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TEMPO, 20 April 2004


Boyce: Ba'asyir Threat to World Security

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:US Ambassador to Indonesia Ralph L. Boyce has denied that he intervened in the legal process of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, convicted of immigration and identity-card fraud.

According to the US Ambassador, the legal settlement as regards Ba'asyir is an internal affair of Indonesia.

However, Boyce said that the US Government had been disappointed with the ruling made by the Supreme Court (MA) at the appeal level, which reduced Ba'asyir's jail sentence.

"Ba'asyir's release will threaten the security of countries throughout world, including Indonesia," he told reporters at his office in Jakarta on Monday (19/4).

According to Boyce, the US Government is convinced that Ba'asyir, the supreme leader of the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI), has personally been involved and even led international terrorism activities, including the Bali bombing incident on October 12, 2002.

He added that this was based on strong evidence.

Still, Boyce stated, the US Government accepted all decisions on Ba'asyir's case based on the legal system of Indonesia.

"We do respect the independent judicial system in Indonesia," he said.

Boyce denied that the US Government had intervened in the internal affairs of Indonesian Government. He admitted having met with Muhammadiyah organization chairman, Syafi'ie Ma'arif several days ago.

However, Boyce denied that he had delivered a special message related to the Ba'asyir's case, such as requesting Ma'arif's help to lobby several Indonesian officials to keep Ba'asyir under arrest.

He considered this as very unrealistic, adding that the US Government wanted Indonesian authorities to be able to settle this important matter properly.

Ma'arif said that Boyce did not explicitly ask his help to talk to National Police chief, Gen. Da'i Bachtiar, and Supreme Court chief of justice, Bagir Manan, and request them to keep Ba'asyir under arrest.

"But, he did ask me to request the law enforcers in Indonesia to carry out any possible measure in this matter. It is obvious that he was referring to National Police chief and Supreme Court chief of justice," said Ma'arif.

He added that there was a witness in their meeting.

Ma'arif stated that Boyce was forced to reveal the threat coming from the US Government should the Indonesian Government insist on releasing Ba'asyir at the end of his jail sentence. "Well, aid for Indonesia will be reduced," Ma'arif said.

(Faisal/Wahyu D/Maria Hasugian-Koran Tempo)

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