New York Harbor Narrows Sites

Fort Hamilton - Queens

Built 1826
Fort Hamilton history

Mike Casale says: "About 40% of the original fort remains. What remains has been turned into a military/public country-club/recreation site. A small but interesting group of cannon sit along the road to the parking lot. Within the fort is a swimming pool, and the sally port is an entrance for caterers and workers. I could not get in without a pass, it is not open to the general public." AUGUST 2001

Landward Battery of Fort Hamilton.
Now the Coast Artillery Museum.

A 20-inch Rodman cannon, the largest muzzle-loading cannon ever built.

Fort Wadsworth - Staten Island

Built 1807 - Rebuilt 1847 - Declared Surplus 1994
Gateway National Recreation Area

Mike Casale says: "Inside Fort Wadsworth (Richmond) is a fake mounted Rodman cannon and a barrel of a real Rodman on wood chocks. I was not allowed to get up to higher elevations in the fort. I think that once a month a tour is given which takes people up to the parapets, but one should call ahead for times. Other than that, there is nothing else to see or be allowed into." AUGUST 2001

Fort Richmond 1807, rebuilt 1847. Renamed Fort Wadsworth in 1865.
Renamed Battery Weed (aka Lower Battery) in 1902 after the entire reservation was renamed Fort Wadsworth.

Exterior views of Fort Richmond.

Interior views of Fort Richmond.

A reproduction Rodman cannon.

Interior passageway.

Battery Catlin (1904-1942), once armed with two 3-inch guns.

Battery Bacon (1899-1919), once armed with two 3-inch guns.
These Endicot-era batteries were built among the South Cliff and North Cliff Batteries of the 1870's.

Battery Hudson (1811-1860's), modified in the 1870's.
Battery Barbour (1898-1920) is to the far right.

Observation post.

Fort Tompkins 1807, rebuilt 1847.
Became the Upper Battery of Fort Wadsorth in 1902 after the entire reservation was renamed Fort Wadsorth.

Parade ground of Fort Tompkins.