Home In The World In Canada In The North Ideas




I don't know how bright they are, but here are some of my ideas.  This will be the main area of growth for my site, so check back every couple of weeks to see what's new.

I have tried to rate the difficulty of these activities based on my experiences with them.  My ratings are as follows: (Out of 5)

These are the simplest activities.  They are appropriate for Sparks and Brownies.
Slightly more complicated activities.  Sparks will need extra time and help with these.  Great for Brownies or an easy activity for Guides.

Moderate difficulty level.  Good for Guides or older Brownies.

Advanced activities.  These are appropriate for Guides (with extra time) or Pathfinders.

The hardest stuff.  These are the ones I found the  most challenging to do myself.  Make sure you try them yourself before presenting them to Pathfinders, Sr. Branches, or Adults.