Ordinance 725


Section I. A.

            "Paragraph C (of Ordinance 617) shall be amended by adding Exhibit K to the definition of "Development Plan": Town of Gilbert Design Guidelines for Municipal Center, dated Dec. 10, 1991."

            Exhibit K

Page 1. "These Design Guidelines have been prepared to serve as a practical reference for development within the 60 acre site known as the Gilbert Municipal Center.  Twenty acres of the site is being developed as the new Town of Gilbert Municipal Center Complex; the remaining 40 acres as office and retail.

The intent of these guidelines is to promote consistent, quality development between the 20 acre municipal complex and the 40 acre office and retail center.  These combined parcels are envisioned as the future social, economic, cultural and municipal focal point in the community.  Particular importance has been placed on the integration of these two parcels to create a true pedestrian oriented civic and retail mall."

Page 5. "The project is intended to provide the following general uses: office, service commercial, retail commercial, restaurants, and hotels.

The anticipated uses are mainly office and service retail that will contribute to the pedestrian nature of the civic plaza.  For that reason, the following uses are not permitted within the planning area: residential; drive-in theaters; grocery stores; ...air conditioning sales and repair; auto sales and repair; auto service station; ...drive-in restaurants..."


There are specific guideline sections on pages 5-22 regarding "site coverage; grading and drainage; setbacks; building orientation; building mass; loading, storage, service and refuse areas; utilities; construction phase; parking; walls; open space/lake; landscaping; architecture; hardscape; lighting; site furnishings; signage; and maintenance."