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ABC AUSTRALIA, Sunday, April 25, 2004. 11:15pm (AEST)

Twelve dead, scores wounded in Indonesia clashes

[Photo: A building burns as Christians and Muslims clash in Ambon, Indonesia. (Reuters)]

At least 12 people have died and scores were wounded as Muslim-Christian violence erupted in the eastern Indonesian city of Ambon, witnesses and hospital staff said.

A United Nations office was also set ablaze in one of the worst outbreaks of violence since a peace pact in February 2002 ended three years of sectarian battles in parts of the Maluku islands in which some 5,000 people died.

About 200 police reinforcements are expected to arrive early Monday, said Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu after the clashes, which followed a parade by mainly Christian separatists through the city.

Rivai Ambon, head of the Al Fatah hospital in the city of the same name, told Tempo online news service that 47 people were admitted to his hospital and eight of them died from gunshot wounds.

Two people died of gunshot wounds and one suffered a fatal heart attack at the Haulussi general hospital, while one schoolgirl was dead with gunshot wounds at the Bakti Rahayu hospital, staff said earlier.

Houses on each side of the boundary between Christian and Muslim sectors were quickly emptying, with people packing their belongings and fleeing to safer areas.

Others, fearing more conflict ahead, were queuing at shops to buy essentials like instant noodles and kerosene.

Mosque loudspeakers in Ambon, which still has burnt-out buildings and other scars from the earlier violence, were chanting Allahu Akbar (God is greatest), a local journalist said.

The UN mission and several cars parked there were set ablaze. Mr Ralahalu said a large hotel and a church were also set on fire but not destroyed.

The Governor, quoted by local radio, said violence was not sectarian but between independence supporters and their opponents.

Maluku police chief Bambang Sutrisno told residents to stay home after dark.

"We are calling on people not to leave their homes after 6 pm," he said on television. "We should all work to keep Maluku stable."

Residents said shots and explosions died away after dusk. Police and soldiers were patrolling the streets and guarding key sites.

Police said some 20 people had been detained, mainly members of the pro-independence Front for Maluku's Sovereignty, for displaying the banned separatist flag.

Trouble began after the group defied a longstanding ban and staged a street convoy, carrying flags to mark the 54th anniversary of the proclamation of a self-styled South Maluku Republic.

They traded jeers, insults and stones with mainly Muslim opponents, witnesses said.

One resident said police intervened and tried to steer the convoy towards police headquarters.

A mainly Muslim crowd that believed police were merely escorting the procession began to pelt the officers with stones, the resident said.

Din Kelilau, a local Muslim activist, said police responded with shots. It was not immediately clear whether these were warning shots or aimed at the crowd.

Mr Ralahalu, however, said separatists were returning from police headquarters when trouble broke out. They were protesting the arrest earlier in the day of their secretary general Moses Tuwanakotta.

Patrick Sweeting, local head of the United Nations Development Program's crisis prevention unit, said in Jakarta he had no information on how badly the UN building had been damaged but all UN staff were safe and had been moved to a hotel in the city.

He said UNDP has five staffers in the city and other UN agencies have about another 10.

"Things were going so well in terms of reconciliation and people getting back to peaceful activities," he said. "It's a great shame."

-- AFP

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