** GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka **

True to the spirit of Japanese humor, GTO is a hilarious drama with loads of side-splitting moments.
Onizuka Eikichi is labeled as a scum because he took seven years to complete his degree from a third-grade university. Moreover, the cheeky looking man enjoys vices like girls watching, bike racing, gambling, gaming arcades and pornography. Yet strangely, his only ambition in life is to become a great teacher and one's only guess is that would bring him closer to sweet young girls.
With his lousy credentials and eccentric demeanor, it wasn't surprising that none of the reputable schools were willing to accept his applications. This was until he met an unconventional principal who recognized the gem in his unconformity. And that started his career or rather adventure as a high school teacher which transformed the lives of his fellow students and teachers.
Onizuka was given the worst class imaginable, whose students
enjoyed tormenting their teachers. They were initially adamant to get rid of Onizuka, thinking that he is a hypocrite like the rest. However, with his unusual and sincere approach, he helped them find new perspectives in their lives and soon won all their hearts.

While hilarious, the underlying theme in GTO is meaningful. Using a light-hearted and satirical approach, the series examines the social ills of parochialism and snobbishness; and exalts values like honesty and integrity. It also encourages one to stand up for themselves and pursue their dreams according to their hearts.
Watch GTO for Takashi Sorimachi who is particularly funny with his exaggerated facial expressions and gestures. Nanako Matsushima is also a delight as his co-star.

--->> Highly entertaining~!!!

+ coming soon +


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