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North West Umstead Citizens Advisory Council - Raleigh, NC What is it? What happens at meetings?

This is a volunteer-run community organization and one of the 18 Citizens Advisory Councils (CAC) located throughout Raleigh.

The CACs are the only advisory bodies of the City Council whose members are not appointed by the City Council and where your membership is strictly voluntary. The CACs provide the means for citizens to be involved in the planning for the future of their community and its CAC gives the City another method to communicate with the community.

The chairpersons and other officers are elected from among the members of each CAC. In addition to facilitating zoning-requests presentations and the Q&A session that follow, the CAC may have other information of interest to the neighborhoods — including news from the Raleigh Citizens Advisory Council (leaders from all the CACs). A police officer assigned as your CAC's liaison attends the meeting. It's your chance to ask questions and learn of police activities and concerns in your CAC district.

The CACs also participate in selecting award candidates for the City of Raleigh's annual Community Appearance Honor Roll for new or renovated private and business properties.

For the NW Umstead CAC, zoning-change presentations and voting draw most people to the monthly meetings.

If you have property in (or live adjacent to) the property where the rezoning is being requested, you will receive a rezoniing notice from the City of Raleigh. But for others, the CAC's monthly newsletter often provides the first alert of impending zoning changes in their neighborhoods.

On even-numbered months Presenting the impending zoning change to the CAC members

Developers or property owners give a brief presentation of the zoning change they will be bringing before the City's Planning Commission and eventually before the City Council for a vote. The zoning requester (often represented by a third party) typically brings an enlargement of the property area and provides a brief overview of the zoning changes. After the presentation, attendees can ask questions, make statements or request clarifying information. The presentations and Q&A session lasts about 5-10 minutes each. (CAC presentation months: Feb, April, June, Aug Oct, Nov, Dec)

 The odd-numbered months Voting your approval or rejection of the zoning change:

CAC members who live the NW/Umstead geographical boundaries and are attending the CAC meeting can vote their approval or rejection of the previous month's zoning requests. Later in the voting month, a CAC representative presents its members votes at a public zoning hearing. Of course, citizens can also individually attend the public hearings and voice their opinions - both in favor or opposition to the zoning request. (CAC voting months: Jan, March, May, July, Sept. Nov)
If you have a petition to you want to be officially admitted into the record at the City's zoning meeting, you should contact the zoning office for specific instructions. Also, see a brief statement about the City's zoning hearings at Links to Raleigh Government sites .

Please feel free to contact the CAC via e-mail. nwucac@yahoo.com  - Current co-chairs: Jay Gudeman and Susan Holahan

updated: June 2001