1) Always get intoxicated while waiting for the train. This will pass the time and help you become limber enough to jump onto the train on the fly.

2) You can trade booze for information from any of the workers.

3) Ask your cardinal directions from the black or white S.U.V's. If you stay out in the open long enough they will come to your assistance.

4) Ride without food or water. The train will provide.

5) If it rains while you're waiting in the yard, the people in the train tower will let you stay inside until your train arrives.

6) Don't be shy about letting your presense on the train be known. Conductors and workers have long considered train hoppers on their trains to be good luck.

7) When you're riding on a train, always wave at intersections and Amtrack stations.

8) Riding 53's or knuckles are always recommended. There is saftey in numbers, so the more, the merrier.

9) If catching out with a group of people or dogs, wait until it is raining. Catch out on the fly. That way you are ensured not to be caught. (Rail cops don't come out in the rain.)

10) When the train starts pulling into a yard, jump off before the train slows down. Make sure to push off of the wheels, this will propell you away from the train.

11) I hopped the MAX, this is great practice. Try it before you hop freight. If you are in a city other than Portland, try any other commuter train or street car.

12) If while riding you hear a hissing sound, PANIC! This means there is a gas leak. Run to the front of the train and immeadiately inform your enginer. They will reward you with a train patch. (Train hobo's are rewarded with patches whenever they do something heroic for the train company. This is the only way to recieve patches.)

13) Make sure to wear reflective patches and day glow orange vests while hopping frieght, or you may be shot by hunters.

14) If you run into anyone along the tracks that claim F.T.R.A, you can ask them anything. They are like the information booths of the rails.

15) You can also spange the F.T.R.A. They love to help out begining train hoppers.

16) F.T.R.A will respect you if you tell them that you know what the F.T.R.A really stands for: Future Train Riders of America.

17) If all else fails when trying to hop out, sleep on the tracks. You will feel the vibrations of the train and this will wake you up so you don't miss your train.

Created by Paula, Quill, Kataya and Julio

Edited by Julio

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