Chapter 1
Samantha stepped of the plane as quickly as she could without running. Flying made her nervous and she wanted nothing more to do with the huge machine than she had to. As she walked into the crowd of anxious onlookers waiting to greet loved ones she felt very alone. She knew that her mother had arranged for someone to pick her up but beyond that she only knew whoever was picking her up worked for Jive Records. As she continued through the crowd she say two men standing in the back. One dressed in a black suit was holding a sign that said "Samantha Foster," the other dressed in a blue T-shirt and Black warm-up pants watched the people that walked by. As she got closer the man in the black suit asked, "Are you Samantha Foster?" She nodded. "I'm Mr. Jones," he said as he stuck out his hand. She shook it cordially. The blonde who was wearing the more casual clothes that resembled her own stuck his hand out and said "Hi I'm Lance."
She shook his hand and replied "I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam or Sammy which ever you prefer, no one ever calls me Samantha except my parents." "OK Sam," he said with a smile.
After obtaining her luggage from baggage claim, they walked to a blue suburban. Mr. Jones loaded her luggage into the trunk.
At age 19 she had just graduated from high school. Her mother knew someone who worked with Johnny Wright and had set up a job for her to work on the NSYNC Pop Odyssey tour over summer until college started in the fall. She had willingly agreed. Her parents had been fighting and she didn't think she could be there for the official divorce without taking sides.
She looked up to find bright green eyes staring back. "You OK?" Lance asked. "No," she replied truthfully. "You want to talk about it?" "Not really I'm too tired right now 'she replied. "OK, here lay down," Lance said as he motioned for her to use the rest of the large back seat as a bed and his lap as a pillow. She looked at him nervously biting her bottom lip unconsciously but accepted his offer and lay down. All to soon she was being shook away.” We’re here," Lance whispered in Sam's ear. She sat up and thanked him for his hospitality. "If you want to talk about it or you just want to talk find me, or call my cell here's the number." He said as he handed her a piece of paper with a number and the name Lance Bass scribbled across the top. "Mr. Jones is going to take you to meet Johnny and get you all your security passes. When you're done come the TOY ROOM and I'll introduce you to the other guys." After a quick hug and a smile Lance walked away and Mr. Jones escorted Sam to Meet Johnny.
Chapter 2
Sam sat in a large makeshift office with plush chairs waiting for Mr. Wright to finish his phone call. As he finished he turned towards her and officially introduced himself "I'm Johnny Wright, I understand you are out new gopher." "Yes Sir, I'm Samantha Foster, but please call me Sam. If I may ask what exactly will I be doing?" she asked. "First of all please call me Johnny we have a casual but serious work environment here" she nodded and he continued" You will be doing odd jobs typing, working with the press, wardrobe, and anything else that needs to be done," "OK sir... I mean Johnny. It make take me a while to get used to that my father made me call everyone sir or ma'am" she said "I understand my father was the same way, Here are you security passes," he said holding up a string with 10 passes on it, each one a different color, After explaining what each one was for he told he she started in the morning and sent her on her way. Now all she had to do was find the "Toy Room" whatever that was.
After walking around trying to find it for 10 minutes she got an idea. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed the number from the paper Lance had given her earlier. "Hello?" Lance answered. "Um Lance... Hi it's Sam you. You picked me up from the airport," she said suddenly shy. "Yeah I know who you are," he said amused she though he had already forgotten her, " you told me to meet you in the Toy room? This is going to sound stupid but I'm lost, "Oh well where are you? 'He asked in a concerned tone. "I don't know that's why I called you " Lance laughed and said "OK look around are there any numbers? 'Yes "she replied 'I'm in the stands somewhere by the number 32." Stay there I'm be there in a minute," he said. "OK " she replied glad he couldn't see the bright shade of red she had turned.
Back in the toy room Lance explained and left to go rescue Sam from the vastness of the nameless arena they were doing a show in tonight only to leave for another town and another concert.
Lance came up behind Sam and placed his hands over her eyes "guess who " he teased "UMMMMMMMMMMMMM the bogeyman?" she replied. He laughed a low hearty laugh and released her. She was so glad to see him she turned and hugged him. After she realized what she was doing she blushed and looked down only to be surprised by the fact he was hugging her, holding her close. He smiled one of his real smiles not a plastered on one but the real deal and said, "You ready to go meet the other guys," "if they're anything like you I won't have a problem " she answered with a smile. "It’s this way,” he said as he pointed to the right. Stay with me I don't want you getting lost or anything" he smiled and grabbed her hand. She smiled at the contact and walked away with him.