Nuku-chan's Anime Page!

Nuku Dress

UPDATE!!!! 12/29/03 Wow... It's been almost 4 years since the last time I updated this website!! (lost my password, etc...) I have so much to fix and update. So much has changed in just 4 years! Oh man this page needs work!! I guess it's still here because it's visited so often. I will make it one of my New Years Resolutions to work on this web page. Thank you for keeping this page going.I'd like to get the focus on this web site to be all about Nuku Nuku. Man, I still can't believe I finally got in here!

I can still be reached on ICQ, but I really miss....

Welcome! "The Usual Resturant"

Where Nuku Nuku would serve and greet you.>^_~<

"Upcoming Sections For Nuku-chan's Page"

"..I am working on it!Promice!.."giggle!"

Over the next few months I will update this page often. I hope you return often.

**NOTE**This will begin Jan 2004


  • All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku- about the show..
  • Nuku-chan ...ME! (giggle) -why I chose her name, (about me)
  • that why you came?! Lots of info on many old and new shows. >^_^<
  • Image Gallerys- Why this will be The Best Site for Nuku pics!
  • The Shrines....Mu-su sama....(giggle)
  • Nuku's giggle, and other sounds.
  • The Usual Restaurant...-does anyone remember?
  • Shin Nuku Nuku...the Nuku Nuku TV series being released soon from ADV.

Nuku Mad

ARGH!! What does it take to find good Nuku pictures on the WEB!? THERE ARE HARDLY ANY!!! It takes LOVE! So I made them myself! >^_~< Over 100 so far!! I will add them little by little keep coming back!

Nuku Shocked/Underwater

YIKES! Page STILL Under Heavy Construction!!- please keep checking back!!"

Well it's looking better, ne? >^_~<

(click here to visit Nuku-chan's Mousse Shrine)

Nuku-chan's Links...

My Family Website
Anime Web Turnpike
My Japanese Tutoring site
My Anime Clothes Art

Here are some pictures Nuku Nuku made, with a little help from the original art!

Nuku Nuku Transformed!

(Felicia from Dark Stalkers)

this is my character after she transforms

.. umm long story(giggle)

Shin Nuku Nuku Manga Touched up!!

(this is the December '97 cover art

of Nuku Nuku from "ESU"(ACE) magazine,

I spent about 7 days cleaning it up!

I hope you like!

Nuku will add midi's,moving pictures and much more! AS SOON AS SHE LEARNS HOW!! (giggle)>^_~<(wink) Until then ENJOY!!

(BTW, thank you to everyone that has helped Nuku so far, as you see it looks much better. Thank you my Gypsy Prince, Lunarian Dragon, Andy Lin, Wataru etc..)" Within the next few weeks Nuku will be rearanging her page to add more pics, and sounds, "Hope to see you at this years 'KATSUCON'Nuku will be there!! (giggle)so keep stopping by!>^_^<

Please E-Mail Nuku Nuku at ...
about how you like! or just to chat!>^_~< Until then.. ja ne....(jingle...jingle.....)

Nuku Good Luck!

Nuku Nuku will do her best!

(Click to hear Nuku say NUKU NUKU GAMBATE!! "Nuku Nuku will do her best!" can hear it better after the Midi Nuku has playing for you has stoped)


Think your page sould have a link here? Then add it! By "Signing Nuku-chan's Guestbook!!"
"View Nuku-chan's Guestbook!"

Nuku Nuku would like to Thank

who hosted this page and made it posable to be here for you! Get your own
Free Home Page!!