Welcome in, I would be pleased if you would add yourself to the Great Records Book.

breanna - 05/02/00 00:33:41
My Email:Skierbum101@aol.com
Nickname: Annie
Age: 14

Great site! the music was awsome. You need to update you site a little more often.

Miguel - 02/16/00 14:36:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/flamez_z
My Email:flamez@hotmail.com
Nickname: Flamez
Favorite web site: www.oocities.org/flamez_z
Age: 21873

U suck! My site RULES! -k- J/K UPDATE YOUR SITE! My site has Star Craft stuff....join my clan! Everyone is welcome to enter the tryouts! Mike says @$$ -k- bye I'm Done!

Becki McKenneth - 01/31/00 02:55:16
My Email:shadowfighter_2000
Nickname: L. Tallanni
Age: 15 almost 16

Beautiful music. Blew me away. Didn't wan't to leave the home page, it was so good.

Miguel - 09/29/99 23:12:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Corner/3972/
My Email:flamez@hotmail.com
Nickname: Flamez
Favorite web site: http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Corner/3972/
Age: 15

Hiya! Nice site! -Miguel

Joseph the Archer, ruler of the universe - 05/24/99 18:12:51
My Email:kevon_fire@yahoo.com
Nickname: Kevon Dor, Lt Cmdr.
Favorite web site: This One!!!
Age: who wants to know, you molester type guy

I hava absolutely no comment whatsoever on this website which is why I am typing down here in the comments area and thats because I have no comments whatsoever about the nature of the comments that I do not have to offer about this site in this comment ar a. Ta-ta.

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