NYPD Blue Fanfiction

Alternate Beginning for "Arrested Development"
By Tina


Setting: Connie's Apartment
Early Monday Morning

We find Andy and Connie getting ready for work getting dressed in 
their bedroom. Beepers are going off. Baby Michelle is crying and 
there is considerable chaos in the McDowell/Sipowicz household.

Theo glumly walks into Andy and Connie's bedroom looking like death 
warmed over.

Theo: Daddy...Connie...

Connie: Theo, why aren't you ready for school yet?

Andy: What's up, sport?

Theo walks over and sits on Andy's lap.
T: I don't feel well.

Connie proceeds to check Theo's forehead.
C: Well, sweetheart, your head doesn't feel warm.

Connie looks over to Andy with a questioning look on her face. Andy 
shoots back a look of concern at Connie.

T: My stomach hurts.

C: Theo, last week you complained that your head hurt. On Friday, 
you said you had a sore throat and you've been perfectly fine the 
entire time.

A: How come I wasn't told about this?

C: I didn't want to needlessly worry you. Andy...he's been faking 
these cold symptoms for the last week. I really don't think he's 

Andy ponders this for a moment and then:

A: Well, maybe he really doesn't feel well. (as he checks Theo's 
forehead for himself).

C: (exasperated) Andy!!! He's faking it.

A: No, he's not. He's my son. And I would know if he was faking it.
Theo, you can stay home from school today. I'll call you from work 
and check in on you later.

Theo hugs Andy and almost skips out of the room. Mission 

C: Andy!!! I thought we decided when you and Theo moved in that we 
would be making major parenting decisions together. You know...a 
united front.

A: Then how come I wasn't told about this sooner. He's my son...not 

Just then, the doorbell rings. It's the sitter. 

C: Well, since he's your son, why don't you explain to Rachel why 
Theo won't be going to school today!!!! ( And Connie proceeds to 
storm out of the bedroom slamming the door as she exits.

And then Baby Michelle starts to cry.

Cut to: Andy on the bed rubbing his head...
A: Great...just great!!! Just what I need...the beginning of a 
wonderful day!!!


OK, so given what we know about how the day goes for Andy and Connie 
based on the spoilers, we are to assume that Andy gets Junior out of 
the heroine possession charge.

At the end of a very long, exhausting day for both of them, Andy and 
Connie make up.

Here's what I came up with:

Ending Scene:

We see Andy, Connie, Junior and Rita sitting at their desks in the 
squad room. Andy is finishing up the paper work as Junior gets ready 
to leave.

Junior: Andy, thanks for everything today. Your belief in me means 
a lot.

Andy: We're partners aren't we??? And partners look out for one 
another. (He says this loud enough for Connie to overhear.)

Junior: Well, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it. 
(and Junior extends his hand to Andy). Partner. (And he and Andy 
shake hands.

Rita: (comes up to Junior's desk) You ready to go.

Junior: Well, good night.

Andy: Goodnight.

Junior and Rita together: Goodnight Connie.

Connie: Goodnight.

Connie proceeds to finish cleaning up her desk and gets ready to 
leave when Andy stops her.

Connie: Well, I better get home. Michelle will need her bath soon.

Andy: Connie, can we talk???

Connie: I don't know. Can we?? Without yelling at each other??

Andy: Have dinner with me??? Just the two of us. We need some 
quiet time to talk. Please?? I asked John to watch Theo and 
Michelle till we got home.

Connie: OK, Andy.

Next scene:

At the diner...in their favorite booth finishing their meal.

Andy: Connie, I'm sorry about the way I acted today. I 
overreacted. I tend to do that sometimes. This move has been hard 
on Theo. I thought in time he would come around but he hasn't.

Connie: Andy, I know that. This has just been Theo's way of getting 
extra attention. I know it hasn't been easy for him especially with 
the baby. We'll work it out with Theo but I need to know that we're 
going to stand together. How strong are we together as a couple if 
we're fighting already and you haven't even been moved in for a 

Andy: I promise to have a nice long talk with Theo when we get 
home. We're going to get this all out in the open. Things will be 
better after that.

And I promise that we'll discuss things first. I mean it. (And Andy 
reaches across the table and takes Connie's hand in his and squeezes 

Connie: Andy, I'm sorry too. I love you. I don't want to fight 
with someone I love. I haven't been this happy in a long time. 
(Connie squeezes Andy's hand.) I want you and Theo both to be happy 
too. I know we're never going to agree about everything but we have 
to communicate with each other.

(Andy looks up at her and can see the love in her eyes.)

Connie: Andy, since we're talking...there are a few other things 
I've been meaning to get out in the open.

Andy: Like what?? 

Connie: Why don't we get out of here and we can discuss them on the 
way home?
Andy: Let's go.

(Andy and Connie proceed to leave the restaurant and walk out onto 
the street. As they do, they are greeted by the cold NY winter wind 
and a frosty taste of light snow.)

Connie: Let's walk home.

Andy: Connie??? (Andy turns her to look at him.)

Connie: Hmmmm????? (as she looks up at Andy.)

Andy: I love you too. (And then Andy proceeds to kiss her and Connie 
kisses him back.)

(Connie then links her arm inside Andy's and they walk huddled 
together and Connie places her head against Andy's shoulder as they 
walk arm in arm together.)