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ABC AUSTRALIA, 31/03/2004 21:06:43

Rights group accuses Malaysia of forcibly returning Aceh refugees

The Malaysian government has been accused of forcibly returning Indonesian refugees from Aceh province to Indonesia where their safety is at risk amid a continuing conflict there.

In a report, Human Rights Watch documents Malaysia's deportations of refugees and asylum-seekers from Aceh and the mistreatment of Acehnese refugees while in Malaysia.

The New York-based group accuses Malaysian authorities of violating their international legal obligations by failing to distinguish between Acehnese refugees fleeing conflict and other undocumented Indonesians in Malaysia.

Human Rights Watch claims the Acehnese are fleeing a brutal conflict, marked by massive human rights violations.

The group says instead of deporting, detaining and abusing them, Malaysia should recognize its legal obligations and offer them a safe place of refuge.

Indonesia declared launched an all-out offensive to crush separatist rebels in Aceh last May.

31/03/2004 21:06:43 | ABC Radio Australia News
© 2001 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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