27 December 2004

- LAYOUT UPLOADED!!! fhew~~ ... some pages are still in the re-build precess

- Let's Talk page!!! What is that about?! (O_o) ... Check it out!!!

- ! News on a separated page...~ 

20th October 2003

- New!! ... E-Cards Section was upgraded! Added some nice midis and animated pictures of Nanako! Send a card to whom you care!

- New appearance for the Guestbook. Go and sign! (^-^)

15 November 2002

- New!!!  New Layout uploaded!!! - The Chat Room was deleted. I think we can use message board for chatting, isn't?! ^_^

18 July 2002

- Chatterbox and GuestMap added~!!!

21 January 2002

- Added a Japanese Idols & Celebrities (JIC) Webring...

25 July 2001

- Up-dated : New Image Gallery... Let's see Nanako's Cute Pictures in it...

11 July 2001

- Up-date... Image Gallery section. Added a cute picture in it... Take a look~!!! ^_^

5 July 2001

- New!!! ...Nanako Matsushima Online E-Cards!

4 July 2001

- Up-dated: Filmography and Web Links section.

3 July 2001

- More wallpapers! I've add 10 wallpapers [ I made them by myself! ] in the Wallpaper Section... Check it out!

27 June 2001

- Added a new link! ...Nanako's Drama Reviews... contains 5 drama's synopsis which are acted by Nanako

- Coming soon : * Nanako's E-Cards * GTO and Koori No Sekai's Picture Gallery

26 June 2001

- Not much... but I've just added Nanako's Agency Address in her Profile. Check it out!

- Added a new question in Vote Caster section.

- Repair some errors in the Wallpapers and Vote Caster Section.