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Ambon Berdarah On-Line
News & Pictures About Ambon/Maluku Tragedy







ANTARA, Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:25:02 AM


Ambon public asked not to panic ahead of separatist anniversary

Ambon, Maluku, April 19 (ANTARA) - The people in Maluku province`s capital of Ambon were asked not to panic but make daily activities as usual ahead of the anniversary of the separatist group in the city calling themselves the South Maluku Republic (RMS), which will fall on April 25, 2004.

"I on behalf of the leadership of the Ambon City Legislative Council express belief that the people in Ambon have been able to judge what is good for them. Thus let`s together trust the Indonesian military and police that will take stern measures on those who try to disrupt stability," Chairman of the Ambon City Legislative Council, Lucky Wattimury, told ANTARA here Monday.

According to Lucky, the Maluku provincial police has since recently taken alert measures to gurantee that the police`s duties to safeguard the people run well, especially on April 25, 2004, when the RMS celebrates it anniversary.

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