Starting off...

Never been in an E-fed before? Well then what the hell are you doing here? This fed is for the elite. The best. The greatest. But oh well, everyone deserves a chance. And at the AWO, we strive to create legends, so this could indeed be a great place for you to start. So this is how it works. First off, you're gonna need a wrestler. That part is simple enough. Sign up, and you're set. Use some imagination though. We don't want 'The Rock' or 'Triple H' joining the AWO. If you really have no imagination, the least you could do is change it to 'the Rockster' or 'The Game.' Remember that while copying other wrestlers may make your promos easier, it also makes it easier for others to insult you. After creating a wrestler, head to the boards. The OOC (out of character) board is the place where everyone can chat to each other completely out of character, and sometimes even in a civilised manner. The Roleplay board however is where the action begins.

Getting a match...

There are two ways to get matches in the AWO. The first, is to request them. You can cut a promo on the RP board (everything is done on the RP board) where your wrestler comes out to the ring, or comes on the Titantron, and challenges someone. But with this said, you actually GETTING the match you want isn't always certain.

In most cases, the AWO will comply with your requests for a match, as long as it doesn't conflict with an already arranged match on the card. However, if you come out on the first show and ask for a World Title match, you have no hope of receiving it. Try for something simpler. I mean, if you want, maybe you can have a shot at the World Title holder, but it won't be a title match. It's also doubtful any other title match will be given to you on your first card, but you might get lucky. The second way to get a match is simpler. You just plain get given one. If you roleplay, the chances are, even if you don't ask for a match, you'll get one. Unless of course you state that you don't want one for some reason or another. But if you want a specific match, it's best to challenge that person or at least make fun of him or her in some specific way.

Winning your match...

Winning your match isn't everything. But it almost is. No one is here to lose. So there are some things to remember when RPing for your match. And here they are. - There are no roleplaying limits. You can do as many as you want. HOWEVER, one big one is usually better than 10 tiny ones, so keep that in mind. - You need to RP to win a match. If you are relying on your opponent not to RP to win the match, then you're going to be made an example of. If no one RP's, the match may not even go ahead. And if it does, it won't be pretty for either wrestler. - Quality over quantity. You can do as many RPs as you like. But if they are a horrible quality of RP, with no substance at all, and your opponent does a single, really good one, then you'd better hope you've done lots of horrible ones. Because your performance in the match is judged on 65% quality and only 35% quantity. - Keep it interesting

Here's some more important RPing tips to remember: - Can't wait to get your anger out on your opponent for what he said about your mama? Then don't. The AWO isn't another pussy fed that doesn't allow backstage attacks. You can attack each other all you want in your RPs. But I WILL stress one important factor. Make it BELIEVABLE. Do NOT have yourself walk into their locker room, and beat them up without them defending themselves or getting a few return hits back. And do NOT attack someone so brutally that they must be sent to hospital. If you really wanna do that, contact me and maybe, just maybe, it can be arranged for the results. And remember, attacking someone may be fun, but doing it to them may mean they'll do it back to you. And the harder you beat them down, the harder they'll do it in return. So in most cases, it's wise to rarely attack people. But hey, maybe you aren't worried about being beaten up? Also, be aware that making friends is a good idea. Just say Mr X has a match against the superior Dr. Z. Well, Mr X can ask Mr A, Mrs B, and Professor C, to run down and help him, and if they contact me and dedicate one of their RPs to the cause (secretly if they wish) I'll make it so. The quality of the RP of course, determines how successful their run down is. This generally wont be enough to single-handedly win a match, but it can make a big difference.

No arguing with the boss...

Argue with each other all you want on the OOC board, but what I, Prez Shay, says, goes. Don't like that you lost a match? Too bad. Maybe someone RPed for your opponent, and made a run in, and with their RP(s) counting against you also, you deserved to lose. Hell, of course you deserved to lose if you did, because this federation is a fair one. It's only VERY rare that you will lose a match due to storyline building, and if that happens, order a rematch and you'll probably win that one. But like I said, it's very rare, and may not even ever occur if it can be helped.


If you have any further questions or queries, contact me Prez Shay.

Have fun, and good luck!

President Shay Semmens