The O-Folk at the Shimoda Salmon Festival

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Let's Go To The Shimoda Salmon Festival With The O-Family!
I think it was only a week or two after we got here, but that could be my addled memory making a hash again out of everything I've ever seen. Anyway, we heard about the salmon festival, where you pay a couple hundred yen to get in, put on some waterproof boots - well, you didn't have to, but it would've been a good idea - and when they blow the whistle and release the salmon, all you've got to do is bend down and grab one. Simple, right?


Like so many things that sound simple, this event was a circus.
I think it's one of those crazy ideas that city commissioners come up with in board meetings, then laugh themselves silly as they watch the gullible boobs slosh around in the freezing water, getting soaking wet and holding up their prize salmon as if they'd bagged a charging rhinocerous.

Okay, I'm being way too harsh. Actually, we all had a lot of fun, and we even took our salmon home and ate them, so I'd have to say that we had a really good time. Once.

Here, Barb and Sean squelch their way across a two-inch wide causeway made out of milk baskets. The water's only six inches deep, but it's cold as ice.


And here's the prize! A genuine, live, wet, cold salmon, fighting mad and all too willing to slap you right in the face if you don't watch yourself. I can't be certain - it's my trick memory again - but I think we all dropped each of our fish, and had to grab another one. If we ever did this again, and I'm not insinuating for a moment that we would, I think I would just take pictures of the boys, and I'm pretty sure Barb would be cheering them on from the refreshments tent, with a hot bowl of ramen in her hands.


Here's Tim's prize.


Sean made a very close friend while we were at the festival.


And That's All From The O-Family At The Shimoda Salmon Festival!
Remember that, whenever you're at an event such as this one, you should probably keep a lookout for the goofy dweebs dorking it up, because we're probably there, too.
Ta-Ta For Now!



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