About me

This is the short version on the story of my life.

I was born in Sweden 1981 and was given the name Magnus. After nine-year compulsory ground school* it was time for three year in senior high school*. I moved 300 kilometers from my hometown Uddevalla where I grew up to a small town called Borensberg where I was given an education to become a watchmaker in the school named Stefanskolan.

The time in Borensberg was a happy time with many new friends and experiences. It was also the first time I lived on my own, fortunate for me my parents hade prepared me to be independent and handle things on my own, including basic housework (except ironing).

After my education was completed I was directly called to do my national service in the Royal Swedish Navy as a crypto-technician, I served under the 1: a Submarine flotilla. A couple of things that you get really good at in the Navy is to shine shoes and make one's bed. The number one thing they teach you in the Navy is team-work. I also got trained in the art of basic defense combat and sub-machine-gun handling. When I finished my national service I was offered a short time employment on a project within the military authority’s witch I accepted.

After the project I worked for more then one year as a watchmaker, since then I have hade many different jobs. I was in the hotel business for a while. Right now I'm working as a personal support worker, I enjoy working with people.

On my spare time I work on my car where there always is something to do, I also sitting a lot of time in front of my computer where there almost never is anything sensible to do. On the weekends I’m with my girlfriend Anna-Karin. My favorite hobbies are cooking and photographing. On the summer holydays I like bicycling on the Swedish island Gotland.

* I’ve used English names that are comparable to the Swedish school system.