for Jax.

“Still not here I take it.” Bobbie said as she came in.

“No.” Alexis replied annoyingly “and if he doesn’t get here soon I’m calling a cab.”

“Sorry I’m late.” Jax said extremely chipper. “And how’s my favorite almost sister in-law doing?”

“I’m doing well thank you.” Bobbie replied. “But I think your wife is way past ready to leave.”

“Yea you remember me right the woman you were supposed to pick up over half an hour ago.”

“I said I was sorry.” He said as he walked over to her and pulled a red rose from behind his back.

Alexis looked at him and smiled. “You’re forgiven.” She took the rose and he bent down and kissed her. “Now take me home.”

“Your wish is my command.”

“Really, for how long?” Alexis ask with an evil grin.

“Till death do us part my dear.” He replied through laughter. “So just remember that when you get to demanding.” He whispered in her ear.

“I’m trying to become a Jack and he’s trying to become a Cassidine.” Alexis said to Bobbie who just laughed.


“Jax you don’t have to carry me!” Alexis said as they walked through the doors of their home.

“Dr. Newman said for you not to carry heavy things she never said I couldn’t.”

“Uh!” Alexis yelled as she playfully hit his chest.

“I have a surprise for you.” Jax said as he carried her up the steps and down the hall. “Which is the reason I was late today.”

“For making me sit in that hospital any longer then I had to, it better be a good surprise.” Alexis replied in a pouting tone.

Jax pushed open the bedroom door straight across from their room. “I believe you said whitewash.”

Alexis looked into the room and her eyes grew wide as Jax placed her down.

“When did you have time to do all this?” Alexis asked as she walked over to the crib.

“I had a little help.” He stated as he walked over to the matching changing table.

“A little help!” She exclaimed as she looked around the nursery and smiled. “I’d say you had a lot of help.”

Jax walked over and placed his arms around her. “From a lot of people who love you.”

She looked him in the eyes and smiled brighter then he’s seen her smile in days.

“I just wanted to show you how much I love this baby and how much I love you.”

“I can’t believe I ever doubted you.” She said still not over the shock of him creating the prefect nursery for their unborn child.

“I gave you reason to and I shouldn’t have.”

“We’re gonna have a baby.” She said through tears of laughter.

“We’re gonna have a baby.” He said back before capturing her lips in a very tender kiss.

Alexis broke the kiss and Jax looked at her. “I know I‘m not the easiest person to live with and for that I‘m sorry.”

Jax took her hand and lead her over to the rocking chair in the corner. “I’m sure living with me and my emotions haven’t been easy for you either.”


He bent down in front of her. “Yeah”

“I know you love the idea of me being pregnant and having your child but.....”

“but what?”

“but sometimes I’m not really sure it’s what you want.”

“You’re right Alexis, some days I’m not sure what I want.” He looked up at her and noticed how hard she was trying unsuccessfully to fight back her tears. “But you and this baby aren’t one of them.”

“Tell me this baby is something you want.”

He places his hand on her stomach and lays his head against her legs. “This baby, you, and Rebecca are all I need and want.”

“Tell me we’re going to get through this?”

He looks up at her. “We are so going to get through this and a whole lot more.”