Web Assignment 3: Wonder and Awe

I had been sitting on American Airlines flight 314 for over three hours and my butt was beginning to get soar. I was traveling from St. Louis to Orange County, California for the Red Bull Soccer Tournament. Having already completed five cross word puzzles, two word searches , and two mazes, I had become extremely bored and had developed a slight headache. I sipped on the ginger ale the flight attendant had brought me as I paged through the Sky Mall magazine that was resting in the seat in front of me. The magazine, filled with nothing but advertisements, quickly lost my interest and propelled me into switching on my ipod. After listening to my ipod for quite some time, I decided to take a nap and gently leaned to my right. Upon leaning to my right, a sharp, glaring beam of light peered through the window and struck the corner of my eye. Outside of that tiny airplane window was a gigantic world filled with God's wonderful creation.

The sunlight glared off of the wing of the airplane, as I gazed out into the picture perfect sky. The crisp, light blue sky was complimented with soft, puffy, white clouds. Tiny rays of sunlight crept through the cotton candy like clouds, shooting down to the earth below. The clouds outside the window seemed so fresh, clean, and beautiful. I was awed at how tiny and insignificant I felt compared to the vastness of the world around me. I felt like I could look on forever out at the horizon . Even though I had learned about the formation of clouds in science class, I couldn't help but feel like God was right by my side showing off his wonderful works. Looking out into the light blue sky, I was overcome with curiosity. Why is the sky blue? Why do clouds look so fluffy? An assortment of questions rushed through my mind as I wanted to seek the truth. My wonder of the world outside my tiny plane window instilled a sense of excitement, gratitude, and curiosity within me and triggered a greater sense of friendship that I shared with God. I can truly say in those moments of gazing out the window, I felt as if God were sitting right by my side. That was a moment I will remember for the rest of my life.

Cool Wonder and Awe Site

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