November Entries
Thursday, November 8, 2001 - 5 weeks

I took an at-home pregnancy test to confirm that I was NOT pregnant.  After only seconds it showed two lines which means you are pregnant.  We made a doctor's appointment for the following day to confirm the test results.  Later that night I took another home test just to make sure the results were accurate and that the test was working properly.  Again there was two lines!
Friday, November 9, 2001

The doctor's appointment was at 8:30AM.  We went in and he pretty much said that there wasn't any need to take a test there because the home tests are pretty accurate.  We wanted him to do one anyhow just to be certain.  It of course came back positive and he told us the due date was July 9, 2002.  He then discussed care options with us.

After the appointment, we decided to start checking out our options and went to Maternity Associates in Mairangi Bay.  There we met Margeret and then she introduced us to Jo.  After talking with Jo for a while we knew that we wanted her to be our midwife throughout the pregnancy.  She's really great and laid back.

Once we decided on our midwife, it was home to call the family.  We called my mom first to tell her the news and she was excited for us both.  Then we called my brother, Shaun, and told him he was going to be an uncle.  He was excited as well.  Then we decided to take a trip to Hamilton to tell Hugh's parents.  We gave them a card hoping not to raise suspicions.  They were happy as well.  That night we stayed in Hamilton and the following day we stopped in at Auckland to tell Hugh's brother and his partner.  They thought something was up and thought maybe we were going to tell them about a baby.  We do believe everyone was generally surprised by our news.
Monday, November 12, 2001

I have a head cold and am only to take nasal spray.  The sneezing is beyond control and "peanut" is probably jumping around quite a bit!  I am still feeling nauseous but haven't had morning sickness yet.  It's much easier for me to eat something that is already prepared than cooking it for myself because it makes the nausea worse.  I seem to be tired a lot with feeling the need for a lie down after being up for only 5 hours.  I also seem to sleep better now too.
Friday, November 16, 2001 - 6 weeks

We had an appointment with the midwife scheduled for today, but unfortunately Jo thought she had the address with her but soon learned she didn't when she got to this part of Stanmore Bay.  She also didn't have the phone number written down either.  Soooo our appointment was canceled for today and rescheduled for next Wednesday.  We were definitely looking forward to her visit today but we will just have to wait till next week.

The rest of the day was spent looking at different baby items and pricing things.  We did however buy our first pack of diapers and a couple of really cheap items at K-Mart.  It's never too early to start especially when it comes to diapers!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Today was our first appointment with our midwife.  We didn't seem to cover much and most of the time was spent filling out paper work.  We did discover that having a midwife is a far different experience than having a doctor.  We found out that they don't do pelvic or internal exams and they don't worry about weight either.  Jo told us that there wasn't any point to worrying about or charting these things.  The only thing she will check for at every visit is your blood pressure and protein and glucose in your urine.  That's it!  Seems easy enough and no uncomfortable internal exams.  Besides, I'm sure July will be tough enough!

She also talked to us about having scans done.  It is up to us to have these done or not.  We figure the normal 3 scans throughout the pregnancy was fine and if anymore were required then we would do them if we need too.  The first scan I will have done is called a nuchal translucency and I'll have it done after Christmas.  This scan will check for Downs Syndrome.  It checks the nuchal translucency thickness which is a thickness of the black space (fluid) in the neck area of the baby.  It doesn't eliminate you from having a child with Downs but it tells you what your risks are of having a child with it.  Plus it will also be cool to see the baby for the first time and know that it's really in there!!

Our next appointment is December 20 and we'll get a reminder to have the scan done within the next couple of days.  Lately the nausea seems to come and go but no throwing up yet and hope it doesn't come to that either.  However, sometimes it seems like throwing up would be better than feeling sick all the time.  Hopefully it will go away soon or once "peanut" at least gets settled in!!
Friday, November 23, 2001 - 7 weeks

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  It was still Thanksgiving Day in the US when we had our Thanksgiving dinner at an American cafe in Albany.  This was the only way we could afford to have turkey since they are rather expensive around here.  We had all the trimmings though and finished with pumpkin pie.  Although the stuffing didn't sit too well with me and caused indigestion.  I think it was from the giblets in it.  Guess the baby didn't like it!!  Peanut doesn't seem to like onions either!  We didn't do much for Thanksgiving but it's hard to do when it's not fall here and it's not a tradition here either.

A little tidbit of information that we learned about the baby.  As of now the baby is deciding whether it wants to be a boy or girl.  Between 6-8 weeks the X or Y chromosome from the father comes into effect determining which sex the baby will be.  So there you have it!  Such useful information!