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The Jakarta Post

The Jakarta Post, 4/2/2004 5:06:13 PM

Police to question cleric Ba'asyir next week: lawyer

JAKARTA (Agencies): The National Police will question militant Islamic cleric Abu Bakar Ba'asyir next Wednesday, just three weeks before his planned release from prison, in order to link him with the Bali bombing, Ba'asyir's lawyer said on Friday.

"I was informed that he will be questioned on Wednesday. I heard they want to link him with the Bali bombings," defense lawyer Wirawan Adnan told AFP.

Ba'asyir is due to be released from prison on April 30 for immigration offenses.

Foreign governments, especially Australia and the United States, have pressed Indonesia not to let Ba'asyir walk free on the pretext that he leads the Jamaah Islamiyah terror group.

The U.S. even provided transcripts from its investigation on Indonesian-born Riduan Isamuddin alias Hambali although denying direct access for Indonesian authorities to question him, who wasarrested in Thailand last August.

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