NuLyfe Concepts
Fountain Memorial
WTC Proposal 1
WTC Proposal 2
The 9 designs that have been chosen by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation have one thing in common, they lack a profound design that will please and help pacify all the hurt and damage that the American public have suffered. My name is Sophia Johnson and I have the design that I know without a doubt the President, NY Governor, and above all the American public will find a suitable replacement for our fallen twin towers.

Below, I formally submit my proposal for the WTC design and hope that this design can be displayed to the American public. Although it is a very crude drawing, my heart went completely into the structure’s meaning.

Meaning behind the building and grounds:
-Buildings will represent American Financial strength and security.
-The fountain will honor WTC history the original landmark and the names of the lives         lost. Brass plaques with the names of the public victims inlayed in cement or marble base of fountain.
-Peace sign landscape to represent American desire to secure world safety.
-Picture museum with photos of WTC history (then and now).
-Restaurant with photos engraved on walls of missing and found victims.

I hope that your comments will help convince the LMDC that the 9 designs are just designs. The proposal that I have drawn is much more than a design; it is a NYC and United States middle finger to all terrorists and enemies of the free world.

If you feel that this design would be the best choice to represent our memories and our recovery, visit, and leave a comment. Hopefully this design will be accepted and we will all be able to start healing.

Thank you, and I hope our recovery will be the best one.

LMDC Web Site