Things we like to do
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hang up on people when they don't know "the password"
develope a universal language
speak in code
plot against squirrels
complain about shoelaces
stare into space
write three page stories about lemons
eat sugar
pretend to be an important member of today's society
come up with fake names (I.P. Freely)
pretend we sprained an ankle
sing the song that never ends
mold food into designs
sleep with your eyes open
pretend we know Latain
make ourselfs dizzy
watch the spanish channel
come up with slang words
invent swear words
ask "Jeeves"  personal questions
go up to random people and get thier autographs
doodle on things other than paper (shoes)
prank calls
play video games ment for six-year olds
plan what pet to buy (chic, duck, pidgeon)
name all of your pencils
make a hit list of cartoon charactors
annoy salesmen
name all the stairs
speak in imaginary languages
break into song
dance without music
decorate for Christmas in July
walk an iguana around the block
decorate your walls with weird quotes
tell a television show in first person
insult people by telling them they're sane and/or normal
ask the operator the number of Chandler Bing
ask people if they've seen our minds
play with candles
play with food
put salt, pepper, ketchup, hotsauce, mustard, ect. on the last peice of pizza and leave it as a tip for the waiter
recite pi (Katie knows 75 digits)
put a chalk outline on the street
scare squirrels
name your doors
write a biography of Santa Clause
leave mints on the pillows for the maid
Krazyglue fingers together (DO NOT TRY AT HOME, OR AWAY.)
pacebuss to Katie's and obsess over ge and og