The Second Battle for West Melton

...or Here We Go Again
By Nick Grant

DBA [2.0] Bash, August 2001
Polybian Romans (David Wallace) vs. Later Carthaginians (Nick Grant)

In spite of a rather poor showing in his previous engagement, the Council of Carthage was persuaded by Nikolas' charm (for indeed he was a charming fellow [yeah right - Dave wanted a re-match!]) to raise for him another army. For low, he was mightily eager for a bit of glory and renown - and you can't get that by just sitting on yer bum at home! So, once again, he did pick a fight with those nasty Romans.

Punic StickmenThis time, the High Council paid for the gainful employment of some Gallic infantry [two elements of Warband], and did find some more Punic Stickmen [three elements of Spear] (the last lot having met an unfortunate end), some more Numidians [one Light Horse, two Psiloi] and, wait for it, two more Elephants!

Nikolas didst once more don his chain mail and winged helmet and did prance around looking for all the world like a mounted Gallic Noble [General's element]. He just liked that kind of thing...and besides, his other outfit wasn't ready yet!

Davidicus Scipio West Meltonus didst emerge from his revelry (by reason of his glorious victory [inconceivable!]) and did set forth his victorious infantry - Hastati, Priceps [six elements of Blades], Triari [two elements of Spear] and those cute looking Velites [two elements of Psiloi].

The Mighty Davidicus Scipio West MeltonusDavidicus himself did stumble forth from his tent and climbed upon his horse [cav General with another cav element besides] to lead from...well, behind.

And so, Nikolas didst set forth, and did indeed invade the lands of the Romans [gotta love the new DBA 2 army list aggression factors!] and he didst meet up with the big bad Wromans, and didst face Davidicus across the field of battle.

A mist hung over the field as the two comanders did glare at each other once more. And as Davidicus peered through the haze, he didst perceive that perhaps his troops were not arrayed to their fullest advantage. And so it came to pass that as the Polybians advanced, Davidicus did send them upon a merry little dance in an effort to re-organise his army.

Eager to take advantage of the chaos caused by this Dance of the Polybians, Nikolas didst ignore one of the prime axioms of battle and did try to advance his line. Unfortunately, due to some shoving too and fro of his own, Nikolas was unable to make much head way [elephants'll do that - specially if you break up your line into iddy biddy bits as well...].

And so, Davidus did continue his uncoordinated two step. Nikolas found it so amusing that he had to send forth his Numidians to bring back a report, for lo, he couldst not believe his own eyes!

Thus, it came to pass, that in the absence of significant Carthaginian opposition, Daviducus did succeed in redeploying most of his army. And so it was, as the two mighty armies did close upon each other with malice and intent to do grievous bodily harm, that Nikolas didst reveal a cunning plan, that had been prepared earlier.

Now where's that Ps gone?At once, Davidicus could foresee the imminent collapse of his line, and did rush back in an effort to plug the gap that was inevitable due to what was obviously the most magnificent manoeuvre that the world had ever seen [Hah!].

And so it came to pass that the two lines did meet, and did indeed clash loudly with each other, and a great hewing and a slayin did ensue. But alas! for the noble Carthaginians, for the first casualties of the day were theirs, as the end of the Roman line didst snot the end of the Carthaginian line. In response, Nikolas did chop up into little pieces the Roman youths 'a front of him [Velites], as Davidicus himself had foreseen, so that nothing at all remained of them, nor were they ever to be seen again. [Well, 'till next time at any rate.]

Nikolas, sensing that victory was but three elements way [!] didst send forth his men with renewed vigour, and sent his Elephants and Gauls to once more engage the Romans afresh. Their enthusiasm was rewarded, as the Warband swept away the opposing Triari [Spears] and did burst through the Thin White Line, as the cowardly Velites did turn and run from the mighty Carthaginian elephants.

Davidicus did quickly order his legionaries to fill the gap left by the Velites. However, the elephants did easily repulse the overawed Romans, but were unable to make any further advances due to Davidicus himself sitting back on his horse 'controling the zone', so to speak.

And so it ends...However, Davidicus did remove that impediment for Nikolas, for verily, after ordering the fleeing Velites back to support the bleagured Roman heavy foot, Davidicus did rush in where angels may well have feared to tread...with, well, not to put too finer point on it, predictable results!

And thus it did end, with the Wromans streaming, screaming from the field, wailing and crying like a bunch of little girls' blouses. And most undignified it was to behold...[and that was just Dave!].

(Click here for Dave's comments...)

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