The following links will provide months of fan fiction reading enjoyment.
 Most sites also offer  links to even more fan fiction 
(as well as other X-Files related sites and topics).

The ATXC intermediate auto-archive.  Check in for the latest fanfic.

The Gossamer Project is a group of specialty archives which, combined, contain the vast majority of X-Files fan fiction on the Internet. Any story which the author has given Gossamer permission to archive (either directly or by giving general permission to everyone) will be archived at Gossamer. There are, oh, around 13,000 stories currently archived, and more come in everyday. 

The Annex:  The XFiles Fanfic Novel Archive
Stories over 200k are archived here.  Perfect for those times when you just need to wallow in some great fanfic

MTA Archive
Lousy name, great archive. This site is updated very frequently. 

Mysterious and Suspicious 
The Mysterious and Suspicious mailing list archive.

Xemplary Archive
The XFC mailing list archive -- lots of great stuff.

Author Listings
Lists the home pages of many fanfic authors. 

A very cool fan fic archive plus more! Features include "Spotlight On" (a series of in-depth interviews with fan fic authors, to date Nascent and QofMush), "Can We Talk?" (site hosts Shari and Kristina post their smart, funny and fascinating discussion of a different fan fic work each month), and "Help Desk," a useful resource for novice or would-be fan fic authors. Also, all fan fic archived at Chronicle X are listed with short commentaries by either Shari or Kristina.

Anna Haynes Home Page
Go to "Links" for links to Anna's favorite fan fiction authors, as well as many other wonderful web sites (most with a Romantic/Shipper slant)--including Anna's own MFEO (Made For Each Other) Society page and her treatise on the craft of writing (fan fiction or anything else).

Primal Screamers
Terrific archive filled with lots of great fanfic. 

X-plicit Disclosures
Dedicated to angst, conspiracies, and the finer things in life!


The XFiles is the property of Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and Fox Broadcasting.
 Used without permission. No infringement intended.