
“Justin, look here comes the next girl, come one dude, you just might like her,” Joey said as a kind of short girl walked up to *NSYNC. Justin looked at her and there was something about her that he liked, “Hi, I’m Justin, and how are you?” “Hey, how’s it going? I am Dreama,” she said, she had a beautiful voice and the coolest name. “Nothing, you?” he said. He couldn’t keep the smile from creeping off his face. All the guys where looking at him and smiling. “I am doing well, so is anyone else going to talk?” she said with a smile on her face. Then the rest of the guys said hey and stuff then we got down to business, we needed a stylist and so we put an ad in the news for the entire stylist community around the world. We had about 50 write backs and she was the only one that looked like what we wanted. When we got done talking, we told her to sit outside with the others that we liked … but we all knew she was it. After about 10 minutes we called her back in there and told her, “Oh that’s so cool! Thank you guys so much, I won’t be like your last one and be mean and rude … I am a really nice person and am very easy to get along with.” I didn’t know what to say, “Well, that’s good to hear, we need a happy face after a bad concert or bad anything.” We talked some more with her and I felt like hadn’t in a long time … love. Britney had gotten old and I moved on a year earlier. Then we had to go and she was to be ready to work in three days, we where going to pick her up on the way to New York. She lived in North Carolina, near Carowinds and of course she said that we would go there sometime since her dad owned it. Lance really liked that part and then she said that she had a few horses at her house also … it wasn’t hers, it was her friends house they just lived together.

Chapter One

I climbed on the bus, I was starting my new job as one of *NSYNC stylist, well I was Justin’s stylist. They each had their own, I liked Justin so it was cool. I am Dreama, 20 years old, and 5’5, tan, blonde hair, and had green eyes. I helped load stuff into the bus, I shared a room with a girl named Grace, and she was Lance’s stylist. We got everything on the bus and she helped me put it up while we talked to get to know each other. Then it was time to eat, we went to eat and I sat with the girls but then the guys asked to get a bigger table so we could talk, “Hey Dreama, what’s up?” “Hey, Justin, nothing here, you?” I said while yawning. “Nothing here, so how good are you at this stuff?” he said. “Oh, I have had about 5 years of going it, like going to model shows and stuff like that. I have worked with Britney, Janet, Dream, and a lot of other people. So I won’t mess your curly hair up, I promise.” I said looking into his baby blue eyes. You can get lost in them, “Good, I love my hair.” We all laughed at this and then we had to leave to get on the road.
The next day they had practice so us girls got some time off and went shopping in New York. “Grace what about this?” I said as I walked out of the dressing room. It was white leather pants, a baby blue tube top, with a matching jacket, with some white platforms, “Girl, it looks good on you! Get it!” “Oh, I am, do you think it looks too hoey?” “Not really, what do you think girls?” she asked everyone. They all liked it, then we got some more clothes, and then it was time to go back because they had to go to Planet Hollywood. I went into Justin and Lance’s room, “Hey there Justin, Lance how’s it going?” “Good, do you know where Grace is?” Lance said. “Oh, yeah she told me to tell you that she would be here soon.” I said as she walked in. “So, what are you doing to my hair today, Dreama?” Justin said. “Well your hair with be put in cornrows then you will wear shinny blue jeans with a white tee-shirt with the jacket, is that cool?” “Yep, cool, with me? Will you be there?” “I guess so, do us stylist get to go free?” “Yeah, everything we go to, you can go too. Unless you don’t want to go…” “Oh, I will be there! You can bet on that, so don’t you worry Mr. Timberlake.” We laughed and then I started on his cornrows … it took me an hour to do it. Then he went to get dressed, he came back out, “That looks good on you.” “Thanks, I like it, too,” he said, as he caught me starring. I quickly turned my head, “Guys, time to go!” I was very thankful at that moment that they had to go, “So you will be there right?” “Of course! See you then.” I said as they left Grace and I standing there alone.
We went back to the bus and got ready, I wore that white leather outfit and Grace had on a black dress that went about an inch above her knees. We got there and where almost ran over but other fans trying to get to the front, we pushed our way to the taped off area. Then things really got crazy when they came out, “Who do you like best out of them?” “Well, being Lance’s stylist and everything … Lance. You?” she said. “I like Justin, he is just so funny! But I have a guy so I don’t like him that way.” “Well what if he did ask you out and you where single? What would you do?” “Well, I would keep it as friends.” She looked at me, “What? No way, oh come on, it’s not like I am going to tell him.” “Ok, well maybe.” “That’s our girl … (laugh) but you know Laurie right?” “Yeah, what about her, she doesn’t seem to like me all that much.” “That’s because she likes Justin and she got Joey.” “Oh well she ain’t gonna get Justin.” We waited until everyone was gone so we could get out without getting stomped on or something. When we finally got out the buses where about to leave when they saw us coming, “Don’t worry us girls are always late, so they know. They laugh every time.” When we got on the bus, we fell into our beds, “Gosh, I love this bed right now.” “Me, too. Well, going to take a shower, when are you?” Grace said as she got up. “In the mourning, I am way too tired.” I said. “That’s cool,” she said as she went into the shower.

Chapter Two

I reached up and got my phone, “Hey babe, it’s me Dreama.” “Hey, how’s it going?” Dan said … he was my boyfriend. “It’s going good, Justin is so nice. I kinda thought he would be mean since he and Britney broke up but he’s not.” “That’s good to hear, because if he gets rude with my girlfriend we are going to have some words. If he does anything wrong to you, you better tell me.” “Dan he is not going to do anything to me, he isn’t that way.” “You heard what happened to that girl … didn’t you?” “Yes, I did but please, if he did really do it, he wouldn’t do it again!” “AND how go you know this?” “Please, stop it! Just stop it!” “I don’t want you to work for them anymore, quit!” “You can’t make me quit! Look get off my back, I hate you, I never ever want to see you again! So get off my back, I am not yours anymore!” “What!” “You heard me loud and clear, now goodbye for life Dan!” I said as I hung up the phone. I grunted with frustration, and got changed into my pjs.
Over the next week, we went places and once Justin said that he needed to talk to me but then we had to go. I kept thinking about what he said and I wanted to know what he wanted to ask me. One day he got to it, “Dreama, or can I just call you Dream?” “Dream is fine.” I said. “Well, Dream, can we talk?” “Yeah, sure, I don’t have anything to do right now, so ask away.” “Well, you know that the VMA’s are about a week away, right?” "Yeah, what about them?" "Well, I was wondering if you would go with me, since I don't have anyone to take…" I didn't know what to say, "Uh, yeah, I would like that very much." "Great the girls are going shopping today to get dresses," he said looking at me. "Great, what color are you wearing?" "I don't know you are the one who picks out my colors." We laughed, "Ok, I will go look and then get the dress, I kinda wanna go shopping by myself." "Well, that's cool, now let's go pick out my clothes." So we walked back to his room, we talked about how his hair would be and stuff, and then we went to pick out some clothes. "What about this?" it was a tan suit and a white shirt under it with some tan shoes, "Or this? See this way, I could wear any color and it would match." It was a black suit with a black shirt and shoes, he went and tried both on, "I like the black better." "Ok, then this is what you will wear, now for me, I gotta go get my dress." "Can I come?" "No, you can wait until you see it at the VMA's." I said smiling at him as I walked out the door. "Ok, I can't wait!"

Note: 1/2 way through the story the character Dave changes to Cody