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Jello- The mystery that occupies 73% of our time, at least.
Television- The one reliable thing in our lives-oh, sorry, we don't have lives.
Fish- The cause of sanity in the world.
Squirrels- Those evil things we hate.  They cause order and orginization!
Issue- A word used for disaster.
Probably- Invented by the sane world to keep order.  We hate that word.
Astro-turf- That beautiful green carpeting. Anyone know where i can get some?
Pointless information- Only thing you'll ever need.
Valuable information-  A waste of time.
Wild E. Coyote- ACME genius. Don't argue that he isn't, he must be! How else would he survive?
Art- Waste of money that could be better spent on fancy palmpilots and language programs.
Insane Asylum- Where they send the smart ones.
Code Red- Our code for normality. Red = bad. Read WoT.
Trix- The evil company that won't give the poor bunny the cereal.  Also the destination of many of our letters of complaints.
Flying pigs- Common in the desert.
Pineapple- We honestly don't know. Meli insists it's yellow and dances.
It- The word people use to make themselves seem smart. It's just too big for Katie.
Internet- Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!
Ground beef smiley- One word - Taco.
Natural light- Our enemy, besides the squirrels.
Uncle Ned- Where the mashed potatoes dissapear to.
Alphabet- That cereal with the pretty little letters.
Liar- We all lie, the liars are the ones that get caught. A study proves that college students lie at least once every ten minutes.
Pong- The most exciting game ever made, not counting collapse or blix.
Education- The process of brain-washing.
Movies- What to do when the president speaks on all the channels.  More on that later.
Camera man- Flasher.
Jack- In a cast.  he hit the road one to many times.   (Please tell me someone gets this!)
Candy- The only thing that stops 83% of the "insane" ones from going sane
Doiley- Aliens pretending to be lace waiting to take over the planet
Dealio- Every other word that comes out of Meli's mouth.
Remote- Famous for its disapearing act.
American Pie - Best song in the world.
Battleflag - a great beat and 8 swears in 2 minutes!
$#!+ - look verry closely.