Many of us feel that we share something spiritual with Native Americans. At times we lean back and picture ourselves padding through the forest, hunting, and returning to a peaceful teepee by the river to enjoy the company of our family and tribe.

The drawing of this peaceful mental image of a oneness with nature is fairly common in these times of stress and out-of-control growth, unfortunately the image bears no resemblance to what is now the life of the Native American. Were you able to become one, honorarily, how long would you stay once exposed to the conditions of the reservation and all the social problems that come with it. It would be too easy to return to whence you came, something the Native Americans desire, but are unable to do.

No, 'becoming' a Native American is not an option. Moreso than most cultures, their's is closed at this time. Why? Because so much of it has been robbed from them that they are guarding it jealously in order to protect it and, hopefully, allow it to rejuvinate.

We all borrow somewhat from the culture, and where to draw the line is a constant debate, but anything that trivializes their culture and spritualism is not helping them.

So, if you can't become a Native American, perhaps you want to help them along their road to recovery. There are ways to help. One of the dangers of their present condition is that if they are 'helped' too much, they lose the ability and knowledge to help themselves. Why does that matter? Because if disempowered in that manner, what happens when 'helping' becomes unfashionable? There is a way to help through popular opinion though.

Reflect on the Israeli-Palestinian peace accord. What would the popular opinion be if down the road the Israelis changed their mind and through the Palestinians into gettos? What the American government did in breaking 570 treaties amounts to the same. The land of the Native Americans was stolen, and remains stolen to this date. The best way to help is to provide popular support - let your representatives and senators know that you want the treaties honored!

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