"Net Gain" - SID

When Nathaniel Marston replaced Michael Tipps in the role of Al Buchanan, he hit the Internet for some instant feedback. "I started watching the Web postings to see what people were saying," he explains. "And where I'm concerned, it seems like people have tons of things to say!" At first the postings were quite nasty. "I saved the ones that were really mean," he continues. "I mean, you can't be affected by it - some of it was really hilarious! But some of the same people who were posting all of these were starting to turn around." Aside from evaluating viewers' reactions, Marston also enjoys reading story analysis. "It's really fun to watch people guess the storyline and see who has it figured out," he concludes. "I always wonder if some of the people [on the message boards] really do work on our show!"
