NYPD Blue Fanfiction

Fish Sticks and Valentines
By Sporteethree


Scene I: 

Setting: 15th Detective Squad – Mid Afternoon: It’s been a rather slow day & our detectives are all at their desks getting caught up on their paperwork. Lt. Rodriguez comes out of his office & approaches Connie’s desk. 

Tony: Connie, a sector car grabbed up your suspect in the Martin homicide from last week. They’re on their way in with him. Should be here soon. 

Connie: Great, we’re almost 100% sure that this is our guy. Everybody we’ve interviewed so far has him pegged as a wannabe bad ass that would shoot an innocent tourist just for the thrill of it.  

Tony: Okay then, let’s make sure he’s our guy. If he is, let’s nail him.  

Connie: You got it boss. 

(Connie & Rita head to the pokey room where Hank is now sitting with their suspect). Andy watches until they are out of sight. He gets up & approaches PAA John’ desk, making sure that Connie is out of ear shot. 

Andy: (Whispering): I just spoke to the jeweler, the necklace is ready & I’ll be leaving in a few minutes to go pick it up. You got your story straight as to what you’re supposed to tell Connie about where I went, right? 

PAA John: Right detective, I’ve got it. You were called away to talk to Theo’s teacher. You’re going straight from the school to pick up the baby at the sitter’s & you’ll see her at home later. 

Andy: Great, thanks John. And thanks again for helping me pick out the necklace. I’ve never been real good at this type of stuff. I just hope she likes it. 

PAA John: Oh detective, I’ve never met the woman that wouldn’t love getting a heart shaped diamond pendant. I’m sure detective McDowell will be thrilled. 

Andy: I hope so, she hasn’t been too thrilled with too many things lately. I’ll see you tomorrow John. Thanks again, I owe you one. 

PAA John: Good night detective, good luck. 

Andy leaves for the day & John goes back to work with a satisfied smile on his face.  

SCENE II: About an hour later. Connie & Rita are finished interviewing their suspect & return to their desks as Lt. Rodriguez is preparing to leave for the night. 

Tony: Did he go? 

Rita: Yeah, the little creep went. 

Connie: When he learned how many witnesses we had & that the victim’s husband picked him out of a photo array. He went from being Mr. Tough guy to the no good coward that he is. I’m going to type up the 5’s & then take him over to Central Booking. 

Tony: Good work you two. The media loves it when these types of cases go unsolved. This should shut them up for a while.  

Rita: Thanks Loo, Good night. (To Connie): Are you sure don’t mind doing the 5s & taking him to Central booking? I’ll stay & help & go with you if you’d like?  

Connie: No, you go ahead Rita, there’s no reason we should both be stuck here tonight. I know you & John have plans tonight. I’ll take care of this. 

Rita: Thanks Connie; good Night. (to John who is putting the finishing touches on his own paperwork). You soon ready? 

Clark: Yeah, I just need a few more minutes here. 

Connie: (Suddenly notices Andy’s absence) Where’s Andy? 

Clark: Not sure, he just said something about needing to take some lost time this afternoon. 

PAA John: I’m sorry detective McDowell; Detective Sipowicz got called away to meet with Theo’s teacher. He said to tell you that he would pick Michelle up at the sitter’s & that he would see you when you got home. (John prepares to leave for the night). 

Connie: (More than a little irritated): I see, thank you John. Hey, you & Ray have a great time tonight.  

PAA John: Thank you detective, we will. See you tomorrow. (He smiles a knowing smile at Connie as he leaves). 

Rita & John say their good nights & leave the squad as well. Greg & Baldwin approach Connie as they too are preparing to leave.  

Baldwin: You want some help with those 5’s Connie? I’d be glad to stay a while & help out. 

Greg: Me too, we could take your suspect over to Central booking for you too if you’d like. 

Connie: Don’t you guys have tickets to the Knicks game tonight? You go ahead, I’ll take care of this.  

Baldwin: Yeah, we have tickets; but the way the Knicks are playing this season; a trip to Central booking might be more enjoyable. 

Greg: Yeah anyhow. You sure you don’t want some help? 

Connie: No thanks guys. You two go ahead, I’m almost done here anyway. 

Baldwin: Well okay then. Come on partner, looks like you’re my Valentine this year. Good night Connie. 

Greg: Night Connie. 

Connie: Night guys, have fun.

Connie was now alone in the squad. It was kind of fitting to the way she had been feeling lately. Things had not been as she had expected them to be at home. She loved Andy & the kids with all her heart. But it was Valentine’s Day & she was working late. Rita & John were going out for a romantic dinner. John Irvin had a special night planned for he & Ray& even Baldwin & Greg were at least at a ball game together. All she had to look forward too was a colicky baby, a sullen 6 yr old and another tension filled night at home with Andy. 

Connie: (to herself), okay McDowell, snap out of it. Who needs all that sappy Valentine’s stuff anyway. At least you’re not going home to an empty apartment. 

Connie finishes her paperwork & leaves to take her prisoner to Central booking.  

SCENE III: The Sipowicz/McDowell Apartment. Connie arrives home to find that Andy has fed & bathed both kids & is preparing to put them to bed for the night. 

Andy: (Happy to see her) Hey, welcome home! 

Theo: Hi Connie. We made dinner for you, fish sticks & macaroni & cheese! 

Connie: (Pleasantly surprised) Hi guys, thanks. (Andy gives her a quick kiss on the cheek). 

Andy: Why don’t you sit down & relax while I put the baby to bed. I’ll be back in a few minutes. (He gives her another quick kiss & heads towards the bedroom). 

Theo: Good night Connie. (He gives her a big hug & a kiss before heading off to bed). 

Connie: (Still in a state of disbelief). Good night sweetie, sweet dreams. 

SCENE IV: About a half hour later. Connie has finished her dinner & is relaxing on the couch. Still a little shocked at what she came home to this evening. Andy returns to the living room after getting both Theo & Michelle to sleep. 

Andy: Hello there. 

Connie: Hello yourself, what happened here tonight? I thought for a minute that I had the wrong apartment. 

Andy: (Laughing) Nope, you got the right place. (He sits down beside her & takes her hand). Look Connie, I realize that things haven’t been all that great around here. This move certainly hasn’t turned out like I’d hoped. But I promise, they’ll get better soon. Don’t give up on us yet. Okay? 

Connie: (Touching his cheek), Oh Andy, I know it hasn’t been easy. I’ve been so overwhelmed with Michelle’s death & the baby & worrying about losing her. I’ve been so preoccupied with doing what’s right for the baby that I’ve been neglecting you & Theo. I’m so sorry, things will settle down soon. We’ll be okay. 

Andy: I know they will. I had a nice long talk with Theo this afternoon. He finally opened up a little. I think he’s about to turn the corner. He says he’s made a couple of friends at school & that he understands a little better about the attention that the baby needs right now. He even helped me plan & make our dinner tonight. 

Connie: I should have known he had a hand in choosing the menu tonight. The fish sticks were delicious by the way.  

Andy: (Pulling her to him) Sorry about that, I wanted to have a nice meal ready for you when you got home tonight. But Theo was pretty adamant that fish sticks would be perfect. 

Connie: They were perfect. What could be better than fish sticks made by my two favorite guys? 

Andy: (Kissing her on the forehead): Listen Connie, I know what today is. I’ve never been one to go for all that hearts & flowers stuff. But, here, (He leans forward & takes a small box out of his pocket & hands it to her). 

Connie: Oh Andy, what did you do? 

Andy: Open it & see. It’s a just a little something to show you what you mean to me.  

Connie: (opens the box & takes out the pendant). Oh Andy, it’s beautiful. (She kisses him gently on the lips). I didn’t realize; I don’t have anything for you. I’m sorry. 

Andy: (Touching her cheek) You’ve given me more than you could ever know. When Theo’s mother died, I thought I’d never be happy again. I was convinced that I didn’t need anything or anybody but Theo. Nothing else mattered but him, until you came along. I never thought I could feel this way again. But I love you Connie. I know I’m not the easiest guy in the world to be with. But I love you, & I want you to know that you’ve made me very happy. 

Connie: (Happy tears streaming down her face. Oh Andy, I don’t know what to say. I love you too. (They share a nice long passionate kiss). I never thought I could be this happy. (They kiss again. Connie pulls away first & stands up). Come on. (She takes his hand). 

Andy: Where we going? (he stands up with a devilish smile on his face & a gleam in his eye). 

Connie: Just follow me detective, see if you can figure it out before we get there. (she kisses him again, takes his hand & leads him towards their bedroom).