~ Jacks House ~

Alexis is sitting behind her desk talking on the phone. “The only reason I even hired you was because my husband doesn’t think I should be working so hard and yet ever since I hired you I seem to be not only doing my work but yours as well.

The door bell rings and she goes over to answer it.

“Personally I really don’t think this is going to work--- maybe you should look into working for somebody else.”

Lady Jane walks in, kisses her on the cheek, then walks over to the couch.

“Come again?” Alexis hollered. “I don’t think you know who you’ve just threatened and if I were you I wouldn’t make that mistake again.”

“Problems?” Lady Jane asked as Alexis threw down the phone.

“It’s this so called law partner of mine.” She sat next to her. “Or rather was going to be law partner of mine.”

“The two of you aren’t getting along I take it.”

“Lets just say the man has some nerve. He’s done nothing but cause me grief since the day I hired him and I just told him I didn’t think things are going to work out and he should find other employment and he had the nerve to threaten me for breach of contract.”

“Did you have a contract with him?”

“No more like a verbal agreement that if things worked out I’d offer him a partnership.” She got up and walked towards the kitchen. “I’m sorry I haven’t even offered you something to drink or ---”

“Don’t worry I’m fine.” Lady Jane said patting the couch. “Now please make me feel better and sit back down.”

Alexis sat back down. “Actually you have no idea how good it feels to sit. I’ve been on the phone ever since Jax left this morning --- and he’d kill me if he found out.”

“My lips are sealed.”

“So what brings you out this way anyway? And where’s John?”

“I was hoping I could convince you to have lunch with me and then going shopping so I can pick out some outfits for my soon to be grandchild.”

“I take it John opted to stay home.”

“I don’t know what it is with men and shopping but they nerve want to go.” Lady Jane laughed.

“Excuse me.” Alexis said as she got up to answer the phone. “Hello.”

“How is the most beautiful pregnant woman I’ve ever had the fortune of marrying doing this afternoon?”

“I’m doing good but I miss you.”

“I’ll be home in a few hours.”

“Just don’t forget to pick up Rebecca from Bobbie’s on your way home.”

“Don’t worry I will. I was calling to make sure one your taking it easy and two that you don’t need anything.”

“Jax you need to stop worrying about me.”

“Never. I have to go, I‘ll see you in a few hours.”

“Well I might not be here. Your mothers here and we’re going to lunch and then baby shopping.”

“Have fun but take it easy --- on both yourself and my bank account.”

“I promise nothing where money‘s concerned.”

“So I’ve noticed.”

“Love ya.”

“Love ya.”

Alexis hung up the phone and looked at Lady Jane. “Are you sure you’re up to lunch and shopping you look pretty tired?”

“I didn’t get much sleep last night that’s all.”

“John told us you weren’t feeling well.”

Lady Jane stood up and put on her coat. “I’ll be fine, why don’t you get your coat and I’ll go warm up the car?”

“Okay I’ll be right out.”


~ Toy Store ~

Lady Jane and Alexis entered the toy store and Lady Jane grabbed her hand and pulled her down the infant isle.

Holding the cutest little rattle. “So Alexis do you plan on finding out the sex of my grandchild before it’s born?”

Shaking her head at Lady Jane who picked up a toy for a six month old and threw it in the cart. “ Jax and I talked about it but I figured if I can wait this long I can wait a couple more months.”

“I think it’s great how you can find out the sex beforehand. When both Jax and Jerry were born they couldn’t tell things like that.”

“Truth be told I’m dying to find out.”

Lady Jane picks up a toy for a one year old boy and throws it in the basket. “Then why don’t you?”

“I don’t know.”

Lady Jane grabs a hold of the shopping cart in sheer pain as she turns her back to Alexis.

“I don’t think Jax really wants to know.” Alexis continues to speak as she looks at the toys on the shelf. “I guess I really shouldn’t say that because honestly I don’t know--- I mean maybe he wants to know but just thinks I don’t want to know and well he doesn’t want to push the issue.” She looks at Lady Jane. “Do you think he’ll be upset if we don’t have a boy?”

Lady Jane tried her hardest not to let Alexis see her in pain. “Why do you think that?”

Alexis walked down the isle a little. “I don’t know, I just think he wants a boy. We kinda talked about it the other night and he said he didn’t  really care one way or another but I still think he’s secretly hoping for a boy.”

The pain eased slightly and she stood up. “I think Jax is just at the same point I am.” She walked over to Alexis and placed her hand on her stomach. “He just can’t wait for this baby to be born.”

Lady Jane and Alexis continued to look around the store. Alexis couldn’t help but laugh as Lady Jane threw just about everything she picked up into the cart.

“Excuse me is there something I can help you with.” A clerk asked as he walked up behind a blond headed woman.

“No thanks, I’ve already spotted what it is I‘ve come looking for. ” Chloe stated as she turned around and looked at him.