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ABC AUSTRALIA, 25/04/2004 18:43:21

Indonesian police say five Papua rebels killed in robbery attempt

Indonesian police have reportedly shot dead five alleged separatists and wounded two during a robbery attempt in the easternmost province of Papua.

Police had earlier said they shot dead two rebels belonging to a splinter group of the separatist Free Papua Organisation.

But the chief of police for the Manokwari area, told the Kompas daily that soldiers combing the area for the rest of the robbers found three more bodies and two wounded men, including the group leader Manase Furima.

They wounded men were flown by helicopter to a hospital.

The robbers, armed with bows and arrows, ambushed two men from a timber company and a police escort on Wednesday.

25/04/2004 18:43:21 | ABC Radio Australia News
© 2001 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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