Scott's Plasti-Dips

And these are the rather supurb results of Scott's efforts. Keep in mind, the Plasti-Dip that Scott has used is just a clear [matt] covering to protect the finished article. It doesn't actually alter the paint job itself. Which makes Scott's figures even more remarkable.

Italeri Roman Infantry

From Italeri's 6021 [Marion] Roman Infantry. Very nice command figures, as evidenced by Scott's treatment of the Standard Bearer.

War Cry Miniatures

(Note: these Generals have been "crunched" to squeeze onto the web. The originals look a bit better!)

Battle Cry, by Hasbro, is quite a cool game. American Civil War hex based boardgame with these hard plastic 25-28mm miniatures and terrain tiles. Alternating movement with each side moving their units by playing cards in relation to board sectors, the object being to capture 6 emeny flags by destroying their associated units. The generals buz around adding morale and firepower to any nearby unit. I really like the whole 'marshalling your forces before an assault' aspect of the game. Although I did find that the 'stand and receive enemy fire like a man' took a little getting used to. You don't get a chance to fight back 'till it's your turn!

Had half a dozen games with Stan Walker, lost all of them, and I'm still dead keen for more! So that can't be all bad then, can it?! There's actaually an Ancients version rumoured to be coming out. Should be very intersting...

These would appear to be some of Scott's later work - I managed to find this while trolling around for a Battle Cry site...

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