
In less that an hour Alexis would be walking down the
aisle to Ned, who would be waiting for her with his
dimpled smile. They would exchange their vows of
undying love for each other and then be pronounced man
and wife.

When they started planning the wedding they had
decided to have a very small wedding, due to what
happened last time. The guest list consisted of Brooke
Lynn, the flower girl, Chloe, the maid of honor, Nik,
who would walk Alexis down the aisle, Emily, because
she always believed in them and Lila, because Ned
wanted to invite his grandmother. The rest of their
friends and family had understood and would join them
later at the wedding reception. They thought that this
idea would help to calm Alexis' nerves. Everything was
set; it was going to be the most beautiful ceremony.

Alexis was in the backroom thinking of the ceremony
and becoming Mrs. Ned Ashton when her thoughts were
interrupted by a knock at the door. "Alexis can I come
in?" Came Chloe's cheery, warm voice.
"Come on in Chloe."

Chloe walked in and stared at her best friend in her
simple, but lovely wedding dress, Chloe had designed
it just for Alexis. "You look beautiful. You have to
be the most beautiful bride I have ever seen."
"Have you seen Ned yet today?" Alexis asked ignoring
the compliment.

"He is out front with Brooke Lynn." Chloe answered
looking at her friend who looked absolutely terrified.
"Are you alright? Can I get you anything?"
"A brown paper page. Wait! No, I am fine. I'm going
to marry the man that I love. I am going to be fine."
Alexis said taking deep breaths and sipping on a glass
of water.

"Okay. I knew you two would work things out and end
up together. All my hard work paid off." Chloe said as
she headed for the door.

"Wait." Alexis said grabbing Chloe's hand. "Thank you
Chloe, you are a true best friend. You always believed
in us and never gave up, even when we did."

Chloe smiled at her friend and said, "You don't have
to thank me, it makes me happy to see you so happy.
You are going to make your make-up run if you start to
cry so I am going to leave and let you finish getting
ready. You are going to live out your fairy tale
Alexis and nobody deserves it more than you do." With
that Chloe squeezed Alexis' hand and left the room.

As Chloe walked out front she found Ned sitting in
one of the pews. "Where is Brooke Lynn?" Chloe asked
as she joined Ned.

"Oh. She went with Emily to pick up grandmother. Have
you seen Alexis yet today?"
"Yes I did. She is doing well. She looks beautiful."
Chloe said smiling.

"I can't wait to marry her Chloe. I love her so much.
Thank you for always believing in us." Ned said as he
fumbled with his tie.

"Alexis already thanked me and like I told her, you
don't have to. It makes me happy to finally see you
two together. Anyways you two finally worked things
out for yourselves. I had nothing to do with it."

"I guess you are right," Ned said smiling. "We
are going to make it Chloe. If a couple can make it
through everything we have, they can do anything."
"You are so right Ned. Love conquers all." Chloe said
fixing Ned's tie.

Just then Emily, Brooke Lynn, Lila, and Nik walked
in. They were all saying their hellos when the priest
walked in. "Excuse me Mr. Ashton, but it is that time.
Where is the bride?"
"She is in the backroom, I'll go get her." Ned said.
"Wait!" Chloe yelled, "It's bad luck to see the bride
before the wedding.
"I'll go and get her." Nik said as he headed toward
the back of the church.

"Alexis can I come in? It is time to start. Nik asked
knocking on the door.
"Yeah." Nik walked in and looked at his aunt who was
standing in front of a full-length mirror. "Wow! You
look great."
Alexis turned around smiling and said, "Let's go
before I get sick."

Nik stood at the back of the church with Alexis as
Brooke Lynn and Chloe started down the aisle. As
Alexis waited for her music to start she reminded
herself that all she had to do was keep looking at Ned
and she would be fine.

The music started and the doors opened. Ned was at
the front smiling when he got the first glimpse of his
bride as she started down the aisle. She looked
beautiful in her dress. In just a little while she
would be his wife.

As Alexis walked down the aisle she never let her
eyes move from Ned. She was afraid if she did she
might get nervous and bolt again. Finally, the music
stopped and she found herself right beside Ned. She
had made it, she was almost Mrs. Ned Ashton.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today." The
priest started