The Big Cheese
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Hello!  Welcome to our page.  For your convinience, we've done nothing.  For those of you that actually read this, we applaud you!  Warning: we are insane, wacky, hyper, insomniatic devils with too much time on our hands.  We may talk in third person.  We may use words seen in no dictionary.  Believe it or not, we've done weirder things.  Don't be alarmed, that can come later.  Maybe we were hyper as we were creating this page.  We honestly can't tell the difference anymore. 
We're not that bright, so don't e-mail us about roket syense.  Its a waste of your time, and you might end up creating something like this.  Are you sure you want that to happen?  And for your information, we prefer weird, not strange. 
By the way, if you see the word "Dealio", we"re very sorry.  That's Meli.  If we seem incredibly pathetic when it comes to television, or really anything, we're very sorry.  That's Katie.  If we lie, we're not that sorry.  That's just who we are.  If you feel like you can't trust us, well congratulations!  Good judgment.
We'll try to update this site weekly, but try to keep in mind that it takes a lot of time and effort to pretend to have a life.  If you don't understand something from our site (our weirdness, for example), let's face it.  You're normal.  You'll never understand. 
The only thing you won't see here is swearing.  It's a family Website, DAMMIT!  Oh, another lie.  That one just slipped out.