I. Understand and apply the concepts of numbers
     A. Develop the concept of numbers
     B. Develop the concept of fractions and decimals
     C. Develop the concept of place value
          1. Read and write numerals in standard form to trillion
          2. Read and write word form to thousands
          3. Read and write decimals to thousandths
     D. Understand binary (base 2) or other base systems
 II. Understand and apply the concepts of operations involving rational numbers
     A. Add or subtract
          1. four-digit whole numbers with regrouping
          2. mixed numbers with unlike denominators with regrouping
          3. decimals up to thousandths with regrouping
          4. two digits integers
     B. Multiply or divide
          1. three-digit whole numbers
          2. mixed numbers
          3. decimals up to thousandths
     C. Use order of operations effectively
 III. Understand and apply the concepts of problem solving
      A. Use a problem solving process
           1. Solve two-step story problems
      B. Estimation
           1. Round a number to designated place
           2. Estimate the solution to a problem
           3. Determine the reasonableness of a solution
 IV. Understand and apply the concepts of measurement
       A. Develop the process and concepts of measurement
       B. Understand the principles of length, capacity, weight, mass, area,
            volume, time, temperature, and angle
       C. Utilize appropriate measurement tools
       D. Convert within and between systems
 V. Understand and apply the concepts of graphs, tables and maps
      A. Collect, organize and construct simple data sets to answer questions
      B. Read and interpret data from various forms
      C. Plot points on coordinate plane
 VI. Understand and apply the concepts of geometry
       A. Identify, describe, draw, model, classify, and compare geometric figures
       B. Recognize geometry in nature and in things that people make
       C. Find perimeter of various polygons
       D. Find area of various geometric shapes
       E. Find volume of various geometric solids
       F. Calculate circumference and area of circles
 VII. Understand and apply the concepts of percent/proportion
        A. Develop the concept
        B. Use percent formula
        C. Figure interest and sales tax
        D. Solve proportion problems
        E. Calculate discount, commission, and finance charges
 VIII. Understand and apply the concepts of algebra
         A. Solve elementary linear equation of the form ax + b = c
         B. Evaluate an algebraic expression
 IX. Understand and apply the concept of probability
       A. Determine probability of independent and dependent events
       B. Use probability to predict outcomes
 X. Understand and apply the concepts of statistics
      A. Systematically collect, organize, and describe data
      B. Understand basic features of statistics
      C. Understand bias of statistics
 XI. Understand and apply the concepts of technology
       A. Use a calculator effectively
       B. Use a laser disk as a problem solving tool
       C. Investigate using the computer as a problem solving tool
 XII. Understand and apply the concepts of monetary life skills
        A. Reconcile check book
        B. Calculate sources of personal income
        C. Determine personal budget
        D. Understand credit card cost
        E. Complete money transactions accurately
        F. Determine the best buy

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